"It's better not to be careless... After all, he is the so-called Guardian of the Stars, so don't take it lightly." Shi Ang reminded Tianma, and then began to observe the surroundings vigilantly.

Just as the four of them were advancing, a middle-aged man deep in the palace was playing with a black gold pocket watch in his hand. .

"Tick, tick... click!"

When the pointer of the pocket watch returned to zero, the man with a wicked smile pressed the button of the pocket watch.

445. Still a drop

"Why... suddenly stopped moving..."

Seeing Shion behind him and Regulus's frozen frame, Tenma looked around vigilantly.

"Tianma, be careful..."

"Tread, step, step..."

Slow and rhythmic footsteps sounded, causing Tenma and Sasha to look ahead shrouded in darkness.

"[Time, please stop, you are so beautiful.] - don't you think this kind of words are deceiving?"

Tenma was puzzled by the frivolous voice.


"It's boring. The hands of the clock neither go left nor right. The clock is only interesting if it dances."

A middle-aged man in a black suit and a tall hat came to Pegasus with a bright smile on his face.

"Right, my dear son!!! I seem to see you, Pegasus!!!"

The man hugged Tenma and went away, but Tenma, who was startled by the man's words, didn't react for a while, and was hugged straight by the man.

'What...what are you talking about, this guy...says he is my father?

I have been wandering around with my mother since the day I was sensible! ! !

All I remember is my mother's hands...for me and my mother...father or something...'

Tenma recalled his life before he came to the orphanage, and a flame called anger ignited in his heart! ! !

"Don't... touch me casually!!!"

The small universe of the eighth sense condensed on the right leg, and Tianma directly kicked the middle-aged man's chin.

"My daddy must have died somewhere! The guy who left my mom alone!!!

Let me stop with your vulgar performance... show your true body, underworld fighter! ! ! "

"Hehe..." The man kicked to the ground by Tianma laughed a few times, then stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Hmm... so much like your mother. Stubborn and reckless, a crybaby waltz. Your mother's dancing is the best."

The man took a drag on his cigarette and smiled exaggeratedly.

"You bastard...what did you do to my mother!?" Tenma questioned the man in front of him. As a warrior of the underworld, it is very easy to do something to a dead person.

"Huh, it's still too early for you in your teens. But let's open."

A beam of light suddenly descended from the dark place behind the man. Cigarette smoke permeated in front of the beam of light, and gradually several figures appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

A young man, a beautiful woman with a baby in her arms and a happy smile on her face, and a little girl in a black dress appeared in the beam of light.

Tianma couldn't help but stare blankly at the scene that appeared, and then his expression became ferocious.

"Mom and that guy... this bastard..."

"That's right, your mother, Partita, was once beautiful and very happy...do you remember a little bit?"

Yaoma showed a playful smile, and then continued to show the picture to Tianma.

The girl in a black dress playfully poked the baby in Perdita's arms.

"Speaking of which, Perdita. The doctor said that on Christmas day, mother will have a baby too."

"Oh, madam too? Then you will have a brother or sister."

Partita showed a gentle smile to the girl and said so.

"In other words, our future master is about to be born." Yaoma said to the girl with a smile.

"We servants are also looking forward to it."

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to it too. It would be nice to have a lively child like Pegasus."

"...I really don't have to worry about it, Miss Pandora." Perdita gently kept the girl, and replied softly.

"Pan..." Tianma and Sasha looked at everything in front of them, speechless in surprise.

It is no longer a coincidence that Tianma was born in Pluto's stronghold.

"A long time ago, a boy set out on a journey from a distant eastern country."

Ignoring the shocked two, Yoma began to talk about his own experience.

"For a boy who has awakened as a demon star, Tokugawa's peaceful and prosperous age is suffocating. I want more carnival and chaos... I want to disturb the world even more...

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