Gently put Sasha down, Longcheng walked in front of Kaludia, the small golden universe continued to improve, and then turned into a more dazzling golden color.

The three-color Ouroboros tattoo emerged on Long Cheng's back, and endless natural energy poured into Long Cheng's body continuously until it reached the peak.

Afterwards, a set of dragon-shaped ink clothes in the color of wet feathers, supplemented by brilliant gold and real red two-color divine patterns covered Long Cheng's body.

"You are the kid, don't hold back!"

The crimson starlight limit was condensed on the index finger, and Kaludia showed a smile full of fighting spirit.

"Hehehe, it seems that none of you are qualified for the new world, so you are just one of the destroyed ones after all."

Vesta looked at the four people on the stage and murmured.

"You are the only one who wants to be destroyed, inject the heat poison of this scorpion into your body! Let's attack together, Long Cheng!"


"Scarlet Poison Needle!"

"Atomic Lightning Light Speed ​​Fist!"

Hundreds of millions of crimson rays of light intersected with golden lightning, and any single ray of light was enough to easily destroy the stars and cover Vesta's whole body.


The violent roar resounded through the sky, and Vesta's position was covered by thick smoke and dust, but Long Cheng and Kaludia did not relax at all.

The blazing energy like a star burns undisguisedly and violently!The dust cleared to reveal Vesta intact.


"forgive me!?"

"I will always watch the destruction and live forever!"

In the next second, Vesta grabbed Kaludia's neck at a speed that the two of them could not react at all, and kicked Long Cheng away.

"Let me show you, Scorpion!"

The ferocious force shattered a crack in the altar under his feet. Vesta threw Kaludia in his hand, and then jumped into the altar without caring about the others.

"Brother Longcheng! Are you okay?"

Sasha ran to Long Cheng's side and helped him up.

"Haha, you're so strong, that bastard." Long Cheng spat out a mouthful of blood, and several cracks appeared in the ink clothes on his body, and he walked towards the cracks.

But before he walked a few steps, Long Cheng was grabbed by Sasha.


"Don't...why did this happen...why am I Athena...I don't want to see Brother Longcheng get hurt...I..."

Tears continued to flow down her cheeks, and the warmth above her head stopped Sasha from blaming herself.

"Sasha...I didn't make myself like this to protect Athena...I desire power to protect you, Sasha, and the people I cherish!"

"Brother Longcheng..."

"I feel very happy, least now I can barely protect you in the face of a strong enemy... instead of just lying on the ground and watching...

Sasha...we can't choose our birth, but we can decide how we want to live in the future! !

So...Sasha...please fight! "

Brilliant golden starlight gushed out from Long Cheng's body, and without any hesitation, Long Cheng jumped into the dark crack like an abyss!

421. Scarlet Poison Needle? Fiery Flow? Andaris

'This guy... actually broke a crack in the ground! ? '

Kaludia thought in surprise while falling.

As a place of worship for the gods, like the sanctuary and the city of Hades, there are enchantment blessings, which makes the destructive power that was suppressed on the earth even more severely suppressed.

The Golden Saint Seiya can only throw ashes here, and even the floor tiles are hard to break.Unexpectedly, Vesta, who had obtained the divine power of the God of Destruction, actually opened a huge crack here.

'There seems to be something in the depths of the ruins...this is...'

Below the black leopard man statue, a huge fireball was burning fiercely. Karbella stood calmly above the fireball, and it seemed that some ritual was going on.

"This is our god, Tezka Polipoca!

The Living Sacrifice Seal in Your Majesty's body oppresses the heart, sending power to our Great God.Now that power is about to reach a tipping point.

Want to see it, the power of destruction! "

Vesta fell behind Kaludia and said calmly.

The next moment, intense heat erupted in Kaludia's chest, the huge fireball expanded again, and an insignificant light shot from the fireball into the distance.

Boom boom boom! ! !

A violent shock wave came from afar, and the fiery white light illuminated the entire dark sky!

"What!?" Feeling the violent shock wave, Kaludia shouted in surprise.

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