"It hurts..." Suddenly, the purple-haired girl covered her head and squatted on the ground.

"Really... If you can't drink, don't drink..." Helping the girl to sit on the sofa in the living room, Long Cheng bought her a glass of cold water.

"Come on, have a glass of water."

"Thank you...thank you..."

Ingewell held the water glass and lowered his head, not daring to look at Long Cheng.

"Don't think too much... Even if you say that, you can't listen to it now...

I'm not good at saying anything to comfort others... I can only promise... This is your forever home, and no one will hate you or complain about you. "

Patting the girl on the head, Long Cheng took Lilith to the party room.The actions of the two are relatively leisurely, so most of the personnel have returned.

Dulio was frantically destroying the desserts, and Lilith joined in when she saw this.

Sazeks took the camera, and together with Geotix, he sorted out the photos of Rias.Vininara and Gurefia sighed and shook their heads.Milligas took his grandmother and mother by the hand, shaking happily.

Michael's Gabriel held a doorknob exuding power fluctuations, and said something to Hyoudou Issei and Irina, while Fuyuji was moved and cried.

Balakile and Junai were chatting, recalling Himejima Zhuri.Asachel was talking with Vali and the blade dog.

Long Cheng found a corner and sat down, drinking tea quietly.

Not long after, Cang Na and Serafulu also returned to the party.

Cang Na ran to Long Cheng and sat down beside Long Cheng with an expression of being overwhelmed, while Serafulu walked to the other side of Long Cheng with a smile, and let out a creepy laugh.

About half an hour later, everyone returned to the party, and Ingewell seemed to have figured it out, humming a song and coming to Long Cheng's side.

Finally, there is the final event of the Christmas party, the exchange of gifts.

Rias gave Long Cheng a kiss, the kitten turned into a cat mandrill and meowed a few times in Long Cheng's arms, Ingewell sang a song for Long Cheng, and Cang Na It was given to Long Cheng a cake made by himself, and Lilith was a dessert at the party. As for Lan Hua's, it was very suitable for her status as an old Si Ji, and she gave a box of [system silencer] sets.

As for the others, they also sent some homely things.

The gifts given by everyone were not material things, but these were everyone's wishes for Long Cheng.

"Since I have received everyone's gifts, it's time for me to give you gifts." Long Cheng smiled and handed over the gifts he had prepared to everyone.

The packaging of Rias's gifts is obviously different, it is pink wrapping paper, while others' is white.

"This is..." Lias and the others opened the gift box, and inside was a small jewelry box. Opening the jewelry box, a crystal ring in the color of a feather appeared in everyone's eyes.

"I think... No matter what, I should give everyone a place... If you don't dislike it..." Long Cheng blushed and scratched his cheeks, and said shyly.

"How could you dislike it..." Lias and the others said with a happy smile, with tears shining in their eyes.

"Congratulations." Asachel congratulated.

"When did you decide to get married?" Suzeks said.

"Damn it, I would have known..." Hyoudou Issei felt a little regretful, but he was also happy for Long Cheng.

Everyone was chattering, and Long Cheng and the others could only bear with it.

Near the end of the party, Tacheng Heige and Serafulu secretly found Long Cheng and asked him for a ring too.

Serafulu and Hei Ge both said that they liked this style of ring, and wanted to have the same style of jewelry as Cang Na (Baiyin).

Long Cheng didn't think much about it, so he gave them the rings, but the rings he gave them were put on thin red metal chains to make a ring necklace.After all, how to say to give the ring, the representative is different. .

After getting the ring necklace, Serafulu secretly hid the necklace and ran to find Cang Na.

Hei Ge showed off the necklace he just got to his sister.But for this, the kitten calmly showed the ring on his hand.

488. Root? Firstborn

After the party spanning Christmas Eve and Christmas, everyone returned to their posts.

The Supernatural Research Department and the Student Union are busy with Christmas demon business, and the rest of the DXD team are also busy with their own affairs.

In the apartment, Long Cheng, Lilith and a crimson illusory figure were sitting cross-legged on the bed, traces of pure white ultimate power rose up, and the two were isolated from this space.

The God Extinguisher enchantment in the body has almost shrunk down to the same small point as [root o origin].

Draig has left the origin space and is condensing his own body.

The godhead of Orpheus absorbed Longcheng's root power, and the flickering crystal light seemed to be beating faster and faster.

boom! ! !

Finally, I don't know how long it took, Orpheus' godhead erupted with bright light, turned into a stream of light and flew out of Longcheng's origin space, shooting straight into Lilith's forehead.

In an instant, the huge energy of the color of the feathers enveloped Lilith completely, forming a huge energy dome.

But at this moment, Long Cheng was completely unaware of all this.At the moment when Orpheus' godhead flew out of the origin space, his God Extinguisher Barrier and [root o origin] were also completely fused together.

Then, in the dark night sky, a small white spot expanded infinitely, bursting out with infinite white light, as bright as the big bang of the universe.

The origin burst open, giving Long Cheng a particularly wonderful feeling.In Longcheng's perception, the brand new origin space, no, it should be called the root space now, which is both infinitely large and infinitely small.

It is said to be infinitely large because the information contained in the root space is almost infinite, and it is said to be infinitely small because the root space exists in an information state and has no material entity.

All the information is like a piece of chaos, accumulated in the root space in a disorderly manner, but in Longcheng's perception, his own root space absorbs the power of the root in the super time and space all the time, sorting out the messy information.

[Root source o first birth]!

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