The boy was a boy who looked about the same age as the girl.The young man was tall and slender, with short dark blue hair that shone like jewels under the sunlight.Although he is not very old, he looks elegant, with a lazy and gentle smile on his handsome face.The young man was wearing a golden and red two-colored outfit, which added a touch of domineering to the refined him.

"Bei Bei, Martial Soul: Golden Holy Dragon Emperor, Divine Destroyer Tool: Cage Hand of Red Dragon Emperor, please enlighten me!"

"Tang Ya, Martial Soul: Blue Silver Dragon Emperor, Divine Destroyer Tool: White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings, please enlighten me!"

The two summoned the God Extinguisher respectively, and the ten different-colored soul rings and five light wheels behind them exuded magical brilliance.

Looking at the two people who went to battle, Tang San and the others frowned, not picking out the fighters in the first place.

With the god destroyer, the strength of the two of them can be raised to a level, reaching the level of a first-level god, and they must be good at fighting.At this time, in the God Realm, only Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were good at fighting and had reached the first level of gods.But Bibidong and Qian Renxue are gods ascending to the Douluo Continent, God of Destruction and others are not at ease.

"Senior Qian." At this time, Tang Ya said to Qian Renxue.

"Tell me." Qian Renxue said.

God of Destruction and the others frowned, worried that the other party would win over Qian Renxue.

"Master ordered me to give this to you before the battle." Tang Ya took out a piece of pure white jade slip and handed it to Qian Renxue.

"Ah Cheng, is it for me?" Hearing this, Qian Renxue immediately took the jade slip.

hum! ! !

The pure white light radiated when Qian Renxue touched the jade slip.

[Xiaoxue... kept you waiting.In this battle, please you and Bibi Dong go all out, don't have any scruples because of me.Beibei and Tang Ya are my disciples, please help me teach them as a teacher's wife. ]

Those three short sentences made Qian Renxue's fighting spirit rise.

In fact, since Qian Renxue's ascension, she has always been uneasy.As a former enemy, Qian Renxue didn't know if Long Cheng would accept her.But now everything was different, and she definitely got a response.

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong stepped forward, this time the God of Destruction and the others felt relieved.

A white mist enveloped the four of them.

Qian Renxue is wearing a golden palace dress. The dress is one-piece. It seems to be woven with gold silk. There are not too many patterns and decorations. The style is simple and elegant. The golden stand-up collar protects her snow-white As for the slender neck, a head of golden long hair was casually scattered behind him, without combing carefully.It was in stark contrast to her neat palace attire.

Without saying much, six light golden wings spread out from her back, ten soul rings, six black, three red and one gold, danced behind her, and seven golden rings of light shone with divine light.

Afterwards, golden flames ignited all over Qian Renxue, and a set of gorgeous golden armor covered her body. .

The golden armor seems to be completely built according to the proportions of her body. The raised breastplate, the narrow and slender waist armor, the golden battle skirt about a foot and a half long, the round shoulder armor, and other armors that perfectly enclose her body, make her whole Everyone was enveloped in it, and the little angel brand on her forehead was surrounded by a ring. In the center of the ring, a little angel-shaped gemstone shone brightly, and waves waved above the ring. There were seven waves in total. The peaks form a tiara like a princess crown.

Feather-like patterns spread across every part of the armor, and the six wings on the back have turned into brilliant and transparent gold. With a slight vibration, circles of golden ripples continuously spread around Qian Renxue's body. Opened, the guard of the Angel Sword in her hand that had turned completely golden spread out, like a pair of angel wings, a huge golden flame permeated every part of Qian Renxue's body.

557. Two-on-two start

After Qian Renxue finished all this, she still didn't stop.

A cross burning with a purple-gold sacred flame appeared on Qian Renxue's neck, purple flame patterns appeared on the angelic attire she was wearing, and the rising golden flame of the holy sun also turned into a purple-gold color .

God Extinguisher——the platform of Ziyan Priest!

Beside Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong was wearing simple white clothes. Although she was wearing simple clothes, her fair skin, almost perfect face, and the nobility and holiness exuded from her body all made her look so extraordinary. different.

Ten soul rings, one yellow, three purple, four black, one red, and one gold, rose from under her feet, and seven purple circles shone behind her.

Evil divine power lingered around him, and then condensed into a set of purple armor.On her armor, there was a layer of purple air with an evil taste everywhere, and four huge sickles extended from both sides of her back.

Although Bibi Dong's god position is the Rakshasa God, who is responsible for controlling the resentment and killing formed by evil and resentment, and can obtain the Rakshasa God's divine power condensed from their darkest and dirty thoughts from living or dead creatures.But after being purified by the holy fire, the evil divine power of Rakshasa can no longer affect Bibi Dong's heart.She is in charge of resentment, but she herself will not be affected by resentment.

On the opposite side, Bei Bei and Tang Ya were also not to be outdone, and entered the forbidden state one after another.

"Forbidden Hand Transformation - The Red Gold Armor of the Holy Dragon of Light!!!"

[Balance Breaker——Boost Gear Aur Coch Mail! ! ! 】

The red-gold biological armor covered Beibei's body. The domineering red-gold armor was engraved with gorgeous dragon scale patterns, and golden thunder and red-red dragon flames circulated on Beibei's body.

Scarlet red ferocious dragon wings stretched behind him, dark green gems were inlaid in each joint, and golden light condensed in it.

The violent dragon flames erupted, and two red-gold divine circles appeared on the periphery of the five divine circles behind Beibei.

"Forbidden Hand Transformation——The Dark Shining Armor of the Blue Silver Dragon Emperor!!!"

[Balance Breaker——Devine Dividing Glas Ac Arian Mail! ! ! 】

With Tang Ya's coquettish shout, the gorgeous dragon-shaped armor attached to her body, and the blue and silver armor perfectly fit her delicate body. Tang Ya's forbidden hand transformation is not a full-body armor like Beibei, but closer to the sacred form of clothing.

The blue and silver headband in the shape of a dragon's head protected Tang Ya's head. Although it was only a headband, the rising dragon's arrogance was enough to defend against attacks from any direction.

The blue and silver breastplate, shoulder armor, gauntlets, battle skirt and leg armor are engraved with black vine-like patterns.The blue transparent gems are inlaid in every joint of the armor, exuding a faint aura.

The light wings full of technological sense on the back suddenly unfolded, and blue light particles floated out.Two blue and silver light wheels appeared outside Tang Ya's five circles.

Seven rings of light, a first-level god!

Just entering the state of forbidden hands can make Beibei and Tang Ya, who are second-level gods, temporarily have the combat power of a first-level god. This really makes the God of Destruction and others a little worried.


"What the hell is this god-killing tool that can produce such a powerful boost to a god? Even a super-sacred tool is far inferior to a god-killing tool."

The God of Destruction asked Tang San, as Long Cheng's brother, Tang San knew Long Cheng very well.

Tang San pondered for a while, then opened his mouth to answer.

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