"Oni-chan, I'm here." Kiritani Suguha walked out of the light gate in the state of a Terraria God, with the artifact [Star Break] hanging on his waist.

"Xiao Zhi." Kirito looked at his sister and said with a smile.

"Oni-chan!" Suguha saw Kirito, and rushed into Kirito's arms regardless of others.

"Dear Kirito, we are here. The handsome samurai hero, my uncle Klein is here!" A man in red armor who looked like a down-and-out samurai said frivolously.

"Klein, be a little more serious. This is a real different world." An eight-foot-tall black brother Wu Kegui walked out of the light gate with a huge battle ax on his back, patted Klein on the head, and said.

"It hurts, my HP is going to decrease." Klein complained while covering his head.

"Okay, okay, this is a different world, not a virtual world, where does the HP value come from, Mr. Klein, the social animal uncle."

A girl with short and medium pink hair said so and walked out of the light door.Seeing Cang Yue and the others staring at several people around, she smiled awkwardly but politely, then continued with some nervousness.

"You... Hello, my name is Lisbeth, and I come from the world where Kirito and Asuna are."

"Hello. People here come from all heavens and worlds, so don't feel reserved." Cang Yue and the others smiled back.

Afterwards, Silica, the Integrity Knights, the Dark Knights, and others walked out of the Light Gate with the flying dragon familiar, and came to the side of Kirito, Asuna, and Shino Asada.

"How's the situation?" Lyseris asked as she walked up to Kirito. .

"Longcheng's operation has just started now, and you are the first to arrive. It is probably because the world we were originally in was the weakest and the easiest to connect to. There are still two and a half days before the two worlds meet."

Kirito explained the general situation to everyone.Lise Lis nodded, and then ordered everyone to rest temporarily, and at the same time communicate with others, try to get familiar with others before the battle.

545. The Plan of Destruction

Another door of light opened, and the dozens of people who walked out this time looked unusually young, about sixteen or seventeen years old, and the oldest looked only in their twenties.

"Is this the world where Long Chengjun lives?" said the handsome young man with long golden hair holding a beautiful girl with long pink hair.

Everyone looked at the girl led by the young man, and they couldn't help being stunned, because that girl was almost [-]% similar to one of Long Cheng's wives, who had inherited the Shenmie Tool [The Song of the Last Emerald Sea]. .

"Hello, my real name is Sakura Manji. This is Kushinya, and next to him is my younger brother Sakura Manji.

Then the two next to me, the one in the red trench coat is called Scruggie, and the girl he is holding is called Carol. "

The pink-haired girl smiled at everyone, and then introduced the leaders including herself one by one.Behind them are the funeral club and everyone from Tianwangzhou High School.

Su Yunyan smiled and nodded at them, and said, "Hello, I am Master Longcheng's disciple, Su Yunyan. Since I came to help Master, then everyone is a companion, this way please."

Hearing this, Chou Shenya nodded, and then led everyone to find an open space to rest on the spot.

The coming helpers from the world of Sword Art Online and the world of Guilty Crown, their overall strength is not too strong, most of them are only at the level of third-level gods or even god servants, but there are still some strong ones among them.

Both Kiritani Suguha and Liseris of Sword Art Online have the strength of first-level gods, and then the leader of the Integrity Knights, Bercuri, and the leader of the Dark Knights, Bixulu, have the strength of second-level gods. Strength.

In the world of Guilty Crown, Sakuramanji, Sakuraman's real name, Choushinya, Scruggie, and Kailor are all first-level gods, and Samkawa Tanihiro and others are all second-level gods.

Seeing the coming helpers from the two worlds, Su Yunyan's uneasy heart also calmed down a little, and she felt relieved about the next battle.At least in terms of high-end combat power, Douluo Dalu is not inferior to God Realm, but they are afraid of using crowd tactics in God Realm. After all, Douluo Dalu does not have an advantage in low-end combat power.


The sky over the pitch-black castle was covered with dark clouds, and occasionally a purple lightning fell from the sky and landed on the castle, rendering it a deep purple halo.

Even if any god came here, he would feel a clear sense of depression.Because this is the territory of the God of Destruction, where many gods slandered and disappeared, destroying the castle.

Here, even the Goddess of Life, the wife of the God of Destruction, would not come here easily, because there are huge destructive ideas everywhere, and these destructive ideas come from the destructive ideas of various creatures in the lower world.Only the God of Destruction can absorb and transform it into his own power.Therefore, whenever he is cultivating, the God of Destruction will be here, and he usually lives in the water house on the Lake of Life where the Goddess of Life lives.

In the dimly lit hall, the scarlet carpet stretched from the entrance to the innermost side.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the window, instantly making the hall a bit brighter.It can be seen that sitting on the main seat inside the hall is the God of Destruction.

On both sides of the lower head, there are four chairs on each side, on which sit eight gods of different shapes.

Among the eight gods, only the first one on the left, a god whose whole body is hidden in heavy armor, has a normal breath, and the breath of the remaining seven people, more or less, has a kind of irritating Depressed or crazy taste.

"Today, I called you here for the future of our God Realm." The deep voice of the God of Destruction echoed throughout the hall.

As soon as this remark came out, the bodies of the eight gods sitting below trembled slightly.

A thin and thin god released a faint green light from his eyes, and licked his lips with his long tongue, "My lord, the decision on how to deal with the collision between Douluo Shenxing and the God Realm wasn't made yesterday. Is it?" His voice was so weird that even men and women could not distinguish it.

"Hmph, Seagod obviously favors Douluoshenxing, the God of Good and the God of Evil only want to mediate in the middle, a high-level decisive battle?

As an existence that can promote the lower realm to a god star, how could it be weak.A high-level decisive battle is the most unfavorable solution for us.

I absolutely cannot let the God Realm have the slightest chance of being swallowed up. "The voice of the God of Destruction suddenly became chilly, and the entire hall fell silent.

"Yes, yes, my lord. What does your lord mean?" The thin little god said hastily.

"Go, tell the second-level and third-level gods below about the impending collision between Douluoshenxing and the God Realm, and make them ready to attack Douluoshenxing at any time." The God of Destruction said coldly.Maybe Douluo Dalu's high-end combat power still has a few shots that can be used, but he believes that with the existence of second-level gods and third-level gods, Douluo Dalu must not be comparable to God Realm. This is not a matter of plane level. It's a question of accumulation.

"Yes, my lord." The eight gods stood up at the same time and respectfully saluted the god of destruction.At this moment, behind each of them there is a ring of light, either dark or bright, but the rings of light are all built in seven rings, layered on top of each other, gradually changing with their own natural color of the ring of light. shallow.

Seven-ring halo, a first-level god!

The God of Destruction stood up, and a halo of light lit up on his back. Compared with the first-level gods below, the halo on his back was much larger, with nine rings inside, and a powerful aura of destruction looming.

The dark red eyes cast into the distance, and the light in the eyes changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.


After discussing how to deal with the collision between the two worlds, the Shrek people, Rong Nianbing and the others returned to their residences.

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