The azure sea continuously supplemented Tang San's divine power, enabling him to maintain a state of complete victory for a long time!

"Xiaocheng, take my move, and you will never return!" Tang San shouted, the radiant Seagod's divine power condensed with the Seagod's Trident, rendering it blue-gold.

Facing one of the strongest single-target attack skills among the Golden Thirteen Halberds, Long Cheng just raised the holy spear in his hand and stabbed out.

"Jiaolong goes to sea!"

After Longcheng read out the name of the move in the unpretentious straight stab, a brilliant golden real dragon coiled around the gun body, exuding endless dragon might!

Ding! ! !

The crisp sound of metal clashing resounded throughout the God Realm, echoing for a long time.

The blue-gold meteor collided with the brilliant-gold real dragon!In the next moment, the meteor was flying tens of meters by the real dragon, the golden blue light converged, revealing a somewhat shocked Tang San.On the other side, Long Cheng still kept his gun posture, he only moved his arm, and he didn't even take a step.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the other three law enforcement officers sank. They understood that his chances of winning this round were negligible.

As existences of the same god-king level, although their combat power is not as good as Tang San's, they can naturally see whether Tang San is using his full strength.

Just now, Tang San didn't have any reservations, they felt that if they were facing the halberd, they didn't even have the confidence to take it without injury, but Long Cheng repelled Tang lightly. three.

Moreover, if Long Cheng used a move that was comparable to never returning to repel Tang San, they wouldn't be so worried.What really made them look down on Tang San so much was because Long Cheng just used the move of Flood Dragon Going to Sea to repel Tang San.

The shooting style of Jiaolong Going to Sea sounds good, but it is actually a simple straight stab without any technical content in it. It can be easily learned by a single person with a gun!

"Again! Everyone criticizes me!"

The repelled Tang San didn't have any breath, and once again exploded with divine power, the thick and sharp golden trident was like thousands of halberd shadows, that Pang Bo's power seemed to fully integrate Tang San's sea god consciousness into the halberd move .

"Sun of the Sea!!!" After using the trick of pointing fingers, Tang San's attack was not over yet, following his shout, his thousands of halberd shadows burst into brilliant blue-gold light, For a moment, everyone felt like tens of thousands of small blue and golden suns appeared in front of them.

That blue-gold light was not only dazzling, but also contained the attack of the soul, making it impossible for the soul to perceive clearly the location of the halberd.

"Well done! Rainstorm Pear Blossom!!!"

Still holding the spear in his right hand, Long Cheng controlled the Holy Spear to stab, pick, or circle, and sometimes he would control the Holy Spear to stretch or shorten it, taking down Tang San's Ten Thousand Daoes one by one. Halberd shadow.

The moves that Long Cheng used were all the most basic spear moves, but those basic and ordinary moves turned decay into magic in his hands, and they shot down those thousands of suns completely!

when! ! !

Piercing the last blue-gold sun, the tip of Long Cheng's holy spear faced Tang San's golden trident. But the Holy Spear of Twilight is still as straight as a dragon!

As one of Longcheng's longest-accompanying god-killing tools, the Twilight Holy Spear has long evolved to an extremely terrifying state, and it is no longer capable of being destroyed by any existence in the material world. .

Long Cheng exerted a little force on his right arm, raised the tip of the spear, and sent Tang Sanzhen flying upside down.

Holding the golden trident in Tang San's hand, the power of the ocean poured in endlessly to supplement the majestic divine power he had consumed. After landing, Tang San retreated dozens of steps one after another, each step leaving a mark on the solid ground of the God Realm. The next deep footprint.

577. The end of the competition

Retreating dozens of steps one after another, Tang San inserted the pole of the Seagod Trident into the ground, and finally stopped.

At this moment, a golden halo suddenly appeared, binding Long Cheng inside.

"Unfixed Storm...Although there is only time to condense a ring of halo in a hurry, it can still restrict you a little." Tang San said with a light smile, he kept his hands, and began to wave the Seagod Trident.

Tang San took a step forward, and with this step, everything around him suddenly turned into brilliant gold, even all the plants and the ocean where Tang San gathered, all became as if cast from gold, it was golden Light mist, the Seagod Trident was raised in Tang San's hands, and it swung out lightly, bringing up dazzling golden halos one after another. Each halo seemed to be chaotic, but they enveloped Long Cheng as if they had eyes. go.

The dense, tens of circles of halo of indeterminate turmoil enveloped Long Cheng layer by layer, as if to wrap him into a rice dumpling.

"Little San, you don't think that this will defeat me." A calm voice came from the halo, and the next moment, the halos formed by the uncertain storms began to shatter one after another.

"I've never underestimated you." Tang San said, waving the trident one after another.Tang San's swing of the Seagod Trident looked powerful, not like a halberd at all, but more like swinging a sledgehammer.

Every time Tang San swung the trident, the blue-gold divine light contained on it became stronger, until the ninth and eighty-first halberd, the blue-gold divine power seemed to turn into a real dragon coiling around the Seagod Trident.

When Tang San's eighty-first halberd was swung out, all the halos binding Long Cheng exploded.

"Xiaocheng, take my last move, Baiyun is empty for thousands of years!!!"

Tang San stabbed out with a halberd, as if time and space were out of order, and he came in front of Long Cheng in an instant.

"It's still too slow!" Long Cheng said lightly, and was about to swing his spear to meet him, but Long Cheng found that the Twilight Holy Spear he was pointing at the ground was entwined with dozens of vines that were crystal clear like blue crystals.

The body of the gun was slightly blocked, and when Long Cheng was the Blue Silver Emperor who broke the binding holy gun, the golden trident was less than a foot away from Long Cheng.

Pfft! ! !

The sound of sharp knives cutting through the brocade reached everyone's ears.

The brilliant red blood with dots of white fluorescent light flowed down the golden halberd blade, gradually dyeing the golden trident into red-gold.

"you lose……"

"I... lost. I thought I could at least move you a step."

Looking at the brilliant golden spear point with a few sections of Blue Silver Emperor Vine hanging around his neck, Tang San gave a wry smile.

Hearing this, Long Cheng put away the Holy Spear, let go of the left hand that was holding the golden trident, obviously a lot of blood flowed out, but when his palm left the blade of the halberd, it was intact, as if it wasn't him who just bleed like blood.

Frowning and looking at the golden trident that gradually absorbed blood, Tang San laughed dumbly, "In the end, is the contest between you and me fake?"

Long Cheng walked towards the Seven Shrek Monsters, and replied without looking back: "Of course it's a fake. How could I let the Douluo Continent be destroyed? This is just a meeting gift for you. How can you be satisfied?" .”

"The Seagod Trident, which was originally a super artifact level, has evolved again. You say I am not satisfied."

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