Tong Hu and Shi Ang are also ready to go, and they will never give the three of them any chance to take advantage of it.


The cry of the souls of the three people finally reached, and Sasha saw...the three people wearing purple and black dark robes were shedding tears of blood!

This is involuntary remorse and lamentation caused by punching the goddess I believe in!

"no solution anymore!"

"Come on, Shion!"

The golden universe rose up from the bodies of the two golden saints, bursting out with blazing brilliance like a scorching sun.


"Shi Ang, Tong Hu! Wait!"

Sasha stopped the two of them, but at this moment they couldn't help but have the slightest hesitation!

"Stardust Revolution (Stardust Revolution)!!!"

"Lushan Bailongba!!!"

"Wow wow wow..."

The high-speed rotating cosmic star cluster and countless dragons swallowed the attacks of the three in an instant, and the three silver saints who were resurrected by Hades were also beaten to pieces, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

"Cerberus, Auriga!! Brace yourself!"

Sasha left her seat and ran to the only remaining Cerberus seat.


Sasha held the outstretched hand of Cerberus, and crystal tears fell to the ground drop by drop.

"I feel your small universe being manipulated by being turned into the must be...very painful..."

"Athena...Athena, we really...want to be by your fight with you..."

The bodies of the three turned into dust and drifted away. The dead who did not fulfill the order of Hades had only this fate, and even the accumulated corpse energy would not leave behind.

"My lord Athena, my lord Pope. Please issue an order for the two of us to join the battle!"

Shi Ang and Tong Hu clenched their fists and knelt on the ground on one knee.

"It's a pity that I have to defeat my compatriots with my own hands..."

"Anyway, please let us avenge our hatred!"

Hearing that the two volunteered, Pope Saiqi calmed down and ordered, "Okay, Tong Hu, Shi Ang.

Pick a few Bronzes and Silvers and head to Italy!

The destination is the town where Cerberus and the others said, the Great Church stands in the forest!

I'm afraid Hades, the king of the underworld, will also be there, so be careful. "


half a day later

Long Cheng put on the holy clothes of Equestria and looked at the wreath on his left wrist.

In the team led by Tong Hu and Shi Ang, there are Long Cheng and Tianma, and there are also the Unicorn Jesus and several ordinary bronze saints.

"Tianma has set off, don't fall behind. And Long Cheng, don't be in a daze."

Tong Hu said something to the two of them, and then ran towards the outside of the sanctuary.

With Tong Hu taking the lead, Shi Ang and other bronze saints trotted forward, Long Cheng and Tianma were no exception.

However, the two of them sensed something before they took a few steps, stopped and turned their heads to look behind.

Immediately afterwards, Tong Hu and Shi Ang, the two gold saints, also sensed something and looked back.

The long purple hair drifted away with the evening breeze, and the setting sun set against the white dress, forming a peerless painting.

"No way, Lord Athena!" Yeren shouted in surprise when he saw the goddess appearing, and his eyes widened at this moment, who admired the goddess very much.

The other bronze and silver saints were more or less surprised. After all, except for the gold saints, not everyone had the chance to meet the goddess.

"Sasha..." Tianma looked at the goddess who saw everyone off and said so.

Long Cheng didn't say anything, just stretched out his left hand to the girl.

Seeing Long Cheng's actions, Sasha immediately comprehended and stroked the wreath on her right hand. After years of getting along with her, she had already fully understood what Long Cheng expressed.

Tianma also understood, clenched his right fist tightly.

Without delay, Long Cheng and the others headed towards their destination after a simple interaction with Sasha.

Leaving the range of the sanctuary enchantment, everyone moved to Italy in Europe in an instant under the power of Shi On's thoughts, and then searched for the destination of the mission at the speed of sound.

Following the information provided by Cerberus and others, everyone is getting closer to the town where Longcheng and Tianma live, and Tianma's worries are getting heavier.

"This area looks very familiar. The place where the Pluto army was resurrected is indeed our hometown...Brother Longcheng, do you think Aaron is okay?"

Looking at the increasingly familiar scenery, Tianma asked Long Cheng.

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