"If you want me to let you go, then admit defeat." Huo Yuhao's strength in hugging Wang Dong'er became stronger as he said that.

"I, I admit defeat, it's okay if I admit defeat... you let go..." Wang Donger cried out a little bit wronged.

"It would have been better if it had been like this earlier." Huo Yuhao let go of Wang Dong'er with some reluctance, stood up, looked at his roommate who was a little tired, and stretched out his hand to her.

Wang Dong'er blushed slightly, she didn't know whether she was ashamed or angry, she reached out and grabbed Huo Yuhao's hand.

"I said, why do you smell so good? You are like a girl, and your hands are as soft as a girl." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"Ah... this... that..." Wang Donger fell into a state of confusion, not knowing how to answer.

"Could it be..."

! ! !Wang Dong'er swallowed, and looked at Huo Yuhao nervously.

'No way...it's only the first day of school, my identity...'

"Wang Dong, are you a sissy? Haha, just kidding." Huo Yuhao scratched his head and said with a smile.


"What's wrong with you, Wang Dong?"

The azure blue arrogance soared into the sky, and the pink blue eyes of Wang Donger wearing the crown shone with dark blue light, full of majesty.

"You idiot...Go to hell!" In a state of anger, Wang Dong'er controlled dozens of water cannons to bombard Huo Yuhao inhumanely.Of course, even in a state of rage, Wang Dong'er is not as good as Shi Lezhi, but only controls the water bomb to the extent that it can hurt people. .

"Ahhh... I was wrong..." Huo Yuhao ran away with his head in his arms, and realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he didn't dare to fight back, so he could only hold his nose and bear it.

"What a pair of little friends...hehe..." Not far away, Mu En, the owner of the Sea God Pavilion, who was lying on a chair and was fishing, watched the two of them fighting and chasing with a smile.

505. School starts

Tired of chasing and fighting, the two lay on the ground without any image.

"I can do the conditions you mentioned earlier, but this is out of respect for my roommate."

Huo Yuhao was drenched all over as he spoke.

"Hmph~ Don't think that I will forgive you if you do this...you think beautifully!"

Although Wang Dong'er said so, her body honestly manipulated the power of the God Extinguisher to dry Huo Yuhao's drenched clothes.

Seeing Wang Donger's duplicity, Huo Yuhao smiled and remained silent.

"By the way, how did you escape my second soul ability?"

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao coughed twice, attracting Wang Donger's attention.

"That's my skill in the state of God Extinguisher, space-time detection. The effect is to detect things that will happen in the past and future within a certain range.

I just used this skill to easily avoid your attack. "

As someone who also possesses the God Extermination Tool, Huo Yuhao believes that even if Wang Donger is not Long Cheng's disciple, he should have an extraordinary relationship with Long Cheng.

"This is too perverted... If this is the case, aren't you invincible?"

Wang Donger exclaimed, and then mumbled in a low voice, "What...Uncle Long Cheng also said that [Deep Pool's Unrivaled Crown] is among the best among the God Extinguisher..."

"Huh? Wang Dong, did you say anything?"

"No, no...haha...your God Exterminator is really powerful..."

Wang Dong'er smiled nervously, and said so.

"Where is it... Your God Extinguisher is both offensive and defensive, like mine, it doesn't improve the combat power much.

In fact, the skill of space-time detection consumes a lot. If I can detect the maximum range, I can't hold on for even a second, and my soul power will be exhausted.

The reason why I can predict your attack route is also because I have narrowed the range to a range that can cover us.

That's it, at the last moment, my soul power has already consumed seven or eight floors. If you struggled longer at that time, I would lose. "Huo Yuhao scratched his head shyly and said.

"What! In other words... if I persist longer... I will win?"

Wang Donger sat up, pointed at herself and said.

"That's right, but you're really weird, why don't you just hug you? Why are you so flustered..." Huo Yuhao answered truthfully.


Hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Wang Dong'er puffed up her face, stood up angrily, grabbed Huo Yuhao by the collar, and dragged him to the dormitory.

"Oh, let go, what are you doing!" Huo Yuhao said to Wang Dong'er in a hurry.

"Go back to practice, idiot. It's unbelievable that I would lose to you! Those who don't practice are better than me, so I won't agree with the outcome of this battle."

"Cultivation is cultivation, why are you holding me, I can walk."

"My pleasure!!!"

Back in the bedroom, Wang Donger put down Huo Yuhao, and sat on her bed to meditate.

Compared with Huo Yuhao's embarrassment, Wang Dong's bed was covered with a thick fur mattress. It was made of some kind of soul animal's fur, but it looked thick and soft.And soft quilts.

Her luggage has already filled the locker on her side, and there are quite a few on the table, but it doesn't look messy

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