The ice-colored azure sword light intersected with the goblin leader's broadsword. Originally, with this rusty iron sword in his hand, Eugeo couldn't stand in a stalemate with the goblin leader.

But relying on his desire to learn during this period of time and his desire to protect Selka, he persisted abruptly.

"Damn Baiyum!!!"

The goblin leader let out an angry roar, he, who had experienced countless fights, was actually stopped by a Bai Yiwumu kid, this incident was a great shame to the goblin leader!

The killing intent in his heart kept gushing out, the power on the big knife in his hand rose unconsciously, and the dark red blood light flickered slightly!

"Hold on! Sword of Ice Crystal!"

Looking at Selka in the protective shield, under the shining of platinum-gold light, he seemed to see the girl with brilliant golden hair.

'With the ice crystal sword, I can't stop this move!Weapons, I need more powerful weapons! '

Seeing the brute of the goblin leader, Eugeo felt a strong warning in his heart.

'By the way, mind skills!

With familiarity with it, I should be able to do it!

No, it is definitely possible! '

The rusty sword in his hand began to undergo strange changes, the silvery reddish rusty blade began to become transparent, like a piece of blue crystal.

At the junction of the hilt and the blade, a blue rose that looks like it was carved from ice crystals stands proudly.

"Damn kid, I—Yukaqi will definitely cut off your sword and your body!

Then I will kill those two brats, cut you into pieces, make them into barbecue and eat them! "

The killing intent in my heart reached the extreme, and the murderous aura formed by fighting in the dark continent all the year round became real at this moment, the dark red light changed qualitatively, the broadsword no longer glowed, but the entire blade turned black and red, as if There are endless blood clots on it.

The blood-colored mist full of negativity drifted away slowly, and the red and black broadsword was raised from bottom to top, touching Eugeo's sword of heart.

"Dang!!! Hum!!!"

The collision of Incarnate Skills with completely opposite natures produced an indescribable repulsion, and the shock wave centered on the place where the swords touched, and hit the goblin leader and Eugeo.


A muffled explosion sounded throughout the cave, and Eugeo's ice crystal sword was swung high under the impact.

The goblin leader relied on his extraordinary brute force to forcibly raise his sword!

"You're dead, Baiyum's brat!"

The goblin leader showed a ferocious smile. In his opinion, Eugeo's death is doomed!

The relaxed mood made the red and black sword return to its original state in the next moment.


Eugeo suddenly felt bad, and jumped back with both legs!

"It's useless!"

A gleam of red light flashed in the eyes of the goblin leader, with a ferocious smile on his face, he slashed at Eugeo with his saber raised high!

Although the goblin leader had exhausted the power of mind accidentally triggered by the blow just now, Eugeo, who was wide open, could no longer block his next blow!


The sound of the blade cutting through the flesh was heard immediately, and Eugeo's body was slammed into the air, and fell to the side of the shield where Selka was. A large amount of blood gushed out from the huge wound on the abdomen. The ice beneath him was stained red.

"Kirito, the goblin leader is in your hands!

I'm going to save Eugeo! "

The next moment, Long Cheng released a piece of platinum thunder to kill the surrounding goblins, and then ran to Eugeo's side.

"Really, I was careless. I didn't expect that the goblin leader would use the Incarnation skill by mistake... But you guys have finally entered the second stage of Incarnation."

While complaining, a golden holy grail appeared in Longcheng's hand, and drops of golden liquid splashed on Eugeo's wound.

I saw that the wound, which was originally [-] centimeters long, could only heal completely in just a few seconds!

"Hahaha, you bastard of Bai Yiwumu, you know how powerful I am! I'm going to kill you all!"

The goblin leader rushed towards Longcheng and Eugeo with a big knife.

But before he ran a few steps, a young man with black hair and black pupils and wearing a black linen jacket stood in front of him.

"From now on... I won't let you go any further!"

With his left hand, he picked up the iron sword that Eugeo had dropped on the ground. Kirito held the sword in both hands, and a golden light shone in his eyes.

"Then I'll kill you first, brat!"

The goblin leader roared, and looked at Kirito with the saber in his hand.

"The power of mind, although Long Chengjun didn't explain it carefully, but it can be seen from his and Eugeo's performance that it should be the power of imagination and will.So……'

Kirito turned sideways slightly, and put his hands in the posture he was used to.

Facing the goblin leader's attack, Kirito crossed his swords above his head.


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