Lie Yan nodded, "Anyway, I'm not interested in the position of God King, as long as I can be with you, that's enough.

The two guys, good and evil, have been entangled in reincarnation in the lower realm for life after life. They have gone through countless lives, and they have reached the peak every time. When we look for them, they will not come back as long as they recover some memories.It is really helpless to let the two of us take over the shift! "

Ji Dong suddenly smiled, and said, "It's useless to think about it now, my dear, it's idle anyway, why don't we continue to work hard?

You see how powerful the sea god is, they already have a daughter, and they seem to be getting married.Our gods swear that it is really difficult, very difficult for us to conceive.But everyone's daughter has a partner, and we haven't moved at all. "

Lie Yanqiao blushed, rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Who can blame it? Is it because you are incompetent? I want to drink! You make me drink!"

"Okay, okay, as long as you like, I will make it for you every day."

"Okay, I want to drink the midnight sun to commemorate our meeting, little Ji Dong~"


Suspended above the clouds and mist, the fog around the God of Destruction naturally turned dark purple, and the divine power of destruction emerged around him. The water molecules around his body instantly shattered and turned into nothingness, and the dark purple light also turned into nothingness. become more and more profound.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you always have trouble with the Sea God? We are both law enforcement officers of the God Realm. The previous God of Good and Evil entrusted the God Realm to him. Can't we get along well?" Rou Rou The voice sounded behind him.The Goddess of Life had come behind him at some point.

The God of Destruction said coldly: "If he only cares about the God Realm, I am naturally willing to live in harmony with him. But look at what he did, for the sake of Su Yunyan from the Lower Realm, who disregarded the rules of the God Realm and prevented me from punishing her.

Taking action to block the surveillance of the Douluo Plane has now caused that Long Cheng to promote the Douluo Plane to the God Star, attracting the God Realm and the God Star closer to each other.

The God Realm must devour the Douluo God Star. This is necessary for our God Realm. If he wants to obstruct it, he will hinder the development of the entire God Realm!

After he came to the God Realm, how many people from the lower realms were brought to the God Realm.Has he ever followed the rules himself?Such a selfish person, I really don't understand why the two God Kings entrusted the entire God Realm to him. "

Hearing this, the Goddess of Life frowned slightly, and said, "Destruction, in fact, from the perspective of Sea God, he didn't miss anything.

That's right, he did block the surveillance of the Douluo plane, but in the final analysis, it was also for his brother.One side is the rules of the gods, and the other side is brotherhood. We really can't blame him.

After he entered the God Realm, he brought in many people, but we have to admit that there were indeed many outstanding talents in the Douluo Continent at that time, not to mention the Sea God, the God of Angels and the God of Rakshasa. , just those two Long Cheng and Orpheus, who have never met before, are geniuses far beyond our imagination.How powerful is it to promote Douluo Continent to God Star with one's own power? ?

Even other people, most of them rely on the results of their own cultivation, and are finally valued by the gods.And during that time, there were also many gods who wished to travel and give up their god positions.

To take a step back, when Seagod first came to the God Realm, he inherited the positions of Seagod and Shura God at the same time.Sea God is a first-level god, and he is qualified to lead people into the God Realm. Although there is a limit on the number, it is still allowed.Not to mention God Shura, God Shura is the oldest existence in the God Realm just like us, as a member of the God Realm Committee, it is a big deal for God Shura to inherit the position of God, and there is nothing wrong with bringing some people into the God Realm.At that time, it was also approved by the two god kings. "

543. Destruction x Life

Then the Goddess of Life sighed softly, and said: "I know, you are a little dissatisfied with the two god kings who handed over the God Realm to the Sea God before reincarnation and rebirth, and also dissatisfied with what the Sea God did, but if I had to choose, I'm afraid Will do the same."

As soon as the Goddess of Life said this, the God of Destruction suddenly turned around. Under the cloak, a pair of blood-red eyes instantly became sharper, staring at her, and a piercing intent of destruction instantly shot at her. pounce.

Wherever the intention of destruction passes, the energy of heaven and earth will also be shattered and become part of the destruction.However, when this huge divine power approached the goddess of life, it was reassembled and restored to its original appearance.

