There was a sour smell like vomit in the air, which made everyone feel disgusted.

"Hmm..." Alice supported her forehead, fine sweat covered her forehead.

"Alice, what's wrong with you?" Eugeo asked worriedly while supporting Alice.

"I... I'm fine... I just suddenly remembered some memories... I used to... come here..."

After a while, after Alice recovered, everyone endured the smell and followed Cardinal into it.

The narrow passage continued for a short distance, followed by what appeared to be a barely lit, dark hall.Although there is a slight purple light that keeps flickering, but the source of light does not know where it comes from.

"Don't worry, they're chanting large-scale sacred spells for searching, and it has nothing to do with us. They, the elders, can't do other things." Cardinal continued walking indifferently after saying this.

Long Cheng, who had been with the other party for a while, could feel the flames of anger burning in his heart.

Walking into the Senate, everyone's first impression of this place is that it is quite tall rather than spacious.

The floor is a circle with a diameter of about twenty meters.The height of the curved wall extending upward was probably as high as the three floors of the central cathedral, and the ceiling was obscured by darkness.In terms of structure, it is probably somewhat similar to the large library where Cardinal lived.

There are no oil lamps in it, and the light source is only the faint purple beams flickering on the walls.Others were some kind of circular objects spaced side by side, but the dim light made it difficult to see what they were.

At this time, a new light is generated at a place quite close to us.It was a rectangular board that glowed in lavender——"Stacy's Window".

And the sphere that exists deep within it - is a human head.

"Human...human head...!?" Kirito let out a cry of surprise.

Eugeo and Alice also changed from their original guardedness to astonishment.

"No, it should still have a body... but it seems to be born from the wall..."

Hearing Alice's voice, everyone took a closer look and found that there was indeed a neck and shoulders under the head of the other party, but they could only see so much.Because their bodies are completely contained in the rectangular boxes installed on the wall.

Judging from the small size of the box, the body inside should have bent its hands and feet to the limit.Although this is definitely not a comfortable environment, it is still unclear whether these box people can feel what kind of situation they are in.Because there is no expression on the face protruding from the box.

There is no hair, beard or even eyebrows, only two glass-like spherical eyes embedded in the pale face staring blankly at the Stacia window in front of him.Words continued to be listed on the window, and when it came to an end, the box people made uncadenced voices with uncolored lips.


"This... these guys... from that time...?" Kirito looked at Eugeo and asked for confirmation.

"Yeah." Eugeo nodded.

"Do you know them?"

"We did see Humbert and Laos after we cut their lives."

"Not only that, they also appeared when...Alice, you accidentally touched the land of the Dark Continent."

Alice frowned, looking at the veterans who were like machines, "Although... I have never heard of the spells they chanted, but it seems to divide the human world into many areas, and then let some kind of value be displayed It looks like. But I don't know what the value is."

"Violating the value... This is the hidden attribute of Stacia's Window.

As long as an abnormal value is detected, the box man will observe the scene, find out who violates the taboo and make a report.And someone who received the report would issue an order to the integrity knights to arrest the criminal. "

Cardinal looked at the elders, and couldn't help showing a trace of sympathy in his eyes, as well as anger towards Adominister.

"Are they also integrated? Can they recover?"

"Impossible, they can also be said to have been integrated. But unlike the integrity knight's technology, they directly modified their fluctlights in the most crude and primitive way.

Now they have completely lost their feelings and memories, and the meaning of their existence is only the endless chanting of the instructions set in the fluctlight.

To be precise, it is precisely because of them as experiments that the integrity knight's technology can be completed. "

"Really... there is nothing I can do..."

"If it's just that the soul is broken, there is still a chance if all the fragments remain, but the current situation is that their souls only have some fragments left, and there is nothing they can do."


"That's right, they are just devices here. To monitor whether the entire human world is still maintaining a perfect peace under the rule of the Axiom Church...or it can be said to be a perfect stagnation.

Integrity knights are indeed the memories of being robbed of important relatives or friends, but the fate of the elders is even more tragic than theirs.The centuries-long peace and prosperity brought about by Adoministreit were all based on the sacrifices of these people. "


Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, the white-gold Excalibur emerged from Longcheng's right hand, illuminating the dim Senate like a star.

"Long Cheng..."

"It might be a relief for them to end their lives..."

Kirito, Eugeo, and Alice showed a hint of unbearable, but they really couldn't think of a solution, just as Long Cheng said that it would be better for them to be free than to be used as a tool by Adominister. .

The platinum thunder engulfed the entire Senate in the next instant, and when the others opened their eyes again...

All fixtures have completely disappeared.

373. Chudkin

"Do not!!!

Destroying the senate that monitors the human world is an unforgivable crime! "

From behind the Senate, a shrill cry came, and then a round, short figure appeared in front of everyone.

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