Seeing Longcheng leaving, Tongren clenched his fists.

Although I don't quite understand what Long Cheng said about the third stage, but for Asuna, he will definitely do his best.

The next day

After breakfast, Kirito went to learn Incarnation techniques with Eugeo.

After explaining to Selka that he would not be coming back for lunch today, Long Cheng wandered around the village.

At about ten o'clock, after buying some freshly baked bread at the bakery, Long Cheng walked towards Gigas Cedar.

"...I said... Eugeo... Is there... the magic that brings people back from the dead?"

"I don't know, and the people in the village probably don't know either, but Alice did say that there are spells that increase destiny in high-level sacred arts."

When they came to the open space where the huge fir tree was, the conversation between the two reached Long Cheng's ears.

"Spells to increase destiny do exist...but it's impossible to come back from the dead." Long Cheng pushed aside the vegetation in front of him and walked to the side of the two.

"Long Cheng!?"

"Let's take a look at your cultivation progress." Long Cheng smiled at the two of them, then picked up the bread he just bought and started to eat it.

"By the way, Longcheng, do you know why you can't come back from the dead?" Kirito asked curiously.

"Well, whether it's spells that increase fate or state, these spells that target people all have a requirement, that is, the fluctlight of the target, that is, the soul must exist.

But... once people die, then their souls will be extinguished, then..."

Long Cheng didn't continue talking, because it was unnecessary.

"So, what is the mind skill?"

Kirito, who had been chopping trees with a wooden sword all morning, was very curious about the Incarnation Technique.

"In layman's terms, mind skills are the power of the soul and will.

A strong will and emotion can sometimes surpass the limitations of this world, the mind skill.

Of course, if you want to talk about its essence, it can be explained with only one word, but... this is up to you to understand it yourself. "

"Hey~~" Kirito showed a helpless expression for a half-talking guy like Long Cheng.

"It's true, Long Cheng never finished his words." Eugeo complained with deep resentment.

"Hahahaha, by the way, let me remind you.

Ask what you want, and once you've confirmed it, keep deepening your feelings. This is the key to increasing your mind skills.

Alright, let's start practicing, Kirito, come with me. "

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng brought Tong Ren to the side.

"What's the matter, Longcheng?" Tongren asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, just to show you the mind skill.

Look carefully, I will only demonstrate this once. "

Long Cheng casually picked up a slender branch from the ground.

The true red flame-like excess light covered the branches, and then deformed.

The appearance of the cylinder gradually became flattened, and the place held by Longcheng became thicker, and the two ends protruded at the position of the tiger's mouth.

"This is... the sword..." Kirito shouted in disbelief, originally thought that the light was just the effect of the sword skill being activated, but it seems that it is not the case now.

The true red light flashed in Kirito's eyes, and the true red light on the wooden sword in Longcheng's hand gradually dissipated, and then turned back into a branch again.


The half-meter-thick fir tree in front of him was directly cut off by Long Cheng's sword, and the huge trunk fell to the ground, splashing a burst of dust.

"If you want to save Alice, if you don't have this level, you will be close to death. .

Kirito taught Eugeo two hours of swordsmanship every day, and when Eugeo was learning swordsmanship... he brought the [Blue Rose Sword]. "

Handing the branch to Tongren, Long Cheng walked straight out of the forest, ignoring the two stunned people.

348. Selka is Missing

After this period of training, Eugeo should have reached the item operation authority to be able to use the Blue Rose Sword, so after mentioning this sentence, Long Cheng returned to the church.

Kirito and Eugeo don't need to intervene too much in the training of the two, the mind technique itself is ideal power, no matter how much others say, it is not as clear as what you think.

I still comprehend the rules step by step during the day, and it is enough to practice the realm at night.

After returning to the church, after teaching Selka some knowledge about sacred arts, Long Cheng returned to his room and began to comprehend the laws of dreams. As for Draig, he was comprehending the laws of the God of the Bible.

At night, Long Cheng was still absorbing the divine power and accumulating cultivation as before.

But it was different from usual, this night, Long Cheng seemed to hear noise coming from next door.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Please come in."

Long Cheng opened his eyes and said softly.

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