"Come on, the next is the world that suits you best."

Ashmita said to the Tianma below, his tone was unusually calm.

"Sura Realm! The place where Asura lives, who fight all day long! If you fall into this place, you will have to fight the enemy endlessly all day long."

In the past, images of fighting with children in the small town came to Tenma's mind.

"Human World!!!"

The quiet town in Europe appeared in Tianma's mind. Although the slums and towns separated by walls are dazzling, this is what Tianma misses the most.

"This is... my hometown..."

"A world bound by human suffering! It's a turbulent world where good and evil are uncertain!!!"

"Slums, tired people, sad."

Pedestrians in shabby clothes sat by the side of the street, looking blankly at the ruins and broken walls around them.

"Orphanage, hungry children, unfortunately." In the familiar orphanage, the children are worrying about today's food.

"Street hooligans who discriminate and despise..." People who often bully the children in the orphanage and fight with Tenma appear one by one.


Under the shade of the tree, the purple-haired girl with a wreath kept wiping away her tears.


The four children wear a wreath of flowers that symbolizes the promise.

"Aaron...Sasha...Brother Longcheng...Everyone..."

With Tianma's chanting, the world turned golden.

"Heavenly bliss!!! Although it is described as more beautiful than the human world, but it will fall into other worlds at any time, the realm of the gods who cannot escape reincarnation."

The man in the blue and silver Pegasus sacred robe raised his fist at the god in black armor and holding the sword of ignorance.


Falling powerlessly to the ground, Tenma no longer had the strength to stand up, and it was extremely difficult to even make a sound.

"It seems that you haven't died yet, so let me tell you one more thing.

As a holy warrior of Athena, you have been reincarnated several times to fight fiercely with the gods, and you have hurt the body of Hades in the past.

It is for this reason that Pluto hides his body in the pure land of bliss in the deepest part of the underworld. Every time he wants to invade the ground, he will take the body of the boy with the purest soul in that era to reincarnate himself... just like you like my friend Aaron..."

'is it my fault? Slowly clenching his feeble palm, Tianma thought so.

"But even if you know your original sin now, it won't help."

'Aaron turned into Hades because...'

"Let me personally rescue you this time..."


The fist that exudes azure blue light hit the ground, making a violent sound.

Ashmita also stopped his movements, facing the Tianma below.

"What's the past, what's the karma, to be honest, I still don't quite understand.

The only truth I believe in is this..."

Tenma clenched his garlanded fist and stood up slowly.

"Until now, I have always fought for the promise made by the four of them.

The promise I made when I was young is what drives me to move forward! ! !

Who cares about the karma and fate of the past! ! ! "

"Even if you don't know it, fate is always with you. What's the point of restraining yourself just for the promise of this era?"

"It has nothing to do with the times! I can only survive in this way.

That is to fight for important people! ! ! "

"Relying on that wreath that has begun to wither... well. To prove whether you are empty-handed, let me try your truth.

Kang (Fudo Myo)! ! ! "

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The blue starlight collided with the golden small universe again, and Tianma was covered in blood, but the endlessly rising small universe forcibly fought against Ashmita evenly.

"So that's how it is, stupid and simple. But... it's very human!"

Ashmita looked at the Pegasus who kept hitting the Meteor Fist, and a smile appeared on his face, which was neither sad nor happy.

"I see. I already understand your philosophy, but I can't even bruise your fist. After all, you are only a man of this level.

However, I am very interested in your strong heart. "

As he spoke, Ashmita got rid of the posture of sitting in the lotus position, and stood up gently.

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