"Ahhh...Master Laos was killed by Kirito!!!"

Humbert knocked open the door of the dormitory, ran out into the corridor and shouted loudly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Eugeo (Kirito)-senpai...it's all because of us..."

Tiese and Ronye cried bitterly in the arms of Eugeo and Kirito, tears wet their shoulders.

"That's fine, as long as Tijie and Ronnie are safe and sound. I should apologize for leaving you with terrible memories..."

Eugeo patted the girl in his arms, and exchanged glances with his partner.

At this moment, Kirito seemed to have noticed some rapid left and right inspections, and finally his sight was fixed on the ceiling.

What Eugeo saw along his line of sight brought back distant and painful memories.

On the ceiling of the dormitory, an object resembling a purple board floated near the northeast corner.Although it resembles Stacia's Window, it is larger and round.Behind it, someone was looking at the room... No, it should be said looking down at Eugeo and the others.But the gender and age of that person are completely invisible.All he knew was that he had pale skin and eyes like glass balls.

'...I've seen this guy somewhere a long time ago. '

At the same time Eugeo had this feeling, White Face suddenly opened his mouth like a bottomless pit.The next moment, Kirito who was standing next to him suddenly said in a small voice: "Don't let Tize and the others hear."

Eugeo immediately wrapped his arms around Tiese's head who was still crying.At this time, Kirito also hugged Ronye, ​​and then...

"Singular unit detected. ID tracing... Coordinate fixed. Report complete."

Then Whiteface shut his mouth and the window disappeared without a trace.Although it was quite an abnormal phenomenon, Eugeo's heart was so tired that he didn't even have the energy to feel surprise or fear.He decided to let Kirito think about what was going on, but he just let out the breath he was holding in his chest.

—Murderers, monsters.

This was the term that terrified Eugeo and his brothers the most in stories told by grandma when they were young.

Grandma said that the demihumans in the land of darkness have no laws and taboos that must be obeyed, and even the same race will kill each other.And Eugeo had personally confirmed this fact two years ago in the cave in the Mountain Range at the End.

'That's right, I'm already like those goblins.Because I let my angry self... cut Humbert Jizek, a human being and a student of the same sword training academy.

I broke the taboo myself, I don't regret doing so, but the one who broke the taboo has already...'

"You are human, Eugeo. Just like me...a human who has made several mistakes, but is desperately seeking meaning..."

Probably seeing Eugeo's wavering, Kirito grabbed his friend's shoulder and said firmly.

Hearing this, tears flowed down Eugeo's cheeks, dripping onto Tiezhe's hair.After a while, Tiese also looked up at Eugeo timidly.The red eyes that were wet with tears reminded me of maple leaves covered with morning dew in autumn.

The girl who was still Eugeo's attendant at this moment smiled, and then took out a white handkerchief from her uniform pocket, and gently placed it on Eugeo's cheek.Tiese kept wiping away the tears welling up from Eugeo's eyes.


"I didn't expect...Eugeo really did it...I did something that even I couldn't do..."

Cardinal took a sip of black tea, surprise and joy could be clearly seen on his small face.

Eugeo was able to break the Taboo Index, coupled with Kirito and Alice in the plan, Cardinal was a little more confident in defeating Adominister.

"Didn't you reach the ghost hand form... But it doesn't matter, when you meet her, Eugeo should be able to get there.

But...that wooden sword...hehe...it's really interesting...'

Dissipating the condensed power quietly, Long Cheng flipped through a thick book as if nothing had happened.


"I am very sorry..."

After the dormitory supervisor Azlica finished speaking in a calm voice, he thought about it for a while and added: "I always thought that this year's college representatives would be the two of you."

"I also think so."

Eugeo could only look at the cell with guilt, he was not in the mood to say such things like his best friend.

"...Swordsman-in-training Eugeo and swordsman-in-training Kirito. Before handing you over to the person who came to take you away, I just want to tell you one thing."

After quietly saying this, Azleka Prison showed a rare expression of hesitation, and then put his right hand on Kirito and his left on Eugeo's shoulder.

"Next, you should be punished for violating the Taboo Index and harming the destiny of others. But don't forget, the Taboo Index... No, it should be said that even the Axiom Church itself was established by humans rather than gods."

"Hey... what, what does this mean..."

Eugeo asked puzzledly. Although he had already learned about the darkness of the church, Long Cheng didn't say much to the two of them at that time.

"Now... that's all I can say. However, you should know the true appearance of this world soon."

At this moment, Azlika suddenly sullenly, and then closed her right eye forcefully.Eugeo could immediately understand that her right eye was suffering from sharp pain.

"...Eugeo, Swordsman-in-training. You broke the seal that I couldn't break through. So you can definitely reach the realm that I can't reach...Believe in your sword and your friends."

Then she turned her sights on Kirito again.

"Next is Kirito Xiujian. As a result... I still can't understand who you are in the end. However, when you reach that tower, something must happen. I will continue to pray here, and I hope your There is always light ahead.”

"Thank you, Master. I'll see you again one day. Then I'll tell you all you want to know."

Azilica smiled slightly, and then resumed her normal expression, "Then let's go. The other party has come to pick you up."

The campus is usually full of students preparing to go to the classroom for class, but this time it was quiet and no one could be seen.

At this time, Eugeo saw something unexpected in the square in front of the overhaul training ground, which made his eyes widen.

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