"No matter what method is used, it is impossible to be completely harmless. There are so many students in our class, and their strength is only at the top, and they are not the strongest. There will always be a way to crack it.

Let me confirm that it is Gao Sheng... Actually, it is you, Xiao Xiao! "Huo Yuhao analyzed like this, and when he said the last sentence, he looked at Xiao Xiao seriously.

"Ah!? Me?" Xiao Xiao pointed at herself and exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right! Because of you, we can be sure that Gao Sheng's team's injuries were definitely not caused by the Shuo Beast. Do you still remember how the wound caused by the Shuo Beast looked like?"

"Hmm... ah! It's a curse!"

"That's right, the wounds caused by Shuo Beasts will carry the curse of darkness, which requires light or sacred attributes to solve. But their team has a sonic weapon spirit and two wind beast spirits, how can they solve the curse?"

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Xiao asked worriedly.

"Stay the same for all changes. I guess they will take advantage of the opportunity to attack us at the end of our battle with the sci-beasts. We just need to pay attention to it. .

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the person who really caused trouble was killed by Gao Sheng's team because of self-protection, but I don't think it will be such a coincidence. "

As Wang Donger said, Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao nodded in agreement.

516. Class ends

Roar! ! !

Crazy beast roars sounded at night, and the three of Wang Donger left the resting room, and then set fire to the wooden house, illuminating the surrounding streets.

Next to Huo Yuhao's three-person team, Xu Lan's team also broke through the door, and also lit the wooden house for lighting.

The orange-red fire illuminated the surroundings, and strange-shaped creatures surrounded by dark haze surrounded everyone, and there were strange birds hovering in the sky from time to time.

"Where are Wang Sheng and the others?" Huo Yuhao started the sharing of spiritual detection for the seven people present, fired the blue light arrows in his hands one after another, and wiped out several new beasts, and then asked Xu Lan thinking about it.

"The bar in the middle of the street! Gao Sheng and the others are also there." Xu Lan's first soul ring was shining, and when the count was reached, the wind blade would cut back the Shuo Beast that was rushing towards him, and pointed in one direction.

Everyone looked and found that the house there was also lit up.

"Everyone follow me to meet Wang Sheng and the others. Wang Dong and I lead the way. Xiao Xiao also has control-type and auxiliary-type soul masters in the middle. Xu Lan, you and your team's attack-type soul masters protect the rear of the team. Really If not, just leave."

Huo Yuhao yelled, and then he and Wang Donger held the blue light arrow and the blue light arrow to open the way.

At the same time, Wang Dong'er released her butterfly, the goddess of light. The golden light shone on the tip of the butterfly's wings, causing traces of black energy to emanate from the Shuo beast.

Xiao Xiao didn't use the Sansheng soul suppressing cauldron, but released a jade flute martial soul engraved with phoenix patterns, and a yellow century-old soul ring danced under her feet.Then the yellow soul ring turned into blue under some unknown force.

The cyan light was shining, and Xiao Xiao was playing the Nine Phoenix Lai Yi Xiao. For a moment, everyone felt that the surrounding atmosphere became stagnant, and light cyan energy spots flickered on the Shuo Beasts, making their movements slow.

The cyan energy light spots gradually covered the Shuo Beast's body, and the clear sound waves penetrated into their bodies, destroying the Shuo Beast's inner being.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Dozens of dark magic beasts exploded one after another, clearing everyone's surroundings immediately.

Everyone looked at Xiao Xiao in amazement, shocked by the other party's achievements.

"Hehe... This is a flute-shaped artificial artifact that I found in a certain cave before I found you. It was engraved with the head of an evil spirit. As soon as I saw it, it turned into a stream of light and merged into my body. "For the current teammates, Xiao Xiao is also enough to trust, so he also talked about his opportunities.

"I knew this trial was not easy... It seems that Master has prepared various opportunities for everyone, but it's up to you whether you can get them." Wang Dong'er analyzed.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. The bar is here." Huo Yuhao said.

Before coming to the bar, everyone saw that Gao Sheng's team was fighting with the Shuo beasts, but Wang Sheng's team was nowhere to be seen.

"Come and help, Wang Sheng and the others have been killed by these beasts!" Gao Sheng shouted to the crowd.

Hearing this, Xu Lan's team was about to step forward to help, but was stopped by Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er.

"What are you guys doing? We're all classmates, so we can't leave them alone!" Xu Lan said to Huo Yuhao and the others.

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao just raised his head and calmly looked at Gao Sheng's team.

"Wang Sheng and the others...you killed them. Before you came here, you also killed many classmates, right? Also, your mental fluctuations in manipulating the Shuo Beast are too obvious."

Huo Yuhao said indifferently, his golden eyes turned one black and one red, and the white soul ring under his feet also turned half black and half red.

At the same time, all the new beasts stopped attacking the crowd for no reason, but retreated from the range of tens of meters and surrounded the crowd.

"Oh? Did you find out? Tsk, it's almost there." Gao Sheng said angrily.A bell emitting a green halo appeared in his palm, and the purple second soul ring under his feet dimmed.

"You...why did you do this? Why did you attack other students?" Wang Donger asked.

"Does it need to be said? Of course it is to become the class leader and to win the final victory! That Mr. Long and Mr. Gaspar are not simple existences, creating a virtual space, creating this kind of monster group... This is definitely not something that ordinary Titled Douluo can do.

If I can gain their appreciation and become their disciple... I will definitely be able to become a genius in the outer court and enter the legendary inner court. "

"Just because of this kind of thing... can you kill your classmates without any bottom line!?"

Huo Yuhao shouted and asked, a flame of anger flickered in the eyes of one black and one red, and traces of black energy emanated from Huo Yuhao's body.

"Anyway, they won't really die. Haven't you noticed the hidden rules that Teacher Long gave us to test? Forget it, I don't bother arguing with you. When I become the squad leader, you will be just like that."

Gao Sheng said disdainfully, and then signaled the Sun brothers behind him to prepare to fight.

Wang Donger and the others also entered the fighting state one after another.

But just as everyone was about to make a move, Huo Yuhao spoke to the crowd behind him.

"They... leave it to me." After finishing speaking, Huo Yuhao took two steps forward, and above the half-red and half-black soul ring, there was another black illusory halo, faintly visible.

"You... are not worthy of being students of Shrek Academy."

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