Everyone wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes, and said to Long Cheng!

450. Holy Grail of Netherworld

"Ah Cheng, where have you been?" Lias asked, embracing Long Cheng's arm, completely ignoring Elmerhild who was opposite her.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." Long Cheng touched Lias's head and said apologetically. He left without saying a word, and he really felt sorry for everyone.

"No, we didn't blame you... just a little worried..." Everyone's faces became a little gloomy, and they also felt sad when Orpheus left.

"I went to other worlds, trying to find a way to revive Orpheus...

Although the Sephiroth's Cup has the potential to revive Orpheus, it was not enough with my ability at the time.

The common sense that using the Holy Grail will contact life, let the holder know what life and soul are, and the more the artifact is used, the more serious the user is forced to know about its "structure".

The amount of information in life is larger and endless than we imagined.Every time the Holy Grail is used, the living and the dead, all kinds of spirits and concepts that exist will all flow into the user's heart and soul...

It would be easier to talk about someone weaker than me, but Orpheus is no worse than me, and he represents infinity..."

"Then..." Baiyin asked.

"It has been repaired successfully, but her soul is still asleep. When she wakes up, she will probably be much stronger than before." Touching Baiyin's cat ears, Long Cheng said with a smile, and then focused his gaze on Camilla on the opposite side sends vampires.

"Elmehild, I agree to let Gaspar help you. But this is because the host of the god-killing tool is Valerie Tepesh." Long Cheng said in a deep voice to Elmerhilde Said that he likes to be kind to others, but this does not mean that others can look down on their partners arrogantly.

"... Valerie...? No, impossible! Valerie is different from me, she was born without a divine weapon!" Gaspar said as if he was about to cry after hearing Long Cheng's words.

"Even if it's not innate, the artifact will appear due to some kind of opportunity. You should know this, right? Valerie—she is no exception. We speculate that she only awakened and gained the ability in recent years." Elmesh Although De was a little displeased by Long Cheng's words, he still explained for Gaspar.

Asachel narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms: "Indeed. Yicheng's artifact only appeared this year. Sometimes artifacts appear unknowingly, and there is a big difference in the age at which they will awaken." .

I think they probably hid her before we observed with the heavens and locked the holder.I really can't do anything about them.The vampire who hates the divine power got the Holy Grail, a holy relic, but didn't abandon it, and didn't intend to give it to us, but hid it by his side. "

"I think so."

Elmerhild looked at Gaspar.Although Gaspar looked cowardly, he didn't dodge this time, and faced Elme's sight head-on.

"Gaspar Vradi, do you hold any grudge against the Vradi family who exiled you—for the Tepesh faction? With your current strength, you should be able to avenge your hatred."

Gasper, who has awakened Balor's fragments of consciousness, is now the strongest among the Gremory family besides Ise, Rias, and Kitten.

[The Evil Eye that Stops the World] and the [Scimitar that Covers the Forbidden Night and Darkness], the new god destroyer [The Evil Eye King of Time and Space Control] can control time and space, and even allow Gaspar to observe different timelines.In the future, it will be possible to time travel.

It can be said that as long as Gaspar thinks about it, it is a breeze to eliminate the Vladi family.

"...I, I'm satisfied as long as I can stay here. Just being able to be with the president and everyone, I'm..."


Upon hearing these two words, Gaspar's expression became clouded.Confirming his reaction, Elmerhild continued:

"Impurities, taboos, fakes, what did they call you when you lived in the Vladi family? The only one who can feel the same way as you is Valerie, a half-blood from the Tepes family, right?

I have heard that the mixed-race people from Tepes were put under house arrest in the city for a period of time. At that time, you and Valerie lived a life of supporting and helping each other.Don't you want to stop Valerie? "

At this time, Sister Griselda, who had been silent until now, said, "You guys avoid and hate those half-breeds so much, but when you get to the bottom of it, it's not because of vampires that you take away humans, use them to vent their desires, and finally let them have children. The reason for wanton behavior?

Because you caused chaos among the people, people in our church have always had to hold remorse and deal with the aftermath carefully.If possible, I really want to ask you to stop combining with humans just out of interest. "

Sister Griselda's attitude was still gentle, and she even smiled when she spoke, but her words were full of resentment.

Elmerhild covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "That's really sorry. But hunting humans is the essence of our vampires. I think the same is true for demons and angels, right?

To realize human desires in exchange for price, human faith is also needed.Aren't we non-human beings all "weak people" who must feed on humans in order to survive? "


A strong coercion suddenly swept through the Supernatural Research Department, making Elmerhild's contemptuous smile stiff.

"Whether human beings are weak or not, I will not comment on this point, but I know that if pure blood vampires are like you, then there is no need for them to exist.

For those of you who have neither demons nor angels, nor such pedantic existences who know how to keep pace with the times, are you worthy of commenting on others? "

Holding Rias's hand that was slightly trembling due to anger, Long Cheng said coldly to Elmer Hilde, "Hand over the peace agreement, and then leave for me, Rias and Asachel have a good time I will visit Vladi's house and Camila Pai when I have time, as for lending Gasper's power, it depends on their opinions."

"This is the end. It's great to see you all tonight. I also want to thank you for your generosity and willingness to invite vampires into your stronghold, Lord Rias Gremory."

Although he was angry in his heart, Elmerhild responded with a smile on his face and aristocratic etiquette.

"...Yeah, it's great to have this valuable meeting today. Let me get to know you better."

"Then bid farewell. I will leave my entourage here. If there is anything, please pass it through him—then, we will wait for your good news."

Ignoring Rias' sarcasm at the end, the inhabitants of the Dark World left the old school building.


After the meeting ended, about ten minutes passed.

"It's really tiring to meet such a nasty guy as soon as I come back."

With Lias in his right hand and Cang Na in his left, Long Cheng, who was still sitting on Baiyin's lap, sighed slightly.

"...Vampires are still just as annoying...!" Genovia said in agreement, patting the table.

Sister Griselda took a sip of tea, and said to Xenovia: "If it was you before, you would have killed Durandal long ago. It's a good thing you can hold back. You have grown a lot."

Hearing Sister Griselda's praise, Xenovia blushed with a complicated expression.

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