The dark pink light radiates, and the dark pink light wheel also has seven halos shining inside, but it is a woman, her brows are tightly frowned, and there seems to be countless unwillingness and jealousy in her eyes. With a big mouth, not to mention short stature, and crooked shoulders. .

"It's just a first-level god, even if there is another one, it will not be our opponent."

The arrogant words shone with the dark blue divine power. Under the dark blue seven-fold light wheel, an extremely handsome man with long blond hair walked forward proudly. He just glanced at Tenny, and his eyes were filled with disdain and contempt.

561. Forbidden Hand x Ghost Hand

Facing the gods of the seven original sins, the new Shrek Seven Monsters were also not to be outdone.

"Forbidden hand - under the whole world, could it be Huanghai!!!"

Tang Wutong gave a tender shout, and the [Deep Pond's Unrivaled Crown] above her head burst into a brilliant blue-gold divine light.

As the divine light shone, Tang Wutong's tender body was covered with pieces of blue crystal-colored jewel-like transparent battle armor. Upon closer inspection, it was somewhat similar to Tang San's Seagod Armor. But what stretched out behind Tang Wutong was not the eight wings of the sea god, but three pairs of sea blue butterfly wings.

[Balance Breaker——Iron Crown of Lombardy! ! ! 】

The endless pressure of the emperor descended, and the sea that was originally rough due to the influence of the divine power of the angry god calmed down in an instant.Out of the three azure blue circles behind Tang Wutong's head, four rings of light appeared again, a total of seven rings, but the seventh ring of light was a bit illusory. Although Tang Wutong's strength was not at the first level in this state God, but it has completely surpassed the category of the second-level god peak.

"Forbidden Hand Transformation - Eternal Chaos, Eye of Shura!!!"

Huo Yuhao beside Tang Wutong also shouted loudly at the same time, and the darkness and haze rose from his body.

Shadow, black mist, darkness, all kinds of darkness that existed in this world seemed to gather around Huo Yuhao completely, enveloping him.

The pitch-black smog gradually covered Huo Yuhao.The darkness expanded to an unprecedented level, and the light in the entire fog-free space seemed to have completely disappeared, falling into absolute darkness.

The dark haze condensed on Huo Yuhao's limbs, transforming into armor like the limbs of strange monsters.

The darkness attached to Huo Yuhao's body and gradually assimilated it.His form maintains a human form, but gradually changes into something different from a human being.The dark condensed full body armor, its various parts have become with various beast characteristics, and three pairs of wings stretch out from his back, some have black wings like crows, some have membranous wings like bats, and some are like moths. Phosphor wings.

The red and black evil eyes opened between Huo Yuhao's brows, evil and darkness seemed to contain the truth of time, space and fate.

[Balance Breaker——Eternal Khaos Asura View! ! ! 】

All the darkness gathered in Huo Yuhao's body. At this moment, he is like a demon god alive, spreading darkness, shattering time and space, and disturbing fate!Four divine circles reappeared outside the red and black three-circle light wheel.However, the seventh ring of the symbolic first-level god is also blurred.

"Hand-free - the electronic god king who controls the machine!!!"

The metallic divine light burst out, and the five metallic divine circles behind Xiao Hongchen added two more rings.

[Balance Breaker——UnknownDictator, TheBreninDuwOfPeiriannauEtElectronig! ! ! 】

The electronic field expands, and its scope covers the entire Absolute Fog space.Electronics and metal turned into endless streamers, covering Xiao Hongchen's tongue sticking out, and finally turned into a set of battle suits full of light blue streamers, full of technological texture.There are still several grooves on the gauntlets of his battle suit, and they don't know what they are for.

"Ghost Hand Transformation—Sixiang Beishen, Zhenwu Xuanming!!!"

[Counter Balance——Pedwar Eliffant Anord Dio, Serpente Tartaruga! ! ! 】

Black waves of water rippling out, the black water waves emitted by Xu Sanshi's basalt shield made everyone present feel a bit cold.Two circles of black light wheels condense behind his head, seven circles of gods, a first-level god!

Xu Sanshi didn't stop after doing all this, one to nine different-colored soul rings flashed behind him, and nine figures flashed before everyone's eyes one after another.

Blue, red, yellow, and cyan are wearing ancient Greek-style robes. The burly and invincible King Kong Barbie shines with the four elements of water, fire, earth, and wind.

The purple slime Saburo dived into the sea the moment he appeared, and disappeared without a trace.

The sixth golden soul ring also summoned a giant dragon, with golden scales shining all over its body, making it look very domineering.

"Pants time?" The golden dragon seemed to have not figured out the situation when it appeared, and asked Xu Sanshi in a low voice.

"...Mr. Fafnir, it's a battle now. They are a group of guys who can't understand the beauty of panties at all. We have to give them a good lesson. After the fight, I'll discuss all kinds of panties with you ..."

Xu Sanshi said to [Golden Dragon Lord] Fafnir with a mean smile, but feeling the cold gaze from the side, Xu Sanshi couldn't help but shut his mouth.

The seventh spirit ring summoned a huge black turtle with a poisonous snake tail wrapped around the turtle's waist.That is a divine beast, Xuanwu!

The contract elves summoned by the eighth and ninth spirit rings appeared at the same time.

The elf summoned by the pink eighth spirit ring didn't seem to have any lethality at all.It has a white and pink body like a giant egg, with a gentle smile on its face, and a small egg of an unknown creature in the waist pocket.

What the ninth white spirit ring summoned was a ghost-like creature with a transparent white body.The creature has no neck, its head and body are a whole, with two glowing red eyes and a big mouth occupying its entire body.

"Ghost Hand Transformation - Flying to the Moon Chang'e, Jumping to the Jade Rabbit!!!"

Jiang Nannan's movements can be said to be the smallest. She didn't show any momentum, but a device appeared on each of her feet and ankles.

[Counter Balance——Neidio Conigliolunare! ! ! 】

Two light pink circles of light appeared behind her head. Although she made the least movement, the seven divine circles were full of presence.

Finally, He Caitou and Xiao Xiao started at the same time.

Xiao Xiao took out a mouth flute decorated with ghost heads, and He Caitou put on a gauntlet carved with evil ghosts.

"Ghost Hand Transformation—Sound Hit O Power Blow Ghost!!!"

Blowing lightly on the flute, clear vocal music sounded, Xiao Xiao placed the flute on his forehead.

The dark blue hurricane surrounded Xiao Xiao's body, condensing into a set of dark blue biological armor.In her hand is a dark blue jade flute engraved with phoenixes and evil spirits.

[Counter Balance——Ongeki Ibuki! ! ! 】

Two rings of light are condensed behind Xiao Xiao's head, five rings of light, second-level gods.

"Ghost Hand Transformation—Sound Hit o Bang Ghost!!!"

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