"Am I making Kiritsugu angry? This is incomprehensible. I haven't spoken to him even once until now."

"So, it's not angry with you personally. What made him angry must be the legend of King Arthur that we have passed down for a long time.

If the Heroic Spirit Kiritsugu summoned was the adult male King Arthur who was the same as in the inheritance, he wouldn't have rejected the servant to this extent.It should be just the minimum necessary negotiations without emotion and indifference.Carrying out actions that can be ended in this way into an attitude of ignorance, in other words, a huge emotional reaction.

Kiritsugu knew that he had pulled out the sword of contract stuck in the rock in the past.After the fact that she was actually a girl in the cardamom age, probably there was an unconcealable anger in my heart towards all the legends about King Arthur.

That person is probably angry at the people around you in your time.To those cruel people who put the responsibility of being named king on a petite girl. "

"There's no way around that. Ever since I pulled out the sword in the stone. I've come to my senses."

It didn't seem to show any surrender, Saber's expression was still calm and clear.Irisviel slightly shook her head in confusion at her like that.

"It's because you just accepted your fate like that, which makes people even more angry. Only because of this, maybe he is angry with a girl named Arturia."

Perhaps it was impossible to refute, Saber lowered her head and remained silent for a moment.But soon he raised his head and looked at her eyes, but became more stubborn.

"It was just superfluous sentimentality. He had no reason to speak to people of my era, including me."

"Emiya Kiritsugu really has no reason to judge you, that's why he kept silent.

That's why we made the decision to let you and Irisviel act together. "

Emiya Kiritsugu and the hero named Artoria...it might be difficult to understand each other, so it's better to just give up like this.Even if they talk to each other, they are just negating each other.

On this point, Irisviel also had the same opinion.The more he gets along with Saber like this, the more deeply he feels the gap between this lonely heroic spirit and Kiritsugu's spirituality.

Irisviel can understand Kiritsugu's and Aaber's ideas, and there are parts that can empathize with each other.It was also because of this that Irisviel came to the pessimistic conclusion that it was absolutely impossible for these two people to understand each other.

"I am very grateful to Irisviel. Without a woman like you, I would probably lose this Holy Grail War without a fight."

"That's each other. Compared with you, Long Cheng-jun doesn't seem to take this war seriously."

"Have it?"

"I don't feel that Long Chengjun has any desires at all. Although he looks like a teenager, his behavior style is exactly like that of an old man."

Irisviel said without any scruples, Longcheng felt like she was in his twilight years.

To this, Long Cheng just showed a bitter smile, "I can't refute it at all. But... If you want to talk about wishes, life motivation and so on, I still have it.

But the mere Holy Grail cannot fulfill my wish, and I will not pin my hopes on the illusory Holy Grail.In the end, the only one who can realize his wish is himself. "

"The Holy Grail...can't fulfill your wish?" Saber frowned. In her subconscious, there shouldn't be anything the Holy Grail can't do.

"Of course, the Holy Grail, even if it is powerful, is nothing more than a magical dress, and its effect is to use almost unlimited magic power to fulfill the magician's wish.

But just as the gods cannot create a rock they cannot lift, the Holy Grail has a limit.

It is nothing but the omission of the process of enabling the possible to be fulfilled without realizing the fundamentally impossible.

Alright, I'm going to Fuyuki City tomorrow, so I'll go down and rest first. "

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng disappeared into the white mist.

Saber fell into a brief thought after hearing Long Cheng's words.

Irisviel looked lovingly at Emiya Kiritsugu and Ilya who were playing outside the window.


Although Yusheng Ryunosuke doesn't like bloody and violent movies, he can also understand the necessity of that kind of entertainment.

Not just horror movies.There are also war films, disaster films, and even pure adventure films and serials.Why do these fictional entertainment shows always go to the trouble of describing human death?

Human beings are proud of their wisdom, but are full of fear of the unknown.But no matter how terrifying the object is, as long as you have experienced it and understood it, you can use this rational understanding to conquer terror.

but.The only thing that can never be experienced while alive is death.It is also impossible to truly understand.As a result, human beings who have nothing to do can only rely on observing the death of others to try to understand the nature of death and simulate the experience.

'This is good.I can understand. 'Like these people, Ryunosuke used to be full of fear of death.Watching those trite deaths, with their horrific corpses and splatters of pink gore perfectly recreated with lifelike acting, can mentally conquer the fear of death if you watch them.Then Ryunosuke should also become a fan of horror movies. .

But for Ryunosuke, he seems to have a keen ability to distinguish the truth of death beyond ordinary people.To him, these imaginary horrors seemed a little ridiculous.Whether it's the plot or the picture, there are pediatric things everywhere.From these things, the so-called essence of death cannot be experienced at all.

Although it is often possible to see so-called fictional descriptions of violence that will have a bad influence on young people, for Yusheng Ryunosuke, these are just very ridiculous jokes.If the blood and screams in horror movies were a little more realistic, he might not be the murderer he is now.

399. Demon's Summoning Ceremony

Ryunosuke wanted to know what the so-called death was like anyway.The color of the fresh blood spurting from the arteries, and the temperature of a certain organ in the abdominal cavity touched by hand.Pull them all out.

The pain felt by the victim before death and the desperate cry before death.Nothing could be more true than this.

People think that killing is a crime.But we'd better think about it.There are more than five billion people living on this earth.

What an astonishing number is this?Ryunosuke has a deep understanding of this.When he was a child, he used to count the gravel in the sand in the park.He will never forget the frustration of counting to ten thousand and having too many to finish.And the human life is half a million times that.Moreover, it is said that the alternation of life and death is still carried out in units of tens of thousands every day.

So how important are the people killed by Ryunosuke?

And when Ryunosuke killed a person, it completely made that person realize all about death.Sometimes it can even make a person experience the process from dying to dying for more than half a day.The information, stimulation, and experience brought about by this person's death are more meaningful than prolonging a worthless life.With this in mind, it would be more appropriate to say that Ryunosuke is performing an act of creation rather than killing people.

Holding this belief, Ryunosuke traveled around while killing people continuously.This removal is not because he is afraid of being punished by the law.

In fact, the feeling of being held in handcuffs has been understood to such a degree that he doesn’t find it scary at all after seeing many similar situations, be it the gallows or the electric chair, no matter what the way of death is All have been fully observed.

Therefore, the reason why he evaded the pursuit of the judiciary is just because before he gave up his life and freedom, he would not get anything even if he went to prison. Compared with going to prison, he thinks that the free, happy and active A healthy life is the correct way of life for a person.

He is completely intoxicated in the joy of extracting the vitality, nostalgia for life, anger and persistence of the target he killed at once.The various performances of the victims before they died can be said to be a microcosm of their lives and have deep meaning.

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