Xiandumu Aye's eyeballs were dyed the color of flames, and a dark knight appeared in the space behind him.

Behind that month also appeared a huge figure shining with golden light.

"Oh~ I finally found an heir, so don't fight, you two." A third voice appeared in the classroom, immediately causing Nangong Nayue and Xiandumu Aye who were confronting each other to stand on end.

"Who!? Come out!" Nangong Nayue frowned, as she was known as the [Witch of the Void], she had an extraordinary talent for space control techniques, and she keenly felt the power of space.

Xiandumu Aye, as an existence who wants to create a world without supernatural powers, although his research on space is not as good as that month, it is not bad either.

"Sure enough, he is the successor chosen by Shen Mieju himself. His talent is pretty good."

White mist rose in the classroom, and a man with black hair and black eyes suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"First introduce myself, my name is Long Cheng, and I am here to find my subordinate god, that is, you—Nangong Nanyue."

Long Cheng smiled and said.

"What a joke! Allow me to refuse!" Nangong Nayue frowned and said.

"Sorry, you have no right to refuse."

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng waved his hand, and white smoke instantly enveloped Nangong Nayue.

"That month!" Xiandumu Aye yelled worriedly, and then commanded his contracted demon to slash at the white mist covering that month with a sword.

As imagined, the shattering of the white mist did not appear.Like a maggot attached to a bone, the white mist climbed up with the contracted demon's sword, and then enveloped Xiandumu Aye.

"Two? Forget it, anyway, both the Star Breaking Sword and the Star Piercing Gun have three heirs."

The white mist dissipated quickly, revealing the two people who were enveloped.When they came out again, their hostility towards Long Cheng completely disappeared.

When inheriting the God Extinguisher, they will also inherit some information about the origin of the Almighty from Long Cheng at the same time, so that they can understand the nature of the world.

"Hey...before you leave...can you do one thing for me?" Nangong Nayue sighed and asked.

"Establish a prison barrier? I've already done it. After certain conditions are met, people with supernatural powers in this world will be sent in."

Long Cheng said flatly, for him, not to mention creating a virtual space, even creating a universe is just a matter of thought.

Nangong Nayue nodded and stood beside Long Cheng.Losing the reason to be hostile to Nayue, Xiandumu Aye also came to the other side of Longcheng. .

"Then, we will leave this world. After you arrive in the new world, you must learn the power of different systems. The enemy in the future is extremely powerful."

After exhorting them, Long Cheng took Nangong Nayue and Xiandumu Aye and disappeared on Xianshen Island.

518. Arrangement

Return to the golden ancient tree space.

Long Cheng took Nangong Nayue and Xiandumu Aye to find Mu En.

Long Cheng let that month enter Huo Yuhao's first class, and Xiandumu Aye entered the Oros branch to study with the Fallen.

Nangong is currently graduating from junior high school at the age of sixteen that month, but due to her relatively petite body, it is more than enough to be regarded as a first-year freshman.

"I'm already sixteen years old!" Nangong seemed a little dissatisfied with Long Cheng's arrangement that month.

"That Yuechan looks very petite, so don't worry about being exposed. It's for your own good to let you study from the first grade, after all, you don't understand the cultivation system of this world at all.

Since power takes time to transform, your current strength is about twenty or so levels of soul power. "

"Hmph, don't add sauce after my name." With a soft snort, Nangong glared at Long Cheng slightly dissatisfied that month.

"Yes ~ yes ~" Long Cheng touched the other party's head and said perfunctorily.

"Tsk... If the teacher doesn't satisfy me, I won't listen to him."

"It's up to you. Your status is a special enrollment, and you have certain privileges. I have registered for you for the basic courses of the Oros Branch and the Fallen Branch, and you can just go there when the time comes."

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue nodded and continued, "Then where do I live? Let me make it clear that I don't want to live in the student dormitory with the first-year kid."

"This...then you should stay in my room in the ancient golden tree first."

"how about you?"

"I don't live there. That room is just reserved for me, but I hardly ever live there. I'll take you there."

After speaking, Long Cheng brought Nangong Nayue to his room in the ancient golden tree.

dong dong dong...

He knocked lightly on the door, and a few seconds later, the wooden door of the room was gently pulled open.

I saw a petite girl wearing a black gothic dress, with silky long hair, exquisite appearance, and a figure similar to Nangong's that month, appearing in front of the two of them.

"Opheus." Long Cheng hugged the girl in his arms, and then asked, "Where's Lilith?"

The girl rubbed against Long Cheng's arms, and then her calm voice came out, "I'm hatching eggs in the bedroom, and I don't know when Phyllis will be born."

Walking into the room with Nangong Nayue, Long Cheng hugged Orpheus and sat on the sofa, and asked suspiciously: "Phyllis?"

"The name we gave Little Rainbow Dragon." Orpheus raised his head and said with a smile.

Long Cheng nodded, and then said to Nangong Nayue beside him, "This is my wife, the infinite dragon god Orpheus."

"Hi, I'm Ah Cheng's wife, Orpheus."

Then Long Cheng introduced Nayue next to him, "Opheus, this is Nangong Nayue, the eighteenth god I found, who inherited the God Extinguisher [Juewu]. With her is Xiandumu At night, she is currently in the Fallen Sorting.

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