Many vendors gather here, selling everything, dazzling.Among them, the vendors selling all kinds of food are the most.The cries of selling are endless.Obviously, they all gathered here to do business with Shrek Academy students.

Tang Ya obviously couldn't wait any longer. Not far from the gate of the city, she even occupied a little bit of the avenue, and took out all the things she had prepared.

Metal ovens, coals, and iron racks, all kinds of seasonings, killed and cleaned herring are all available.

Huo Yuhao helped Tang Ya set up the oven. Seeing her anxious look, he couldn't help laughing.

Tang Ya clapped her hands and said, "Okay, my task is completed, and I'll look at Xiao Yuhao and you next. Xiaodong'er and I will go buy something else to eat first, remember, there are four of us among these fish. Just sell it for five copper coins, and if you want to buy ingredients in the future, just go to Mrs. Lin in your cafeteria."

After saying this, Tang Ya excitedly dragged Wang Dong'er away.

Huo Yuhao scratched his head and began to marinate the grilled fish.Huo Yuhao tore up the perilla, then mixed it with some other seasonings, stuffed it into the belly of the herring, and skewered it with bamboo sticks.

Let stand for fifteen minutes to let the seasonings infuse.After I felt that the ingredients were almost marinated, I started to grill the fish.

Little things like lighting a fire are familiar to him. After a while, there are already a few burning coals in the oven.The oven is not small and can hold four fish at the same time.He baked it straight away.

It has to be said that Huo Yuhao's grilled fish is truly outstanding. After a while, the strong aroma has already wafted out.This works better than any advertisement.Not to mention the students who came out of the academy, even the vendors around couldn't help casting curious glances at him.

"Little brother, how do you sell this grilled fish?" A male student in a yellow school uniform came over and asked.

Huo Yuhao said very politely: "Senior, five copper coins for grilled fish."

The student was also cheerful, "It smells good, let's try one." While speaking, he handed Huo Yuhao five copper soul coins.

With the first person to ask, others will naturally come over.It's just that this is the first time Huo Yuhao has appeared here. Although it smells tempting, no one knows how it tastes.Almost all of those who came around were Shrek Academy students who had just finished school.

When Huo Yuhao handed a grilled herring to the student in yellow, the eyes of the others could not help but fall on the student.

That student bit down under everyone's eyes, and the yellow-clothed student's eyes were straightened, and he didn't care about the compliments. He swallowed a fish in two bites.

Without words, the others naturally understood the deliciousness of Huo Yuhao's grilled fish, and lined up one after another, waiting for Huo Yuhao's grilled fish.As for the other three grilled fish in the first wave, they were bought by the senior who was the first to buy grilled fish as early as the first time.

Looking at the long queue in front of him, Huo Yuhao didn't expect that his grilled fish business would be so good. He wiped the sweat from his brow and apologized to the students around the oven.

"Seniors, today is my first time doing business. I can only sell [-] pieces of grilled fish. I have sold [-] just now, and there are [-] more. According to the principle of first come, first served, seniors who have not lined up, please come back tomorrow. Bar."

While talking, he collected the money from the students in front of the queue, put it into the belt of the twenty-four bridge moonlight night, and sold sixteen fish, which was enough to earn eight silver soul coins. After deducting the cost and tomorrow's purchase cost, the remaining The money is enough for him to eat.

Huo Yuhao wasn't greedy either. He knew very well that the most important thing for him at this stage was cultivation, as long as he earned enough money.

Although he became the squad leader in Longcheng's trial, at the last moment, the incident of losing consciousness after using Time Break made him deeply understand that his basic quality was too weak.

When transforming into a false forbidden hand, Huo Yuhao was able to get a glimpse of the bottomless, abyss-like potential power of the God Extinguisher [the evil-eyed king governed by time and space].He is looking forward to, looking forward to the time when he has cultivated enough to carry and use this power.At that time, maybe it was time for him to go back to the Duke's mansion to seek justice for his mother.

At this moment, a female student in purple school uniform and a male student in black school uniform walked out from the gate of Shrek Academy. They walked side by side and attracted countless eyes.

The girl looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, with a slender and well-proportioned figure, long blond hair scattered behind her head in big waves, snow-like skin, and a beautiful appearance.

The boy was wearing a black school uniform. He was a sixth-grade student. He looked about the same age as Beibei. He was tall, with thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, a straight nose and a square mouth.

"Nan Nan, it smells so good, do you want to eat grilled fish?" The boy in black said to the girl beside him.

The blond girl nodded, smelling the fragrance, she was indeed a little hungry.

"Okay, I'll go buy it now, you wait here."

Seeing his girlfriend nodding beside him, the young man in black hurried to Huo Yuhao's booth.

"Student, how do you sell your grilled fish? Give me two."

"Five copper soul coins. But I'm sorry, senior. Today's grilled fish has been bought. If you want to eat, you can come tomorrow."

Huo Yuhao said apologetically, and started to tidy up the stall at the same time.

"My name is Xu Sanshi, elementary school brother, isn't there four more?"

"This is for my friend."

Hearing this, Xu Sanshi took out a golden soul coin, "Primary school boy, my girlfriend wants to eat your grilled fish. Can you please accommodate me."

"This..." Looking at the golden soul coin in front of him, Huo Yuhao was a little embarrassed. After all, it was a huge sum of money for him.

"...I'm sorry, senior. It's only tomorrow." After some ideological struggle, Huo Yuhao still rejected Xu Sanshi's bribe.

"Sigh... alright. But you have to keep tomorrow's share for us. There are two in total. I'll let you have the money first."

After handing the golden soul coin to Huo Yuhao, Xu Sanshi walked up to Jiang Nannan with his head down.

"I'm sorry, Nannan. The grilled fish has been sold out. But I made an agreement with the little boss, and I will keep it for us tomorrow."

"It's okay, Sanshi. You're so good to me, isn't it just a grilled fish?" Jiang Nannan smiled and hugged Xu Sanshi's arm. .

"Isn't this Nannan and Sanshi? Are you coming to eat Xiao Yuhao's grilled fish too?"

At this time, Tang Ya walked over with Wang Dong'er and Bei Bei.

520. God bestowed soul ring

"Tang Ya, Bei Bei, and... Xiao Dong'er? You also come to eat grilled fish? What a coincidence. But the boss's grilled fish is sold out, so let's come back tomorrow."

Xu Sanshi said this to the three of them.

" can we be treated the same as you? How about Xiao Yuhao~sister's grilled fish?"

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao handed over four grilled fish.

"Senior Sister Xiaoya, I saved the grilled fish for you."

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