Vasago is worthy of being promoted by Gabriel to be the vice-captain. As the largest and most evil red guild leader [poh] in the original SAO, and a mercenary with many battles, he found the key point at once.

Hearing Vasago's words, Gabriel shrugged lightly after thinking for a while.

"It appears that our client has made some sort of deal with the upper echelons of the JSDF. The Aegis will not act until twenty-four hours later."


Critter whistled softly.Behind the goggle-like glasses, pale gray eyes narrowed.

"That is to say, the action this time is not just about robbers... No, no, it's better to stop talking nonsense to protect yourself wisely."

"I think so."

After nodding with a faint smile, Gabriel looked around all the members of the team again.

"Okay, let's check the situation. The current time is [-]:[-] JST, forty minutes have passed since the break-in. We are currently in OceanTurtle's main control room. Although the target facility was successfully captured, RATH was not captured Technicians, the system here is also locked. The next goal is to occupy the sub-control room... Brick, can you cut off the pressure door of the partition?"

"It's a bit difficult. The door is made of the latest composite material, and with the portable circular saw we brought, it's impossible to cut it in twenty-four hours."

"Hans, can you use C4 to blow up the partition?"

"It is still not recommended to do this. The storage compartment of the LightCubeCluster is behind the partition. There is no guarantee that the door will be blown open without damaging the contents."

Gabriel was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about the next countermeasures.

"...The task we undertake is to find the only target object from the huge cluster of light cubes, and then bring it back together with the device. We already know the specific ID of the light cube. That is to say, as long as we can operate the console, It was easy enough to hunt down that light cube and eject it. Now we're already on the boat home with a beer in one hand."

"Really, this weak four-eyed frog even boasted that he had hacked into the server of the Pentagon, but he couldn't even unlock such a small lock~"

Vasago left dissatisfied and began to yell at Critter, obviously he was not satisfied with this companion.

"Oops, this really scares me to death. To be accused by a gamer who can only use virtual guns."

Facing Vasago's ridicule, Critter pushed his glasses and retorted back without hesitation.

Glancing at Vasago and Critter, who were about to quarrel again, Gabriel said in a more serious tone: "Do you want to return empty-handed and be ridiculed if you don't get the bonus?"


Everyone shouted together.

"Are you all wimps who can't even compare with ordinary technicians?"


"Think fast then! Prove that your neck containers are stuffed with something other than oatmeal!"

Gabriel played the role of a strong commander semi-automatically, while thinking secretly in his own heart.

For Gabriel, who is a soul seeker, acquiring Alice, the real artificial intelligence created by mankind for the first time, and exclusive Soul translation technology are the biggest goals of this trip.He had already made a plan in advance, after acquiring the two, he would use the nerve gas smuggled in to kill everyone in the team, and then escape to Australia first.

But before moving to that stage, the NSA-commissioned operations were arguably fully aligned with Gabriel's goals.Now that the system operation of the user administrator is blocked, he must find a way to obtain Alice's Lightcube by other means.

Alice... "ALICE".

It was the spies within RATH who communicated this codename to Gabriel's client, the NSA.

The client did not provide the spy's personal data.But considering that the motivation for betraying the organization and leaking secrets is huge money, one can know that in this case, the other party will definitely not take the risk of being exposed.

That said, no assistance could be expected from spies behind the pressure bulkhead.It must rely on the current intelligence and equipment to achieve the goal in a very short period of time.

Although Gabriel was able to completely control his emotions such as anxiety and uneasiness, the time limit that was coming in about twenty-three hours did give him a certain sense of oppression. .

After the standby time is over, the high-level government must let the Aegis ship take action for the next media response.Once the fully armed fighters invaded, the attack team led by Gabriel would be inferior to the opponent in terms of numbers and equipment, and would definitely be annihilated immediately.

Even if it really turned into this worst ending, he planned to leave alone in a small submarine.However, without getting the most important light cube, the journey of searching for the human soul will go back irreparably.

385. Gabriel's Plan

Gabriel has also made a very careful plan for his life after completing this battle.

First escape to Australia with Alice, and then hide the light cube and STL technology in the villa on Sovereign Island.Then take a plane back to San Diego and report to the NSA that the operation has failed.After the limelight is over, I will return to Australia, install the STL machine in the vast basement of the villa, and build a virtual world according to my own preferences.

The first inhabitants of the world should be Alice and Gabriel.But that was so lonely.For the purpose of studying the soul, more materials must be added.

Look for young and energetic soul holders near Sydney and Cairns, kidnap them, use STL to extract their souls and dispose of useless bodies.In the future, I even want to cross the ocean and go to the United States, the birthplace of the expedition, and Japan, the birthplace of full stealth technology.

Gabriel was fascinated by the unique spirituality of Japanese VR gamers.Although not everyone, some players behave as if there is more real than the real world, and they are not stingy about swaying the most authentic emotions.

Whenever I think of the sniper girl I met in GunGaleOnline, I feel this ever-so-strong desire stirring.

Perhaps this has something to do with the "Real Virtual World" that existed in that country for only two years in the past.Those young people have all experienced death games that were hacked by developers and endowed with real life and death attributes.Compared with those without such experience, the souls of those "survivors" have the characteristics suitable for activities in the imaginary world.

If possible, I hope to get as much as possible──and it is the souls of the top players called [Strategy Team].Although I don't know if the sniper girl is from the clearing team, but of course I want to get her soul.The light cubes enclosing these souls must emit a light that is more dazzling than any gemstone.

The best thing is that the souls extracted from human beings and sealed into the light cube can be freely copied or stored.At that time, the damaged or distorted soul can be easily restored and transformed into the shape Gabriel likes.It's like carving a rough stone to make it exude a top-level brilliance.

At that stage, Gabriel's long journey will be able to draw a big circle and return to the origin.

He will go back to the moment when he was a child, under the big tree in the forest, and saw the beautiful light of Alicia Klingelmann's soul.

Although it was only a very brief imagination, Gabriel had already closed his eyes, and his back began to tremble slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, his ability to think calmly like ice had recovered.

Gabriel stomped on his boots and started to move, coming behind Critter whose fingers were flying on the keyboard at high speed.

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