The originally mighty team of more than a thousand people was attacked by meteorites not long after they left the God Realm, and the meteorites wrapped in pale golden energy were so sharp that they cut everything.Because they understood the characteristics of the meteorite sword, they lost dozens of third-level gods at once.

Pale golden divine blood splattered in the void of the universe, followed by a giant wolf skull with a length of [-] meters. The sharp wolf teeth full of ominous arrogance were very dangerous at first glance, so everyone chose to avoid it. , but no more loss of personnel.

But just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a red light flashed past, and then the eyes of the third-level gods and some second-level gods shone with scarlet light, and they started to fight each other.

Afterwards, the magic bullets, hundreds of energy green dragons, golden star shards, and golden bulls, they had no energy left to dodge, because they were facing crazy second- and third-level gods.

It can be said that without the blood-red light, the gods of the God Realm would not have lost so much, nor would they have been in such a mess.

"Everyone in Douluoshenxing, give up resistance now and hand over the murderer who attacked us. We can still forgive you and spare your lives."

A peak second-level god headed by said in a cold voice.

"My lord, is there some misunderstanding here? How could we attack the noble gods? Besides, the strongest here is only at the level of the second-level gods. How could we make you like this?" Su Yun Tao stepped forward and opened his mouth to answer.

He is very clear that his task is to delay time and wait for Longcheng and the others to leave the customs. Now it has only been a day and a half, and it will take a day and a half before Longcheng completes the construction of [Infinite Space]. It is not a good time to start a war.

Maybe it was because they understood that this matter was no small matter. At this time, even Tony and the Marquis of Vauban, the two most capable of causing trouble, were patient and did not make a move.

Hearing this, the leading group of peak second-level gods frowned and scanned the crowd. According to their perception, the strongest among the crowd in Douluoshenxing was only at the level of second-level gods.

"Hmph, stop fooling us, who else will attack us besides you Douluo Shenxing!?"

The leader of the second-level god said coldly, although he didn't understand whether it was the people of Douluoshenxing who hid their cultivation or the person who attacked them hid, but he knew that the decision to attack him was Douluoshenxing's decision. people.

"Oh, this is wronged. I know, it must be the plane of the abyss that attacked the adults!" Su Yuntao said nonsense in a serious manner, and it can be delayed for a while at this time.

"The plane of the abyss?" The gods of the God Realm looked at each other and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it's the plane of the abyss! Master Longcheng found that the plane of the abyss is approaching our plane of Douluo, and the other plane is a god-level existence, which is very terrifying.

That's why Master Long Cheng was in a hurry to promote the Douluo Plane to God Star, and even your Master Sea God from the God Realm didn't have time to notify you.

If you don't believe me, we have detailed information here. "

After finishing speaking, Su Yuntao made a gesture to everyone, and then a beautiful woman with long golden hair and wearing a magic robe came out.

The girl unfolded a magic circle, and a light curtain was projected into the void.

A strange scene flickered in the light curtain. The projected world had a total of [-] layers. Different ethnic groups fought each other at their respective levels. After the creatures inside died, they would turn into energy and be absorbed by the entire plane, and then be reborn. .

"The masters of the planes in the first few layers in this picture are also at the level of god servants and priests, but the one on this last layer...if we read correctly, he is a first-level god!"

The leading level [-] god frowned and said.At first he didn't believe Su Yuntao's nonsense at all, but after seeing the projected world, he began to believe Su Yuntao a little bit.

566. Starting the title is the most useless

"So, it's also a trouble." Looking at the abyss plane in the picture, the leader of the second-level god said seriously, but smiled disdainfully in his heart.

'Sure enough, it's just a newborn god star, and the people here don't even have a little basic common sense.The master of the plane of the abyss plane with a first-level god realm is naturally terrifying.They will come to Douluo Continent probably because they have the idea of ​​devouring the plane and promoting the plane of the abyss to the God Realm.

Originally, the Douluo Plane was the top-level material plane. After all, it was a planet that gave birth to many gods. If the Abyss Plane attacked the Douluo Plane, it would probably be a hard battle, and it could only rely on the laws of the plane to fight the war of attrition.

But once the Douluo plane is promoted to the god star, then the abyss plane will be devoured.A god star itself is more advanced than the God Realm, which is why it is the God Realm that is drawn here, but the Douluo God Star is attracted by the God Realm.

Now it is not Douluo Shenxing who is afraid of the erosion of the abyss plane, but the abyss plane should be afraid of how he can escape the engulfment of the douluo plane.

But since they are so worried, I can make good use of it. '

Thinking of this, the leading second-level god transmitted voices to the gods of the God Realm, and then spoke to everyone in the Douluo plane.

"So that's the case, but we have wrongly blamed you. How can you say that Lord Longcheng is also the brother of Lord Seagod, one of our law enforcers in the God Realm. How could you, his subordinates, attack us?"

Hearing this, Su Yuntao said with a smile, "That's right. Lord Longcheng and Lord Sea God are brothers. It was I who helped them awaken their martial souls, which made them embark on the road of cultivation.

The two brothers practiced together until they became gods. Their relationship is so good, why would we attack you as their subordinates? "

"So you are still the guide of the two adults? What a disrespect, disrespect."

After hearing Su Yuntao's words, all the gods in the God Realm clasped their hands together.Although the strength of the opponent is not particularly strong, as the leader of the god king, the necessary respect is still needed.

"Where is it, I am just lucky." Su Yuntao replied with a smile.

"About the abyss plane you mentioned..."

Then the expression of the second-level god in the God Realm became serious.

"My lord, is there a solution?" Su Yuntao put away his smile and asked.

"There is a way...of course there is. But it depends on your willingness to part with it."

"Can you tell me in detail?

Master Longcheng said before retreating that everything is up to me, except when encountering things that I cannot decide. "

"That's natural. Cough cough..." The second-level god coughed, and then continued to speak.

"As long as your Douluo Plane is integrated into our God Realm, then the threat from the Abyss Plane is no problem. We will come to the Douluo Continent because the Douluo Plane is promoted to God Star. The Douluo Continent is the lower rank of the God Realm. On the other hand, after being promoted to God Star, one should integrate into the God Realm and become a part of the God Realm.

At that time, your Douluo plane will no longer be threatened by alien invasion, and our God Realm will also be able to expand, increasing the number of gods that can accommodate it. "

"Isn't this great?" Su Yuntao asked pretending to be ignorant.

"Sigh... this is indeed very good, but for Douluo Shenxing to merge into the God Realm, there are some bad things for you." The second level of the God Realm sighed, and the god pretended to be worried and said.

"But it's okay... for the sake of the peace of the mainland, we can accept some unfavorable conditions." Su Yuntao gritted his teeth and replied.

"First of all, once the Douluo Plane is integrated into the God Realm, then the plane itself will be completely transformed into the nourishment of the God Realm. That is to say, the planet Douluo Plane will completely disappear."

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