Beibei and the others are already titled Douluo, who are only two or three years older than Huo Yuhao. Huo Yuhao's seventy-ninth-level soul power can't change their color. Soul-level artificial artifact maker.

What is the God Exterminator?As Shrek's inner court disciples, everyone who has attended classes in the Fallen Sorting School naturally knows about it.There are only [-] god-killing tools in total, which belong to Long Cheng's inheritance. Having a god-killing tool means that Huo Yuhao is that lord's disciple!

Huo Yuhao was originally well-known in the outer court, but he never really said that his artifact was a god-killing tool. Most people just guessed that the other party had a god-level artificial artifact, so Huo Yuhao's name was only spread in the outer court before.After entering the inner court, he was trained by Cang Yue and others all day long, and he didn't show his strength at all. Naturally, he didn't have much reputation in the inner court.

That's why everyone was so surprised after Huo Yuhao said that he possessed the God Extermination Tool. At the same time, all the girls looked at Huo Yuhao with bright eyes.

Huo Yuhao is only seventeen years old and is the pinnacle of soul sage. He also possesses the God Extermination Tool. It can be said that he will become a god in the future.That girl doesn't want such sweet pastries?Most importantly, Huo Yuhao doesn't seem to have a girl in love yet.

Without saying anything, Huo Yuhao bowed slightly and made a very elegant movement. His body slipped quietly, returned to his previous position, and landed on the water lily lotus leaf again.

Then it was Xu Sanshi's turn, he did not release his spirit or spirit ring, but walked slowly into the lake, and said to Jiang Nannan.

"Nannan, the happiest thing in my life is being able to meet you. The reason we are together is not good, but the time with you is the happiest for me. It is to get a god-level artificial artifact and become a teacher. The moment of respecting my disciples is not as good as every minute and every second with you."

Jiang Nannan looked at Xu Sanshi in the lake, the corners of his eyes turned red.

"Sanshi... I really didn't have a good impression of you at the beginning. Because our identities are too different, you are the young master of Xuanmingzong, and I am just a commoner.

The reason we met was only that matter... I originally thought you would be a playboy, but you gave me a chance to leave and promised to be responsible.

... The reason for starting is not important anymore, at least I am very happy now.I also cherish the time with you. "

Of course, Jiang Nannan was very clear about how Xu Sanshi had treated her over the years.He was just a commoner, but after that Xu Sanshi regarded her as more important than himself.Even after the two of them got the god-level artificial artifact and became Long Cheng's named disciples, they didn't change.

Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan looked at each other tenderly, the corners of their eyes were red, but they both smiled happily.

After that, Ye Yi and the others had to go through the process one by one, but everyone present only felt that their eyes were about to be blinded by the flash bombs.

Fenrir, who was lying beside Lu Fei, looked at [Blade] and [Yan] snuggled up to each other, and felt that the dog food in the bowl was stale in an instant, and even felt a little full.

After everyone had introduced themselves, Tang Ya smiled and said, "Next, we are going to start the fourth link. After sympathy, love at first sight, and love at second sight, it's time for fate. So , our fourth link is called the predestined relationship between three lives.

In this link, the female students will come out one by one, introduce themselves, choose the boy they like, and go to him.Male students should stand a little further away. It is not ruled out that someone is very attractive and can attract more than one female student.

At the end of this session, if the male students are not favored by any female students, then, sorry, you will leave our blind date meeting this time.The remaining people continue to the last link. "

Then Beibei continued: "Let's get started. Please pay attention to the three girls who are still wearing bamboo hats. Later, when you introduce yourself, you can choose to take off the bamboo hats to reveal your true face...

If you don't show up or give some hints during this session, then in the final session, unless the boys are sure to choose you, otherwise, you will not be able to take off your hats until the end of the event.Next, let female student No. [-] introduce herself and choose. "

While Beibei was talking, Tang Ya would make eye hints at girls No. [-] and No. [-] from time to time.

538. Predestined Three Lives

Female student No. [-] tapped her toes on the lotus leaf of the water lily, and then her whole body was ignited with an ominous purple flame, turning into a beautiful fire phoenix soaring into the sky.

Ten strange purple-red soul rings danced slightly beside him.

Then the purple-red fire phoenix landed in the center of Poseidon Lake and turned into a beautiful woman again.

"Ma Xiaotao, Martial Soul: Sin Yan Phoenix, Level [-] God, Title: Prison Phoenix. This year is twenty-six years old."

Tang Ya smiled and asked, "Although I know the answer, I still have to ask you according to the procedure. Sister Xiaotao, what is your choice?"

Ma Xiaotao blushed slightly, then flashed to Meng Fan's side, holding his palm.

Meng Fan smiled slightly, and purple-black flames ignited all over his body.

Immediately, golden, purple-black, and purple-red rays of light shone. When everyone opened their eyes again, what appeared in everyone's eyes was a purple-gold magic dragon with a pair of phoenix wings.

Soul Fusion Technique - Sin Ke and Prison Flame Dragon and Phoenix! ! !

Long Huang nodded to Long Cheng and the others, then turned into a beam of light and flew into the distance.

"...cough cough, Senior Brother Meng Fan and Senior Sister Xiaotao have left the field. Although they have been eliminated, please send them your blessings." Beibei looked at Longhuang who was going away, and said helplessly.

Afterwards, Tang Ya said, "Then, it's time for our next girl to appear."

Hearing what Tang Ya said, the lotus leaves under the feet of female student No. [-] shook suddenly, probably because she was a little nervous.

She lowered her head and pondered for a while, then she seemed to have figured it out, and took off her bamboo hat.

Her powder-blue hair was draped behind her head, and her beautiful face with light makeup immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The blue-golden crown is inlaid with eight crystal clear gemstones, and the eight blue soul rings behind him move slightly.

The moment the crown appeared, the sparkling lake calmed down instantly, smooth as a mirror.

"Tang Wutong, an eighty-five-level attacking, control-type fighting spirit. Martial spirit: Goddess of Light Butterfly, Clear Sky Hammer, God Destroyer Tool: Unrivaled Crown of the Deep Pool."

After finishing speaking, Tang Wutong spread out a pair of blue and gold butterfly wings from behind, and gently floated to Huo Yuhao's side.

Huo Yuhao froze the moment Tang Wutong took off his bamboo hat, and he didn't react when Tang Wutong came to him.

"Idiot, won't you let me go up?" Tang Wutong gave Huo Yuhao a reproachful look and said.

"Oh... oh..." Huo Yuhao looked at Tang Wutong, responded in a dull manner, and took a few steps back to let the lotus leaf under his feet.

Tang Wutong attracted most people's attention with eight azure blue soul rings and the God Extinguishing Tool.

"You are... Wang Dong!?" Huo Yuhao shook his head vigorously and asked Tang Wutong.

Tang Wutong blushed and nodded shyly at Huo Yuhao.

"I'm Wang Dong... At the beginning, I disguised myself as a man and enrolled in school. Tang Wutong is my real name, and this is also the memory that I only woke up after I reached the seventh ring."

" and Master..."

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