The true red OverRay disappeared, and the silver-gray knight's sword turned back into a huge ax once again.

Through the experiment just now, he already understood that he is probably between the second stage of mind and the third stage of mind. As long as he is given time to practice, he should be able to reach the third stage in a short time.

Long Cheng handed the Dragon Bone Ax to Eugeo, and then sat on the huge tree root of Gigas Cedar to rest.

Eugeo took the ax in a daze, his expression of astonishment becoming a little stiff.

One sword increased the incision by ten centimeters!What is this concept?

Seven generations of carving hands in Lulid village, it took three hundred years, but only left a one-meter-deep incision.

And Long Cheng's ability to turn an ax into a knight's sword just now is beyond his comprehension.

Although advanced sacred arts can indeed transform matter, it is permanent, and Long Cheng did not recite any sacred words just now.

"Longcheng." Eugeo looked at the young man in black sitting on the root of the tree.

"What's the matter, Eugeo?"

"Was that swordsmanship just now? That... can you teach me." Eugeo said shyly.

"Mine is not swordsmanship, how should I put it, it is a special kind of sacred technique, I call it mind technique.

If you want to learn, I can teach you, but whether you can learn it is up to you. "Long Cheng replied with a smile.

For Eugeo, Long Cheng still likes it very much, and he felt sad for him when he saw him leave with Alice's fluct light fragments.

Anyway, the days of waiting for Kirito's arrival should be rather boring, so let's find something to do for ourselves.

"Then..." Hearing that Long Cheng promised to teach him, Eugeo looked at him excitedly.

"Don't be so anxious, it's noon now, let's eat first.

The cultivation of Mind Skills does not happen overnight, I will formally teach you tomorrow. "Long Cheng stopped, signaling Eugeo to calm down.

Incarnation skills are not abilities that can be developed in a short period of time. In the original book, it took Kirito nearly a year to learn it by himself.

In the Accelerated World, Haruyuki Arita was also trained under Fuko Kurasaki's Super Spartan training, and only got started within [-] days after dying twice.

Eugeo opened the package he had placed next to the tree root, and inside were two round loaves of bread and a bag of water.

Long Cheng picked up a piece of bread and was about to eat it, but was stopped by Eugeo raising his hand.

"Wait, Longcheng, you have to confirm the fate of the item before eating it."

Saying that, Eugeo waved his left hand and pointed to the bread in his right hand.He stretched out his index finger and middle finger at the same time and bent the other fingers.Maintaining this posture, Eugeo drew the tracks of the letters S and C in the air.

Then Eugeo tapped the bread in his hand with his fingers, making a metal vibration sound, and at the same time a translucent rectangular window glowing lavender appeared.

English [StatusoWindow] is written on the top of the rectangular window, that is, the status bar and the property panel.

Longcheng imitated the example, and summoned the attribute panel to the bread in his hand. The text displayed on it was very concise, and there was a string of small characters [UnitType: 08J3CT/Food] on the right side of the status bar at the top.

Below are three lines of information, the first line [Class: None]; the second line [Durability: 5/36], which should be the durability of the bread; the last line of this bread is not displayed.

It can be seen on the attribute table that the durability of the bread is decreasing at a slightly faster rate. If this continues, the durability of the bread will return to zero in about two hours.

"There is still some destiny, so don't be so anxious about eating. In summer, the rate of decline in food destiny will become abnormally fast."

After saying that, Eugeo took a bite of the bread and chewed vigorously.

Long Cheng also took a bite, "Crack!".

It's so hard, this is Long Cheng's first impression after biting it down, the hardness of this bread is almost as hard as the overnight steamed buns.

Although Long Cheng didn't care too much about the taste of the food, but the taste is really hard to describe.

340. Entering the Village

"It's not delicious, this." Eugeo tossed the bread in his hand and said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's just a little too hard."

"Don't force it, although I bought this at the bakery when I left the village, but since it was still early in the morning, I can only buy the leftovers from the day before.

I don't have time to go back at noon... A long time ago, someone gave me a lunch box at noon, but now..." As he spoke, Eugeo's expression became gloomy.

"Then... what happened to her?"

"She was my childhood sweetheart, a girl my age.

We've been playing together since we were kids, and she's brought me lunch every day since I was entrusted with the vocation of a scratcher.

But...just five years ago...that is, when I was eleven years old, the Integrity Knight came to the village...brought her to the central was all my fault...we shouldn't have gone north that day spelunking..."

Eugeo slowly told Long Cheng what happened, the bread in his hand was crushed vigorously.

At that time, Eugeo could only watch Alice being taken away by the integrity knight. He wanted to resist and attack the knight with the ax in his hand, but his right eye turned blood red and the severe pain made him stand still. in place.

Eugeo, who had lost his expression, just looked at the sky like this, with a slightly self-deprecating look on his lips.

"...The training is very hard, and it won't be effective in a short period of time. If you can't persist, I will give up teaching you at any time." After a while, Long Cheng said in a low voice.

"Yes, I wish for it!" Eugeo nodded vigorously, his eyes shone with a light called hope.

Under the condition of not violating the "Taboo Index", there is only one way for Eugeo to go to the central capital, and that is to complete his vocation, cut down the devil tree Gigas Cedar, and then go to the central capital to participate in the swordsmanship conference .

"Ah, by the way, let me see the destiny of this tree." After saying that, Eugeo summoned the attribute table of Gigas Cedar.

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