That's right, Sairaorg temporarily liberated the power of the sealed God's Extinction Tool.This is a trick that can only be performed by the divine weapon that seals the legendary monster... But once the power of the tyrant is released, it must be accompanied by danger.

Although the use of Tyrant Power can replace the consumption of vitality with a large amount of energy, and Sairaorg can indeed use the consumption of grudge to offset the influence of Tyrant Power, but he did not do so.Because once you do this, you will not be able to fully exert the power of Tyrant, just like the Pluto sword-you will see blood when you draw it out of the sheath, and [Ba] without price is incomplete.

Perhaps it has already begun to be affected, Sairaorg spat out blood from his mouth, he gritted his teeth, and said with a frown.

"The purple diamond skin of the Lion King, Tyrannical Beast style. This is what I discovered after pushing myself to the limit, the embodiment of destruction. I use my life as food, in exchange for a change that explosively increases power in a short period of time...

Take my punch that condenses my beliefs, my dreams, and my life!Taste the [destruction] that I present to the opponent who dares to destroy my dream! "

The purple-gold destructive fighting energy was condensed to the limit in Sairaorg's right fist, and the space around his fist was destroyed in a small area due to the extremely compressed destructive power, just like the purple flames surrounded by black strokes.

"Take it! Sairaorg! Creation—Holy Arrow!!!"

The energy arrow carrying the incandescent creation power came out and shot towards Sairaorg.

Facing the arrow that was shot at him, all Sairaorg did was clenched his right hand and swung that well-proven right fist.

The fist wrapped in purple-gold fighting energy collided head-on with Zhou Weiqing's Creation Sacred Arrow.The arrow with the power of creation confronted the fist filled with purple-gold destructive aura with burning white flames.

The holy flame formed by the white holy power of creation burned Sairaorg's body through the purple gold domineering armor!His only exposed face has turned red, even a little scorched black.

As a demon, the sacred power contained in the Holy Power of Creation is the most powerful force that restrains Sairaorg, and due to the continuous energy replenishment from the two Six Absolute Heavenly Dao Arrays, Zhou Weiqing's Holy Arrow of Creation can be said to be endless and indelible .


What's wrong with my feet!Why are you trembling!It's not over yet!The next step is the key! "

Sairaorg roared furiously, his aura exploded further, facing the burning of the creation power, Sairaorg stepped forward vigorously!

The slender body of the Holy Creation Arrow showed a slight arc!

"I can't lose either!" Zhou Weiqing roared, and the two Six Absolute Heavenly Dao formations gradually shrank, forming two six-colored orbs embedded in the other two grooves of the Overlord's Bow!

Two arrows exuding six attributes of darkness, evil, thunder, wind, space, and time appeared in Zhou Weiqing's hands!

Without hesitation, Zhou Weiqing shot two arrows in a row, unexpectedly hitting the tail of the Holy Creation Arrow with precision, the arrows!

With the help of two arrows, Sairaorg's body was forced to move backward by the holy arrow of creation. In a short moment, Sairaorg's feet sank deeply into the ground and plowed out a long path. There is a gully of hundreds of feet, and the trend of retreat does not seem to stop at all.

The violent holy flame burned Sairaorg's body, and every nerve in his body felt severe pain.The pain eventually turned into numbness, causing Sairaorg to lose his momentum, and even his tightly clenched iron fist couldn't help but relax a bit.

Just at this moment, a stern yet gentle female voice came to Sairaorg's ears. "How did I teach you!? Clench your fist and stand firm, Sairaorg!"

" as strict as ever...

Europe! ! !I... will not lose! ! ! "

He stomped his feet on the ground hard, and the pure power accompanied by the explosion of majestic vindictiveness made Sairaorg's retreating speed gradually slow down.

"Go, destroy your enemies! Realize your dreams! Guard your dreams! Isn't that why you clenched your fists!

well, let's go.My lovely Sairaorg.You are - my proud son. "The soft voice entered Sairaorg's mind, although it was as subtle as a breeze, it further strengthened Sairaorg's aura, bursting out with a palpitating power as if there was no limit!!

Sairaorg didn't know whether this was a hallucination caused by his serious injury, or whether his beliefs really connected different worlds, allowing his mother to see him fighting and encouraged him.

But there is only one thing Sairaorg can be sure of, that is, the current self has surpassed everything.

551. Beast of Transcendence

Blood dripped from the corner of Sairaorg's mouth, but a calm tone came from his mouth.

"Even if this body and this soul are broken a hundred times and a thousand times—"

The powerful word spirit not only reverberates in the space of Absolute Mist, but also breaks through the barrier and enters the God Realm, the Douluo God Star, and even the distant depths of the universe.

The shining golden air flame rose and burned on Sairaorg's body. Although the golden air flame was only a very thin layer, as thin as a gauze, but the overwhelming sense of presence made everyone present Neither can be underestimated.

【I and my lord will also climb the highest peak for thousands of times, until this body and this soul become vain—】

The carved lion's face on the armor's chest, its eyes shining with a red light of destruction, gradually blended with Sairaorg's golden flame, and then turned into a red golden flame!

"Mourn, sing, wake up, and—beyond!"

Hundreds of millions of lion roars sounded one after another, Sairaorg's armor changed again, the golden color gradually occupied the main body of the armor, and the true red destruction magic pattern added a touch of chill to the domineering golden armor!

"【This body will surely surpass the beast body! This body will surely surpass the demon body!】"

The golden armor turned into a crystal clear gem texture with the words.

"Shine above my fist, the unyielding faith that defeats any obstacle!"

Endless streamers surged inside the armor, forming a golden lion, roaring upwards!


【—Bloom! 】

"【——Immortal Dream!】"

"Beast of Transcendence - Origin Armor of the Lion King!!!"

【ExcessEssentialEver——RegulusNemeaRayLeatherZverMail! ! ! 】

Sairaorg, who was wearing golden crystal armor, stopped his retreat.

He has surpassed the body of a monster, crossed the body of a demon, the creation of the holy power and can not restrain him.

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