Then a black air flow connected to Longcheng's root godhead, and the huge infinite power was quickly absorbed by the godhead.

【Really... don't you want to meet him?

He misses you very much... Do you want to see Ah Cheng in such pain? 】

A beautiful red-haired woman in a red dress appeared on the other side of the root godhead, and the colorful light of true red gradient began to shine.

Although the true red light is bright but not dazzling, the bright light representing nothingness and fantasy turns into a beam of light, which is also swallowed by the root godhead.

"Now...not yet..."

With the infusion of energy, the root godhead emitted a faint fluorescence, and [-]% of the light merged into the sphere composed of the god extinguisher and the soul ring.

The other two layers were respectively integrated into the bodies of the two young girls. .

After about tens of seconds, the feather-colored girl and the scarlet woman stopped instilling power at the same time.

The crimson girl's aura became a little thicker, and she looked at the plume-colored girl whose body was starting to become unreal in confusion.

355. Intermission

【why not?

Even if you can't be resurrected now, you can only meet Ah Cheng in the form of a broken soul, but...]

"I understand what you're trying to say.

Draig, the three of us have spent the longest time together, and we know each other better than anyone else.

But...that's it...I can't see him..."


Seeing Ah Cheng's appearance, I feel so sad. Ever since he lost you, he has... been looking for your shadow. 】

"I don't want to meet Ah Cheng, but after Ah Cheng entered that place (the root of the Almighty), I saw something...

...Now, Ddraig.

What is...[Unlimited]? "


Draig couldn't answer, Draig didn't have a chance to comprehend the power of [Infinity], in order to help Long Cheng control AXA, she basically spent all her energy on comprehending [Fantasy].

Recently, I still have time to comprehend, but the current comprehension of Chengdu is not deep.

“[The beginning] is the [end], and the [end] is the [beginning].

The principle of the ring... Now that the rings are not connected, neither I nor Ah Cheng can achieve the real [infinity].

So until [closed], I... can't see him. "

[I can't understand things that are too profound. 】

"It's like a clock, although it seems to have gone around and returned to its original position, it is actually moving towards the future.

Now whether it is me, Ah Cheng or even you, they are just pointers that have not yet returned to the origin, and any change may cause damage to the clock.

So for the sake of our future, I can't see Ah Cheng, and you can't tell him about me. "

Orpheus looked at Draig seriously, with an unprecedentedly serious expression.

[It sounds serious.

...well... well, I promise you. 】

"Ah Cheng... please."

【...Well, leave it to me.You also hurry up and go to rest.

Providing energy to Ah Cheng's godhood should consume a lot, your body has become a little unstable. 】

"Only the existence beyond the ordinary root can maintain this place for a long time. Although Ah Cheng has stepped into this field, his own strength is too weak, and it is difficult to bear the pressure of other existences.

That's why you didn't let Ah Cheng fully comprehend [Fantasy] and revive you, right? "

[I didn't think about it so much!

I just don't want to be resurrected while you're gone.

In this way, I will have a feeling of taking advantage of the situation, which is very uncomfortable. 】

Draig said excitedly, his cheeks were blushing, and he didn't know whether he was excited or guilty.

"Okay, Ddraig. We've been together for so long, and I still don't know you?

I never monopolized Ah Cheng's thoughts. "

[? ? ?

Then what happened to Qian Renxue at that time, when you met, it was full of gunpowder. 】

"As a gathering of power—a dragon, I'm not surprised that Cheng will attract all kinds of women.

I can accept that others are with Ah Cheng because of liking and love, but I can't accept that two people are together because of interests.

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