The Goddess of Life sighed: "Your world belongs to destruction. You are upright, we all believe in this. However, it is not a good thing for the God Realm to rule the God Realm with the paranoia of destruction. Sometimes The rules of the God Realm are not absolute, and the current God of Kindness was originally an abyss god that the God Realm cannot tolerate.

Regarding the Seagod's control of the God Realm, the two god kings had specifically approached me before they left, and they made a decision only after I agreed.I'm sure they approached you too, but you couldn't listen. "

The Goddess of Life lingered around her body regardless of the strong idea of ​​destruction, floated to the side of the God of Destruction, and gently snuggled up to him.

The God of Destruction opened his arms and hugged her into his arms, and the strong red light in the depths of his eyes became softer.He said in his unique deep voice: "If the rules of the God Realm are not absolute, then what is the meaning of our God Realm Committee? Could it be that I was wrong about this matter?"

"I didn't say you were wrong, it's just... I think sometimes it's not a good thing to blindly follow the rules without considering human feelings. If I caused the lower plane to be promoted to God Star, and there is a crisis of swallowing the God Realm, you will How to do it?"

Hearing the rhetorical question from the Goddess of Life, the God of Destruction couldn't help but fell silent.


"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu!" The call sounded, and a ray of light appeared on the top floor of the God Realm Committee.

The blue figure who was calm and majestic before now seemed a little anxious, even reckless.

In the warm bedroom, there is a girl, her long hair is combed into a scorpion braid and hangs in front of her body, her beautiful face is fair and charming, especially her eyes are extremely lively.Compared with the nobility and elegance of the God of Kindness, she is more beautiful and charming, and has an indescribable special temperament.

"Third brother, what happened?" Looking at Tang San who pushed the door and entered, Xiao Wu asked suspiciously.He had never seen Tang San who lost his composure so much.

"It's Xiaocheng, we will meet Xiaocheng and Orpheus soon."

"Ah, are Feifei and the others finally coming up? We've really made us wait long enough." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tang San's face became a little more solemn, and he said: "It's not that simple. This time... we may meet as enemies."

"Why!?" Xiao Wu exclaimed in surprise.

"Xiaocheng's promotion of the Douluo plane to the God Star caused the God Realm and the Douluo God Star to attract each other. When the two worlds meet in a few days, one of them will definitely be swallowed."

"This..." Hearing this, Xiao Wu's expression turned pale. The Douluo Continent is their hometown, and Long Cheng and Orpheus are also in the Douluo Continent. She really doesn't want to see brothers kill each other and their hometown be destroyed.

"There is still a chance... I have to talk to Rong Nianbing and Dai Boss."

"Then you go, this matter cannot be delayed." Xiao Wu nodded, then turned and walked into the kitchen to make tea, preparing to welcome the people who will arrive later.

"Okay, I'll go back quickly." Tang San said, and then turned into a stream of light, moving quickly in one direction.

Not long after, about half an hour later, a total of twenty-five figures came to Tang San and Xiao Wu's residence one after another.

Of these twenty-five people, the leader is naturally Tang San.Beside him are Tang Hao and Ah Yin.Behind him were seven people, namely the Six Shrek Monsters and Bai Chenxiang, followed by the Golden Iron Triangle, Zao Wou-Ki, the Hundred Thousand Year Demon Soul Great White Shark Xiaobai, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

The remaining eight people on the other side formed a group independent of Tang San and the others.The leader was a handsome young man with long golden hair, and behind him were seven gods exuding fluctuations of various elements.It was Rong Nianbing, the god of emotions, and the seven elemental gods.

Twenty-five people plus Xiao Wu, a total of twenty-six people sat around a big table.

Watching everyone take their seats, Xiao Wu poured a cup of tea for everyone present.

"Little San, let's explain what happened in detail first." Yu Xiaogang said.Because he was in a hurry, Tang San naturally couldn't explain it one by one when he summoned everyone, he just explained the urgency of the matter, and now everyone gathered, naturally he had to explain it carefully.

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