"Instead of thinking hard here, you might as well practice swinging a sword."

"Ah, yes!"

"Also, bring Kirito and me a dinner when we come back.

I will be staying here soon. "

"Eh!? But... if someone finds out..."

"Then, it's fine if you don't get discovered." Long Cheng waved his hand indifferently, signaling the other party to go quickly.

Then... Eugeo could only leave his dormitory with a bitter face, and walked towards the training ground.

Half an hour later, Kirito, who was somewhat blackened by the smoke, climbed in from the window tremblingly, and lay half dead on the sofa in the living room.

"Yo, still alive."

Tongren looked at Longcheng and rolled his eyes, expressing that he didn't want to talk.

In the different space just now, Kirito was almost scorched, if not for a voice teaching Kirito, Kirito should be lying on the grass in black at this time.

Then, about an hour later, Eugeo walked in with three dinners.Seeing him humming a ditty, he should be in a good mood.

"Here, today's dinner. Kirito, you and I have special care."

After saying that, Eugeo handed Kirito a bento full of pickles.

Long Cheng's is a seemingly rich bento.

"Eugeo-san, this is..."

Looking at his own dinner, Kirito swallowed, the corners of his eyes twitching non-stop.

"Kirito, you are usually too picky eaters, so I added some dishes for you, no need to thank me."

Eugeo showed a kind smile. .

"Longcheng, our food...how did you eat it so fast!"

"thanks for treatment!"

357. The Integrity Knight's Secret

"So...the reason why you are so happy is because you defeated that second seat?"

After taking a sip of the coffee-er tea made by Tong Ren, Long Cheng frowned slightly, then added some milk and sugar to the tea, and stirred it carefully.

"It's Humbert Jizek." Eugeo added.

"He is the follower of chief swordsman-in-training Laos Antinos.

Last semester, I had some conflicts with them. "Tirto said calmly while drinking bitter tea.

"That's why they always come to trouble us. But after we became senior swordsman-in-training, the situation got a little better.

It is estimated that they are afraid of the 'punishment right'.Last semester, Kirito was punished by the opponent for accidentally soiling the uniform of the chief swordsman-in-training Uro Lifanding, and a one-hit match was held. "

"Then will they come to take revenge on you? From your description, they should not be so easy to let go."

"I also don't think they'll let us go so easily."

"However, even if they want to retaliate against us, if they can't violate the taboo list and the rules of the academy, there should be no way.

The academy forbids unauthorized entry without the consent of the dormitory owner. "

Eugeo took a sip of the tea with milk, then looked at Long Cheng.

"I have people who are not from this academy, and the rules of the academy should not apply to me."

Casually perfunctory Eugeo, Long Cheng continued: "Although restricted by the rules, you still have to be careful, lest they take advantage of the loopholes in the rules."

"That's right, after all, someone often does this kind of thing."

As soon as Eugeo finished speaking, two eyes focused on Kirito. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt his hair itchy from being stared at.

"By the way, I almost forgot the business.

Long Cheng, besides us...are there other mind skill users? "

The eyes of Eugeo and Kirito changed, and they looked at Long Cheng seriously, waiting for his answer.

"Well... how should I put it. Everyone can use the power of mind, but whether they can learn it is a question.

Why ask this question? "

"Because when I was fighting Humbert, I felt that he seemed to use the power of his mind, but it didn't look like it.

How should I put it, I feel that my strength is not as strong as ours, I just use the double fencing technique Kirito taught me to be able to gain the upper hand. "

"Of course, the other party's intentions are not even considered entry.

Mind skills can only be countered by mind skills, this is the iron rule! "

"I see. Is this also the reason why Longcheng asked us to use less mind skills?"

Eugeo continued to ask, and Kirito also listened attentively.

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