Walking to the side of the girl who was staring at the keel in a daze, Long Cheng rubbed her head, and said in a slightly dissatisfied tone.

"Ah, Mr. Long Cheng... sorry...

I really want to see it once... the scenery my sister saw at that time..."

Selka lowered her head, with a hint of nostalgia and unwillingness in her tone.

"I see... But next time I have to explain it to us... Sister Azalia is very worried about you."


"You take a good look here, I will accompany you."

"How dare you...too much trouble for you..."

"But I've been here, and now I have to go back to the village for a long time."


The two wandered around in the cave, and found that there was nothing worth noting, and they didn't pay much attention to Qian Longcheng and Selka. .

"Long Cheng-jun... I... want to visit the Dark Continent, but don't worry, I won't enter. After all, it is forbidden by the Taboo Index."

Selka said to Long Cheng that Alice was captured by the Integrity Knights because she had entered the territory of the Dark Continent, so Selka wanted to take a look no matter what.

349. Goblin

"I see."

Looking at Selka's eyes, Long Cheng sighed, and then answered.

Walking into the hole in the opposite direction to when they came in, in the dark tunnel with the faintly glowing grass ear in Selka's hand, after walking for about ten minutes, a dim, reddish light appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

When they came near the exit, what they saw was a gloomy landscape.

The sky was red, and it was not even noon, so it couldn't be rendered by the setting sun.

There is no way to see the sun here——Sorus, only a dull red stretches infinitely in front of his eyes.

The earth is a piece of black, whether it is the mountains in the distance, the strange rocks nearby, or the water surfaces that can be seen everywhere, they are all pitch black.

Even in the forest in front of us, their trunks are slender and twisted like charcoal that has been ravaged by a fire. Occasionally, a few withered yellow leaves hang on the branches. Feel the creeps.

"This...is the Continent of Darkness?" Looking at the hell-like scenery in front of him, Selka muttered to himself.

Long Cheng just grabbed Selka's shoulder and didn't speak.

"Boss, there are two little ghosts of Baiyumu here!"

"There is actually a female Yiwumu. Selling her to Obsidian City will definitely make a lot of money."

Dozens of green-skinned goblins came out of the forest, and it was roughly estimated that there were at least thirty of them.

They wear very crude clothing and carry weapons like gavels and rusty swords.

"The female Yiwumu was caught and sold to Obsidian City, the capital of the empire, but the male Yiwumu couldn't be sold at all. It was too troublesome. I will kill and eat it later."

A huge goblin who was completely different from the other goblins looked at the two people at the entrance of the cave and said in a deep voice, with a cruel murderous intent shining in the khaki eyes.

"Let's go."

After seeing the goblin appear, Long Cheng directly picked up Selka and ran towards the cave.

"Don't let them get away, it will be bad if you attract the hateful integrity knights."

The goblin leader led his younger brothers and chased after him directly.

The goblins are only tens of meters away from Longcheng. They are mountain goblins living in the mountainous area. They are very agile. When Longcheng intentionally released the water, they surrounded the two around the skeleton of the giant dragon.

"You run again, Yiwumu!" Looking at Longcheng and Selka surrounded by younger brothers, the goblin giant laughed loudly.

Selka shrank in Long Cheng's arms, hugged Long Cheng tightly, and pressed her small face against his chest, not daring to look at those terrifying goblins.

"Ivum's kid, if you hand over that female Ivum to us, I'll consider letting you go."

The goblin leader looked at the two and laughed jokingly, and the other goblins also laughed mockingly.

After hearing what the goblin leader said, Selka grabbed Long Cheng's hand a little tighter.

"In this case, there is only one answer."

Gently put Selka on the ground, ice blue light particles condensed behind Long Cheng.

"What a nice view……"

Seeing the light spot of divine power like an elf, Selka couldn't help but forget his situation.

Looking at the vision in front of him, the goblin leader did not dare to act rashly, and the surrounding goblins were also a little restless.

Under the gathering of blue light spots, a figure slowly appeared.

It was a three-meter tall ice princess with six eyes and four arms, without a nose and a mouth. She appeared behind Long Cheng under everyone's eyes.

"Forbidden Hand Transformation—the Frozen Princess of Eternal Time and Space!!!"

[Balance Breaker——Eternal Unchanged Eisknoten Stagnation! ! ! 】

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