Through the God Extinguisher in his body, Long Cheng sensed that three powers of the same origin began to erupt in the distance.


Looking at Gabriel Miller in front of them, Kirito, Asuna, and Sinon, who had entered the forbidden state, also felt a little apprehensive.

Kirito's sword of heart, which can easily cut through mountains, and Sinon's meteorite-like bombardment are completely ineffective against him!If it weren't for Asuna's starlight to supplement their physical strength, they would have been exhausted.

The human army, the Dark Knights, Fist Fighters Guild, Asian VR players and other armies of the Dark Continent joined forces to fight against other armies of the Dark Continent and [-] players from Europe and the United States.

Dozens of hundreds of people died almost every second, and blood and stumps were scattered all over the ground. The cruelty of the war made Eugeo and Alice, who were going to Kirito's place, unbearable for a while.

When Higa Takeru connected everyone's perception of Kirito to Kirito's fluctlight, whether it was by accident or fate, the fluctlights of Asuna, Shino, and Suguha also underwent unknown changes.

Asuna's star piercing gun split into pure starlight and a pistol, the starlight merged with Asuna, and the pistol was integrated into Shino Asada's fluctlight.

And Kirito's Star Broken Sword condenses a bit of starlight sword energy into a sword, which is integrated into Suguha's fluttering light.

StarBlusteroSternen (StarBlusteroSternen), this is the name of Asuna's God Destroyer after awakening.

Forbidden hand - violent healer o starlight twinkling!

[Balance Breaker——Berserk Healero The Blitz Stacia! 】

In the moment of awakening, Asuna entered the ultimate state of the divine weapon - forbidden hand.

Completely absorbed the creation god Stacia, the weapon is the one-handed rapier RadiantLight (RadiantLight), and the ability is to control the earth and starlight, and is the nanny of the holders of the Star Broken Sword and the Star Piercing Gun.

Shino Asada has awakened the God Extermination Tool: StarBlusteroStella

Forbidden hand--the god of death sniper o piercing the star's arrow!

[Balance Breaker——Galactic Tawelwch Of The Solus! 】

Completely absorbed the sun god Thors, the weapon is a longbow o annihilate ray (Annihilate Ray), the ability is to shoot stars as arrows, can not burst, except when there is a star piercer o starlight support.The bow and arrow can be turned into any long-range weapon at the will of the host.

Kiritani Suguha, Artifact: StarAmputater

Forbidden hand - Chenxing shattered.

【Balance Breaker——Star Bustero Territory】

Absorb the state of Terraria God, as long as you stand on the ground or have starlight, you can restore it infinitely.The ability of the Taidao Green Leaf Spirit O Star (Verduras Animao Star) in his hand is no less than that of the Star Broken Sword.

388.uw end

Not long after, Eugeo and Alice came to Kirito's side.

Facing Gabriel Miller, both Alice and Eugeo entered ghost hand transformation at the same time.

Then, a phenomenon that everyone present couldn't understand appeared, centering on Kirito, a strong starlight burst out, covering the entire Cardina Star.

In an instant, all players from Asia, Europe and the United States were forced to go offline, and the residents of the entire Human World and the Dark Continent only felt that they were enveloped by a soft night sky, making them put down their weapons.

Cardinal, who was on the front line of the battlefield, also came into the night sky, and the data covering his fluctlight turned into light spots and shattered, flying into the distance!

"Oni-chan!" Suguha, who fought against the dark warlocks with the head of the orc clan on another battlefield, raised the divine sword in his hand high.

Bits of light began to flicker on the pitch-black earth, as bright and colorful as the Milky Way in the night sky... That is the light of the souls of all the residents on this planet!

All the starlight condenses on Kirito's twin swords, turning the pitch-black divine sword into a sword of stars!

CXC: Guardian of the night sky - Star King mode!

[Cardinal Cross Promotion——Star King Mode! 】

The sword that condensed the hearts of all the people in uw pierced straight into Gabriel Miller's head.

The empty space of consciousness is filled and crushed by the starry universe!


At the same time, Long Cheng, who was far away on Star Adomina, also underwent tremendous changes.

Originally, there was still a month to complete the analysis. It was like sitting on a rocket to complete the analysis.

The changes of the Star Breaker Sword and the Star Piercing Gun leaked a bit of the aura of each God Extermination Tool, quietly changing the nature of this world.

The breaths of the eighteen god-destroying tools are intertwined with each other, and finally condensed into seven items that are distributed in this world.

"...Let's go..."

After saying something softly, Long Cheng disappeared into this world without saying goodbye to anyone.


A pure and white world, in fact, is actually a world that is fundamentally different from the world people know.

This is the outer side of the world, containing everything, here is the origin of all things, the truth of all things.Everything in the world comes from here.

But Long Cheng suddenly appeared here at this time.If it is an ordinary person, in an instant, one's soul will be completely washed by the huge information here and thrown into the inner side of the world.

But for Long Cheng who has entered and exited the Almighty Root once, the root of this world can't bring him any difficulties.

Before Long Cheng could do anything, two little lolitas, one black and one white, suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Gaia and Alaya?"

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