The purple tentacles were not powerful, but the God of Lust did not dare to move at all, because she found that her clothes were slowly disappearing after touching the tentacles!

And the owner of the tentacle has come to the side of the God of Lust, the transparent jelly-like body is purple, and the whole body is as shapeless as plasticine. It is Slime Saburo.

The God of Lust cannot act due to the restriction of Slime Saburo, but the diamond star o zero light of the Ice Queen will not stop. Seeing that the God of Lust is about to be hit by the extremely cold light, the dark green light cluster and The God of Lust passed by, facing the extremely cold light mixed with emerald green and ice blue.

The next moment, a dark green ice sculpture appeared behind the God of Lust, and it was the God of Laziness who came to help.

Seeing the God of Laziness being frozen into an ice sculpture, the other five original sin gods forced their opponents back regardless of their injuries, and came to the God of Lust and God of Laziness.

The God of Jealousy released dark pink divine power, covering the God of Lust, and Slime Saburo was directly blasted into purple fragments by the God of Anger. Although this will not kill Slime Saburo, it will not be killed in a short time. Combat power... Although it didn't have much combat power in the first place.

The other three original sin gods slapped the ice sculpture directly, and the original sin divine power was instilled, which shattered the ice sculpture, revealing the blue-faced and trembling lazy god.

On the other side, the newborn Shrek Seven Monsters also joined together.

"It's such a pity. We almost eliminated a God of Original Sin." Tang Wutong and Huo Yuhao came to hold hands, and used Haodong's power to recover.

"Sorry, it's all because of us." He Caitou touched his bald head and said a little embarrassedly.

"It's not your fault. It's not easy for a quasi-first-level god to hold back a peak first-level god." Huo Yuhao said as he shook his head.

"How is everyone's condition? Wutong and I can perform the soul-soul fusion technique at most once."

"The consumption of Xiao Xiao and I is not too high, and we can still hold on." He Caitou made a few cigars and handed them to everyone to recover the energy and physical strength that was consumed.

"It's okay, the next game is the tiebreaker." Xiao Hongchen unplugged the mobile phone plugged into the gauntlet, and then took out two terminals with a completely different style from Faiz's mobile phone.

"It's really enjoyable to fight. It's been a long time since I enjoyed the thrill of fighting with others." The magic dragon Sheng Tanni said with a big smile.

"Ho~ ho~ ho~ my uncle's Fatty's energy is Climax from the beginning to the end! Xiao Wutong, please sit on me and command me!" Fafnir drove the golden tank armored pants dragon, Say so.It was chewing a pure white fat dog in its mouth, and the corners of everyone's eyes twitched. .

"No... no need... this throne is exclusive to Aunt Aisha, how can I, how can I snatch it." Tang Wutong refused with a guilty conscience.

"Hoho, this is the exclusive throne for Aisha Tan. That's right, that's right, it can't be seated for others!" Hearing Tang Wutong's answer, Fafnir nodded in agreement, and then he took out a plate of golden fried rice. Trousers began to feast on.

569. Transcendental Arriver

Just as the newborn Shrek Seven Monsters were taking a breath, suddenly, a deep singing sounded.A layer of strange purple light shines from behind the opponent's seven original sin gods, it is a huge purple magic circle.

The seven original sin gods stood in their respective positions, like seven gems, embedded in this formation.

A layer of purple halo suddenly protruded outwards, and an incomparable force immediately knocked the newborn Shrek Seven Monsters back a few steps.

"God said that greed is original sin!" A deep voice sounded, and it was the voice of seven original sin gods singing at the same time.The powerful thought force suddenly rose into the sky, forming a huge greedy face with a diameter of one thousand meters in the sky.

The God of Greed also turned dark gold all over his body at the same time.Although the seven-ring light wheel on the back didn't turn into eight rings like Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong's soul fusion skills, they all became stronger and thicker.

"God said, lust is original sin!" The chanting sounded again, this time, the sky turned dark red, and the god of lust also turned into a huge dark red luminous body.

"God said, gluttony is the original sin!" The face of gluttony emerged, and a dark yellow light bloomed!

"God said, laziness is the original sin!" The dark green face of laziness emerged!

"God said that anger is the original sin!" The dark orange bloomed, and the face of anger roared above the sky.

"God said, jealousy is the original sin!" The face of jealousy emerged, and the god of jealousy appeared with a dark pink light.

"God said that arrogance is original sin!" The dark blue god of arrogance walked out last.The sky also turned dark blue.

The seven original sin gods sang loudly at the same time: "All the worlds are vain, and the original sin gods do not exist. When the original sin comes, heaven and earth will perish."


Amidst the intense humming, the entire sky seemed to tremble in the next instant.The seven colors of original sin divine power that had emerged before formed a cloud and enveloped everyone, and the terrifying coercion overwhelmingly suppressed downwards. The suppressed newborn Shrek Seven Monsters and the two dragon kings slowly landed on the ground. All of them had serious faces.


Outside the Absolute Mist Space, Tang San turned to the God of Destruction with an ugly expression.

"You actually asked them to use the original sin descending formation. Do you know that this is the divine punishment and punishment formation. How could you let them use it here? They are the original sin gods themselves. If this is the case, if they can't control the original sin they control , Xiao Wutong can just..."

Facing Tang San's questioning, although the God of Destruction couldn't bear to hurt Tang Wutong, he still opened his mouth to refute.

"Sea God, this is the battleground between the God Realm and Douluoshenxing! Right now... there is no room for children's personal affairs to get involved...

Besides, with our five god-kings around, are you afraid you won't be able to control them?What's more, you also know that the God's Punishment Formation of the Original Sin can only be performed by relying on the center of the God Realm, and the center of the God Realm is in your hands. If you want to block it, you can do it at any time.Once they defeat Douluo Shenxing and the others, we will immediately stop the God Realm Center's help to them, Tang San, you are worried about Xiao Wutong, and I also don't want her to get hurt. "

Hearing this, Tang San fell silent, unable to say anything more.

"Hey, don't make it look like you guys are sure to win. It's not certain what the outcome will be." Asachel said, although he didn't think the newborn Shrek Seven Devils could win this battle, but the Seven Shrek Monsters won the battle. The original sin god should not even think about winning easily.

Facing the oppression of the God's Punishment Formation of Original Sin, the eyes of the newly born Shrek Seven Monsters and the two Dragon Kings were full of solemnity.

The big formation in front of him is really too powerful. The pressure is not only coming from the seven first-level gods on the opposite side, but also from the entire space, and even more from the source of life.

Pride, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust, these seven original sins are inherent in human beings and cannot be shaken off.

Because of the reproductive instinct, human beings have lust.Because of the need to eat, it is gluttony again...These seven original sins exist in the origin of intelligent life.They are part curse, part gift, the source of human progress.

Facing the original sin god's descending divine punishment formation, the negative emotions in the hearts of the new Shrek Seven Monsters were constantly being aroused.

Greed, hatred, lust and other negative emotions began to rise.Even if they all have god-level cultivation bases and have strong resistance, this influence will still gradually weaken their strength.

But there are exceptions to everything. Although the seven original sins weakened the strength of the newly born Shrek Seven Monsters and the magic dragon Santani, they slightly strengthened the dragon power of the Golden Dragon Lord Fafnir.

"What... what's going on?" Everyone looked at Fafnir who was rising with golden dragon arrogance, full of puzzlement.

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