Alice and Kirito hurriedly dissuaded Eugeo, the power of Adominister was not something the three of them could resist.

The dagger given by Cardinal was too short to be used as a weapon. What they should do now was to wait for the other party to reveal their flaws, and then strike a decisive blow.

"Stop!" Holding the crystal tightly in their hands, the three of Eugeo stopped immediately.

'Really, something went wrong at the beginning of the plan!

It was agreed that Qiu Dejin should be solved by Long Cheng? '

Cardinal also had to endure the desire to fight, and until Alice's memory was retrieved, his side had no advantage!

"Although he was nothing more than an idiot clown until the end, Chu Dejin also fulfilled a little mission, buying me time to weave this lengthy spell that hasn't been sorted out yet.

Then... wake up, my faithful servant!Soulless killing machine! !

... Release Recollection! ! ! "

"Clang, clang..." Glittering gold imitation swords of different sizes attached to several pillars in this huge circular room with a diameter of about [-] meters are constantly shaking.

In front of the three people who stood motionless in place, there was a more intense vibration sound effect, and then the huge swords all left the pillar.

The imitation sword skimmed through Eugeo's hair, who was dodging hastily, and circled upwards at a rapid speed, before flying to the side of the Highest Priest floating in the middle of the vast room.Then, something even more surprising happened.

Thirty swords, large and small, came into contact with each other and combined to form a huge guy, which looked like a person.

The thick spine runs through the center, and the slender wrists extend left and right.Although the lower part has legs and feet, it is twice as long as a human being, and there are four of them.

Adoministreit stretched out his left arm towards the imitation swords that instantly turned into strange monsters, and bestowed the god-respecting module on it.

"Quinella, you bastard! How long will you stop playing with people's hearts..."

Cardinal already understood that in order to complete the armament complete control technique, a strong bond between the master and the weapon is required.

But Adoministreit obviously doesn't have such a strong fetter. The reason why she can use the weapon to completely control the spell... It's all because of the crystals on the sky, those represent the most precious memories of a human being!

And one of the imitation swords that make up the giant of the sword, each has a priority that rivals the artifact. Cardinal really doesn't know what other than human beings can be used as materials to produce artifacts in large quantities.


Eugeo glared at Adoministreit, not paying attention to his beautiful appearance.

Kirito and Alice stood on both sides of Eugeo, looking at the highest priest in the world with the same unkind expression.

"If you don't want this to be destroyed, just obey me. If that's the case, I'll give you my supreme love!"

Cardinal was aware of the other party's thoughts in an instant, but she had no way to stop it.

The giant of the sword and erected Cardinal completely, making her unable to move at all.

" the beginning of the sacred art."


The three of Eugeo stared at Adominister, without any intention of carrying it out.


"Stop! Let's... do it..."

Seeing an extra crack in the crystal in the opponent's hand, Eugeo opened his mouth immediately.


Alice wanted to say something, but Eugeo's firm eyes greeted her.

"I came here all the way from Rulid Village... all this is to get back that... the girl I love the most.

Priest Cardinal, sorry..."

Hearing that, Cardinal just shook his head and didn't blame Eugeo.


The chants of the three echoed in the empty space of gods.

Kirito's fluct light is protected by STL, so he is not afraid of Adominister's methods at all.

"Then read after me, RemoveCroeProtection..."


"Sa... read the spell completely."

Shaking the crystal in his hand, Adominister looked at the three of them with a mocking and disdainful smile.


In the next instant, everything in front of him became illusory, and everything around him turned into boundless darkness.

The three of Eugeo stood in front of Adominister in a daze as if they had lost their souls.

379. Forbidden Hands - Blade of Black Lead? Starlight lingers!!!

"This technique... Quinella! You will never get any good results if you play with people's hearts!"

"Hmph, even so, you can't see it anymore.

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