Half an hour, in just half an hour, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er completed the required [-] laps.

This was also caused by Huo Yuhao's lack of soul power during the last [-] laps and his inability to use Shrink the Ground.

On the other hand, Wang Donger followed Huo Yuhao leisurely throughout the flight, and even in the last [-] laps, she slowed down. While chatting with Huo Yuhao while running laps, the other students were stunned.

Zhou Yi's rule was one hundred laps per hour, and now Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er completed the task in only three quarters of an hour.The two smiled at each other after finishing the lap, and walked to the side of the square to meditate cross-legged.

Zhou Yi had been standing outside the playground watching everyone since Huo Yuhao and the two started running.Seeing that Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er completed the task in such a short period of time, she was not surprised, but felt that they were worthy of being the heirs chosen by that adult.

In the next half an hour, other students also completed laps one after another, and some of the remaining students were only five or six laps away from completing the task, which was enough time.

All the students ran a hundred laps within the specified time and stood loosely on the Shrek Square.

Zhou Yi turned to the students with a blank expression, and calmly read the names of a few students.The student who was called came out calmly.

Zhou Yi looked at them coldly, and said, "The nine of you can go back, pack your bags and leave the academy. From this moment on, you are no longer students of Shrek Academy."

"Ah?" The nine students who had just finished running and were still exhausted were shocked, and the other students were even more uproarious.

"Teacher, why?" Among the nine students expelled by Zhou Yi, a tall boy named Tai Long stood up with an angry face.Among the students who just completed the lap, he was still in the first camp and was one of the first to complete it.

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Shrek Academy doesn't need students who are opportunistic. They have strength but don't have a good and correct attitude. After being cultivated, they will bring disasters instead of help to any country. Tailong, you Say to yourself, did you run a hundred laps just now?"

Tai Long protested: "Of course it's enough to run."

Zhou Yi smiled, "Have you run enough? If I remember correctly, when you first started running, because I hadn't come to Shrek Plaza yet, you walked slowly for two laps, and when the leader reached the fifth lap That's when you start to keep up.

So instead of a hundred-lap lap mission, you have ninety-seven laps.I'm sure more than one person saw your slacking off. "

"I..." Tai Long's face flushed red immediately, he never expected that Zhou Yi would know everything about the situation outside even though he came out a quarter of an hour later than them.

"But, even if I miss a few laps, you can't just fire me!" Tai Long said, wanting to fight again.

Zhou Yi snorted disdainfully, "I said the reason just now, you are not worthy of being a student of Shrek Academy. Pack your things and get out."

"This..." Tai Long was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he would lose his status as a Shrek student just because he was lazy and skipped three laps.

Zhou Yi looked at the other students, and said calmly, "Although I have a bad temper, I keep what I say. The nine people I pointed out were all cheating and cheating during the run, and they didn't complete the hundred laps. You guys If you are not convinced, you can go to the Academic Affairs Office to sue me, but now, you can leave."

"This... oh...".

Under Zhou Yi's powerful influence, the nine students who were singled out could not say anything, and left Shrek Plaza in despair. Of course, they didn't go to pack their luggage, but went straight to the Academic Affairs Office to file a complaint.

But they are destined not to get what they want, Shrek Academy doesn't want this kind of opportunistic students.

508. End of Punishment

Seeing the nine students being directly expelled by Zhou Yi, the other students in the class were also nervous for a while, fearing that they would be expelled if they were negligent.

Watching the nine students leave expressionlessly, Zhou Yi looked at the other students in the class.

The expressions on the faces of the other remaining students had completely changed at this time, and they didn't dare to breathe when they looked at Zhou Yi.Even Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger were a little nervous.In just an hour, Zhou Yi had already established absolute authority in Class One of this grade.

"Go back to the dormitory to change clothes, and then go to the classroom for class. I'll give you a quarter of an hour." After speaking, Zhou Yi turned around and went back to the teaching building.

No one dared to procrastinate for half a minute, and they scattered, almost all of them ran towards their dormitory at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint.

"This old aunt is too cruel." Wang Dong'er and Huo Yuhao said as they rushed to the dormitory.

"Senior Brother Beibei said that Teacher Zhou Yi is just one of the perverted teachers in the outer courtyard, and it is said that there are even more terrifying existences. Our future college life will be a lot of fun." Huo Yuhao said with a wry smile.

"What!? This is one of them! Brother Beibei didn't tell me... He really is a dignified black-bellied man... Or Uncle Long Cheng... Cough cough... Master treats me the best." Wang Donger said.

As beings who also possess the God Extinguisher Tool, they certainly know each other's identity.It's just that Wang Dong'er really knew Huo Yuhao's identity, and Huo Yuhao thought Wang Dong'er's identity was what he thought. Wang Dong'er didn't refute it, but admitted that she was Long Cheng's disciple.

"How can you speak ill of Senior Brother Beibei?" Huo Yuhao said with some dissatisfaction. After all, he had a good impression of Beibei.

"Tch, don't be fooled by Brother Beibei. Let me tell you, Beibei asked me to..." Seeing Huo Yuhao's appearance, Wang Donger shook her head, and then began to blow Beibei to him. black material.

"What! There is such a thing!" Huo Yuhao listened with relish.

"That's right, when Brother Beibei confessed his love to Sister Xiaoya, he also asked me to use the ability of the god destroyer to control the water vapor in the clouds, and write [XXX] in the sky (because the content is extremely disgusting, it is blocked by an automatic system)."

"Huh~~" After Huo Yuhao heard this, goosebumps fell all over his body.

"It's a pity that I was only nine years old at the time, and I was treated as a coolie and had to eat their dog food. Is it easy for me.

Afterwards, Brother Beibei went on a date with Miss Xiaoya, and left me alone to recover my soul power in a small corner. Do you know how tired I feel after [Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand] multiplies.

If it weren't for the dragon... Master was worried about me and came here, I would have to stay there for half a day, unable to move. "

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , you won't be tired of you."

"Good brother." Wang Dong'er patted Huo Yuhao on the shoulder, walked into the dormitory, turned her back to Huo Yuhao, and showed a perceptive smile on her face.

'Hmm... From now on, I will leave the cleaning of the dormitory to this idiot... Um... No, he still has to practice... How about helping him once in a while. '

Wang Dong'er turned her head to Huo Yuhao and said, "Go to the bathroom and change your clothes. I'm not sweating."

"You fly all the time, so you don't sweat.

In other words, we are all boys, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. "Huo Yuhao smiled and said.

Wang Donger said: "Have you forgotten the five things I told you that day? I don't like to look at other people's bodies. I'm afraid of needles. Hurry up."

Huo Yuhao nodded, took the clothes and walked into the bathroom, took off the sweat-soaked clothes, wiped his body with a towel, and changed into another school uniform.

Walk out of the bathroom, put the dirty clothes in your washbasin, and wash them when you come back.The two did not dare to neglect, and quickly returned to the classroom.

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