"Gasper, you've grown up." Valerie said to Gasper with a smile.

Gaspar, seeing Valerie's appearance, showed a sad expression.The girl who always took care of her in her memory, at this time, her smile felt so illusory and heartrending.

Even so, Gaspar managed to force a smile, "Valerie...I miss you so much."

"Me too. I miss you very much too. Come closer."

Valerie Tepes beckoned to him, and Gaspar walked towards her.The vampire soldiers and high-ranking nobles did not stop Gaspar from approaching her.

Valerie hugged Gaspar and said softly, "...you seem to be doing well, that's good."

"Well, even though I've become a demon...but I'm doing fine."

"I know, someone reported this to me. Everyone seems to take good care of you over there."

"Well, I have made friends, and seniors and sisters will help me. I am not alone anymore."

Gaspar looked at the crowd.Valerie also looked at everyone following Gaspar's gaze, with a smile on her face.

458. Mental pollution

"I see...they are Gasper's friends. Oh..."

Suddenly, Valerie faced another direction and spoke to the empty place, "amp;%☆@#~*, $△%〇@_▽"

It was a language that no one had heard at all, and all languages ​​would become a common language in the ears of the devil.However, such ability is completely useless now.

This kind of language is useless even the language of thousands possessed by Long Cheng as a godslayer, but he is surprisingly able to understand Valerie's meaning.

Immediately, Long Cheng thought of something, and mobilized the God Extermination Tool [Sephiroth's Cup] in his body.

Long Cheng saw that there was a completely indescribable strange object constantly tumbling in the empty place, as if talking to Valerie.

"That's right, that's right, that's right, I think so too. Eh?...But, is that...really? It's also..."

Valerie continued to communicate with that mass of unknown substance, and Long Cheng also understood what it was, and then whispered to the puzzled crowd.

"Don't look there, your soul will be sucked away."

"Ah Cheng, what did you find?"

Asachel said, "Long Cheng-jun is right, go and don't look there. Be careful of being sucked away by the Holy Grail. Especially Aisha, Xenovia and Irina, you who are from the church can't even look at it." Don't look."

With the reminder from Longcheng and Asachel, everyone immediately turned their attention to the floor under their feet.

"What's going on?" Rias asked again.

"...That is the final fate of those who are possessed by the Holy Grail. They will see things that should never be seen."

"It is a collection of the souls of the dead who have passed away. There are human beings, and there are non-human souls of a different kind...Because it is too mixed, it is impossible to tell what it was originally and what state it is now, Vale Li is talking to such an existence.... Excessive use of the Holy Grail has caused Valerie's mental pollution to become quite serious.

That's why I couldn't revive Orpheus with the Holy Grail.In my state at the time, not to mention whether I could succeed, even if Orpheus was resurrected by luck, I would completely become a lunatic. "Long Cheng opened his mouth to explain.

"Valerie, if you only focus on chatting with "them", you will be too rude to the guests. You have to show the demeanor of a king."

The young male vampire who was staying beside Valerie patted hard and said so.

"Hehehe, I'm so sorry, everyone. However, since I became queen, I should be able to establish a peaceful vampire society. I'm really looking forward to it. Gasper can live here too, there won't be anyone else I bullied you and me." Valerie said to everyone with a smile, her eyes still empty.

Anyone who listens to this speech will know that this is not from her original intention, but completely followed the way of others.

Valerie was only used by those who launched an armed coup, including the mind and artifacts...

"Valerie..." Seeing his friend become like this, Gaspar wept, and a trace of darkness permeated his body.

"It's a good thing that you guys have prepared so well. And you showed it to us in a fair and honest way, which is really unflattering! What do you want to use this girl for? In my opinion, you should be the mastermind of this incident, right?"

Asachel stared at the male vampire beside Valerie, and said in a cold voice.

It was said that the young man's upright face like a puppet was distorted by an ugly smile.

"It's not wrong to say that I am the mastermind.

By the way, I haven't greeted you yet.I am the royal family of Tepesh, Maliushi Tepesh, fifth in line to the throne.

The current identity is the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government and the Supreme Advisor of Artifact Research.If I really want to say, the latter is my job...but I was entrusted by my uncle and the others to temporarily serve as the prime minister.

In the genealogy, I can be regarded as Valerie's older brother, so I want to stay with Valerie and take care of her, and see how this lovely sister who is worried about Tepesh's future will change the world of vampires as a king. "

In this way, Ma Liushi began to talk at length in a frivolous tone.As for Valerie's speech, everyone knew it was a lie as soon as they heard it.The malice contained in his sneer is so strong.

"...Do you know that we have come into contact with the Camilla faction? Is it okay to invite us here?" Asachel asked tentatively.

"Whether it's Camilla, or the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels, or Lord Gremory and Lord Chilong Shengdi, we all intend to negotiate amicably.

That's the slogan of the new government... But it's only half in jest.

No, to be honest, I'm not really interested in things like politics.Everything in that area was handed over to the comrades who launched the armed coup with me.

However, this time it was Queen Valerie who expressed her desire to see you all, and I am also a little interested in you.After all, I often hear rumors about you from partners. "

"Leave these things alone for now... Well, I have a question for you, the mastermind. Why did you launch an armed coup? Did that guy propose it?"

Asachel asked, and everyone in the Supernatural Research Department stared at Ma Liushi.

Facing Asachel's question, Ma Liushi calmly replied:

"I just rely on the Holy Grail to create an environment where I can do whatever I want. Valerie's Holy Grail is a very interesting thing, and I have tried a lot.

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