Eugeo was not familiar with the goblin leaders who fought at that time, but... Eugeo, who had fought each other once, and had bumped into each other with the goblin leader's intentions, could understand the other party's thoughts a little bit. .

Goblin leaders treat humans as commodities and food because they are not humans themselves, not members of the human world.

But Humbert and Laos were completely different.

367. Breaking the Seal

Laos and Humbert stretched out their hands to the faces of Tijie and Ronye at the same time, and crawled their foreheads and cheeks with their fingertips as if to arouse their feelings of fear and shame.

The reason why the lips are cleverly avoided is that the lips are not allowed to be touched directly before the marriage vows are made.

'But...if that's a taboo, what's the deal with the laws that allow the abuse of unmarried girls by force?Does such a law really make sense? '

The high-ranking nobles seemed to have forgotten Eugeo's existence, and looked at the girl's whole body with glowing eyes while propping up their bodies.They pulled back the long gowns in front of them, and threw themselves on the two girls in order to carry out the final steps.

The moment they felt the men approaching, the faces of Tiezhe and Ronye twisted with fear and loathing even more than before.Although shaking their heads violently as if begging the other party to stop, Laos and Humbert, who were even happier, still slowly moved their bodies closer.

Finally, a small voice came out of Ronnie's mouth again.

"No, don't...don't...don't...!"

After hearing her friend's cries, Tizel might have reached the limit of her patience.I saw Dou Da's tears and mourning bursting out at the same time.

"Don't... save me... save me, Eugeo-senpai! Eugeo-senpai!!!"

Tije and Ronnie, who mustered up the courage to act for their friend Frenica, were punished so cruelly by the law.

But the law can't stop the tricks and traps for the girls, and now they are about to tarnish the purity of Laios and Humbert.

'It is good to abide by such laws...'

——In this world, there are still many crimes that cannot be committed even if the law does not prohibit it. Of course, there are also many things that must be done even if the law prohibits it.

Suddenly, I remembered the fragment of the conversation that day.

——The mind itself is the power to break the common sense of this world, and thoughts that are not bound by rules can exert the power of the mind.

'Ah, Longcheng, Kirito, I can finally understand your thoughts and ideas.

If that's the case...if the Taboo Index really becomes the law protecting people like Humbert and Laos...

Then... it... I will break it! ! ! '

The emotional fluctuations reached the peak, and the burning sensation in the right eye also increased without limit, just when Eugeo felt that his right eye was about to burst...


The blue crystal-colored ice sword shattered the fiery vision, and [SYSTEMALERT: CODE871] was shattered by the blue rose sword.

The severe pain in the right eye disappeared, replaced by a clear mind and high emotions——

The rose flower in the right eye erupted with ice blue light, far exceeding the coldness of the northern cave and permeating the entire dormitory.

"What, what's going on!?"

Laos and Humbert stopped their movements. They exhaled and looked at the source of the cold air tremblingly.

In the dimly lit room, Eugeo looked at the two of them indifferently, his right eye, which was as beautiful as a rose flower, was burning with a blue flame, which complemented the blue uniform on his body.

The blue coldness condensed in Eugeo's hand, and a divine sword carved from blue crystal slowly appeared from the hilt, and was held in Eugeo's hand.

"Artificial Longinus—Blue Rose..."

'Now I... finally understand.Eight years ago, why did Alice touch the land of the Kingdom of Darkness.

At that time, Alice must have helped the dark knight whose chest was pierced by an integrity knight and was dying.She did this for what was important to her heart.

Now it's my turn.Although it is impossible to say what this important thing is—even for many people living in the human world, that thing may still be classified as "evil". '

"But... I still am!"

'...still do it! ! ! '

The same blue ice crystal-like excess light as the sword body illuminates the entire room!

Aincrad-style secret technique-horizontal slash!

The corner of Laos' eyes may have caught this lightning strike, and he dodged below at a critical moment.The flowing blond hair was instantly wiped out when it touched the blade, and a large amount of hoarfrost condensed on its skin.

But it was too late for Humbert who was behind to notice Eugeo's movement.The moment he stopped and was about to successfully invade Ronnie's body and turned slowly to the left, his eyes widened.


He raised his left arm reflexively with the scream, and then the blue rose sword slashed fiercely into the elbow of his left hand as if it was not hindered at all.

Eugeo didn't feel any hand feeling, but Humbert's left arm was broken in two from the middle left and right, and the severed arm was flying in the air while turning, and finally fell on the luxurious carpet.

Everyone was unable to move, and at the same time, they could not make any sound.Eugeo maintained his posture after swinging his sword.


Humbert let out a tragic cry, his right hand tightly grasped the broken left arm, and the expression on his face was completely distorted.

Fortunately, Eugeo used the Incarnation technique to channel the cold air of the Blue Rose Sword when he slashed that sword.

The extreme low temperature froze Humbert's injured part in an instant. Except for a few drops of blood that gradually dripped due to the increase in temperature, the scene was not bloody.

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