"All right……"


"Baiye!" Coming to the beach, the Soul Museum Satsuta yelled and jumped into the sea and waved to everyone, "Hurry up, everyone."

"Really, drag others into the water." Kusama Kanon said with a sigh.

"Hahaha, it's very Sata-san's style." Xiaotiaoji said with a smile.

Then Xiaojoji dragged Sakura Manji to swim, and Kusama Hanane dragged Samkawa Guhiro for a walk on the beach.

Long Cheng found a relatively remote place, bathed in the sun, lay quietly on the soft sand, listening to the sound of the waves.

Yu Qi walked aimlessly on the beach in a pink swimsuit, occasionally poking small crabs on the beach.

Soulkan Sota set up a parasol, took out the photography equipment in his suitcase, and pointed the camera at Uki.


"What's the matter, don't you want to play with them?" Long Cheng who was lying on the beach suddenly said.

"...not interested." Sitting beside Long Cheng, Qi said calmly.

"Whatever you want." Long Cheng opened his eyes and glanced at Qi, then closed them again.

"Cheng... are you going to leave?" Yuqi asked suddenly.

Qi, who seems to be nothing, is actually more sensitive than anyone else. She has noticed that since she came to the big island, Long Cheng has distanced herself from herself.

"...Well, after finding the Origin Stone, I should be leaving." After a short silence, Long Cheng said.

"Cheng...where will he go?"

"...other worlds."

"Then... take me too..."

"You are still too weak. In some worlds, even my life will be in danger."

"..." Hearing Long Cheng's straightforward refusal, Qi couldn't help but lower his head.

"...So, if you want to see me again, you should improve your abilities.

If so, one day, we will meet again.

It's so quiet, pray, I want to hear you sing. "Long Cheng said leisurely.

"En!" Qi nodded vigorously, and then the moving melody came to Long Cheng's ears.

"Who かを爱することなんて

falling in love with someone else


powerless to me

だけどwho かに爱されたくて

Even so, I want to be loved



private to kimi

Me and you

God さま



I don't know where you went


Amidst the singing of Qi Qi, Long Cheng fell into a deep sleep unknowingly.

Qi touched Long Cheng's face, and then continued to sing the song in his heart.


When Long Cheng woke up, the sun had already come to the surface of the sea, and there were a lot fewer tourists on the beach.

"Cheng...wake up?" An ethereal voice came from beside him.

"Well, what about gathering them?" Long Cheng asked Qi Qi without seeing anyone else from the Modern Video Culture Research Institute.

"They've already gone back first."

"Really...then let's go back too.

Thank you, please. "Long Cheng stood up and said to Qi Qi.

The other party shook his head, and then quietly followed behind Long Cheng, walking towards the villa.

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