The next moment, the eleven body beads on Zhou Weiqing's right wrist shone brightly, turning into a set of dark golden thick armor and two huge dark golden magic hammers, giving people the ultimate power of hating the sky without a handle, and hating the earth without a ring the pressure caused.

"Interesting, the increase of this power is at least ten thousand times.

The Lion King, Sairaorg Baal, please enlighten me! "

Sairaorg laughed loudly, his whole body erupted with fighting spirit, and the golden lion beside him roared at Zhou Weiqing.

"This is my Ringless Ground of Hate Set. Wearing it will increase my strength by [-] times." Zhou Weiqing said, exuding white creation power all over his body.At this time, although he is generally not an opponent of a god-king-level powerhouse, his strength surpasses that of ordinary god-kings.

"What an exciting opponent. Then I must not lose my momentum. Come on, Regulus.

O my lion!O King of Nemea!You who are called the Lion King!Respond to my might, become my coat!

The Lion King's Tomahawk (RegulusNemea) - Forbidden! ! ! "

"Roar!" The golden lion Regulus roared, and then turned into a golden streamer and attached to Sairaorg's body, forming a set of full body armor in the shape of a golden lion.

There are long golden hairs on the part of the armor helmet, like a lion's mane.Part of the breastplate is carved with the face of a lion, whose eyes are piercing and seem to have self-awareness.

"Forbidden Hands - Gangpi of the Lion King!!!"

[Balance Breaker——Regulus Ray Leather Rex! ! ! 】

Light blue dou qi mixed with golden light shot straight into the sky, Sairaorg walked towards Zhou Weiqing step by step like this.Approaching him wearing armor full of fighting spirit, his appearance has an overwhelming sense of presence!

Zhou Weiqing was also not to be outdone, his whole body was filled with the holy power of creation, he held the double hammers tightly, looked at Sairaorg walking towards him solemnly, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"It's been so many years, my blood is boiling again." Zhou Weiqing stomped his foot on the ground, and then his whole body shot towards Sairaorg like a cannonball, and the ground under his feet was cracked inch by inch due to the terrifying force .

"Hahaha, good time!" Sairaorg laughed loudly, stomped the ground likewise, and rushed towards Zhou Weiqing. .

In the past few years since he came to Douluo Dalu, Sairaorg is very satisfied. His strength is getting stronger every day. In his spare time, he can teach the children of Shrek Academy and watch them grow day by day.No matter who you were born in, as long as you have the strength, you can realize your dreams. Isn't this what you want?

Sairaorg is very satisfied with this kind of life, but if there is any regret, it is that with the increase in strength, there are fewer and fewer people who can fight with him, and there are no people who are at the same level as him and are good at strength. Let him feel helpless.How could he not be excited to meet Zhou Weiqing who is similar in level to himself and also good at strength.

548. God of Destruction vs. Lion King

The dark golden shell collided violently with the golden meteor.

Zhou Weiqing swung the sledgehammer in his right hand and slammed it down on Sairaorg unpretentiously.

As the saying goes, one force breaks all laws, facing Zhou Weiqing's powerful and heavy hammer, Sairaorg found that he could not dodge at all. This giant hammer with a diameter of two feet exudes infinite gravity like a dark star, restricting himself Instead of bumping head-on.


The fist covered with golden armor was burning with light blue grudge, and with Sairaorg's roar, he slammed towards the giant hammer in front of him without hesitation.

The huge hammer with a diameter of more than half a meter collided with Sairaorg's fist, the visual difference like an egg hitting the earth made Tang San and others worried for a while.On the contrary, Asachel and others didn't worry about Sairaorg at all.

boom! ! !

A violent air wave spread out from the center of the two of them, and the solid ground in the God Realm under their feet suddenly exploded a large circular crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters, just like a hole formed by a meteorite impact.The two figures were in the center of the tiankeng, maintaining each other's moves. The fist and the giant hammer were in a stalemate with each other, and no one lost to the other.

One blow failed, Zhou Weiqing raised his right hammer to give up confronting Sairaorg, and at the same time swung his left hammer at his waist.

"It's too slow!" Sairaorg roared, also put away the right fist that was facing Zhou Weiqing's giant hammer, clenched his left fist tightly, twisted his waist, and blasted at Zhou Weiqing's attacking left hammer!

But the expected touch did not appear, Sairaorg's left fist directly pierced Zhou Weiqing's left hammer.


"Hey, you've been fooled!" A slightly obscene laughter reached Sairaorg's ears.

boom! ! !

The huge hammer head smashed on Sairaorg's back with a brute force enough to smash the continent, knocking him flying for an unknown distance.

boom! ! !

The golden figure rolled and plowed a ditch hundreds of meters long on the ground before barely stopping.

"Cough cough cough, bah bah bah..." Sairaorg coughed a few times, spat out the dirt in his mouth, and stood up as if nothing happened. Except that the armor on his back was cracked, there was no serious problem.

"Excellent! This reminds me of the ranking game with Yicheng back then." Sairaorg grinned, his body erupted with vindictiveness, and the lion king's hard skin was replenished with vindictiveness, and then the golden light flashed, and the armor was restored to its original state!

"Damn it! It's okay after being hammered by me... What a pervert." Looking at Sairaorg who seemed to be fine, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but swear.

Although the two of them just made two tentative gestures and didn't use their full strength, but it was hard for him to be a hammer even if he was a god king. Sairaorg was not only fine, but also alive and kicking, which didn't surprise him.

Sairaorg spoke to Zhou Weiqing calmly.

"I don't have what can be called talent or talent. I was born with almost no magical power, let alone the characteristic of my Baal family - the power of destruction.

The successive patriarchs of the Baal family have excellent talents in magic power, and it is taken for granted that they have the power of destruction.But I wasn't born with either of those traits.

There is no talent for magic, no inheritance of the destructive power in the blood, and the physical fitness and strength are only average. "

Sairaorg told about his life experience, he is not a genius, on the contrary, his talent can be described as inferior and terrible.

"Because I was born incompetent, my mother and I were exiled to the depths of Baal's territory. Demons with almost no magic power will not get any good treatment wherever they go. I am often bullied by other children. I His life should have been living in despair as a bottom-level demon.

Even so, my mother, Missoula, still firmly taught me to cry when I came home——

[Even without magic power, you still have a strong body.Know your own shortcomings, and use other things to make up for the shortcomings!Whether it's wrist strength, intelligence, or speed, try to make up for it!No matter what anyone says, you are a child of Baal.Even if there is no magic power, even if there is no destructive power!As long as you don't give up, you will win one day. ] This is what my mother taught me.

After that, what awaited me was more than ten years of hard training. In fact, I always knew that my mother had apologized countless times in private.Said that she was sorry for me, and did not give me the power to destroy.I don't know how many times my mother stayed by my side and cried after I fell asleep... every time I woke up..."

Saying that, Sairaorg clenched his fists tightly, and the light blue mixed with golden streamer of fighting spirit exploded again.

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