Quack, quack, a few crows called, flew over, and landed on one of the two people wearing a black-bottomed red cloud cloak and a bamboo hat, making strange noises.

Itachi took off the hat, looked at the crow, saw what he wanted to see through the crow's memory, drove the crow away, put on the hat again, turned and walked in the opposite direction.

"What's the matter, Mr. Itachi, isn't Nine-Tails Jinchuriki just ahead?" Kisame said.

"Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, is protecting Jinchuriki. Moreover, this place is not far from Konoha. If there is a big fight, it will be a big trouble." Itachi said.

I thought to myself, Sasuke is working so hard to train and become stronger, and he has two very good friends and companions around him, so he doesn't need to stimulate and supervise.

I believe that with the encouragement of his companions, Sasuke will grow up quickly.

I hope this time will not be too long, he can't afford to wait.

Chapter 82 Bland

Although Sakura opened the first door of the Eight Door Dunjia and opened the door, it proved that her method of water dripping through stone is very effective, but this method cannot be replicated.

First of all, there must be excellent chakra control.

Sakura can eat, talk, and live a normal daily life, distracted, perfectly manipulating Chakra, taking no time to rush, and pushing Chakra as steadily as Mount Tai.

This control is embarrassing.

It is not something that can be obtained through hard work. This is a talent, an instinct that is born with.

Secondly, you have to have a dual personality, which can take over the control of Chakra after you fall asleep.

If the former still has hope and can be obtained through hard work, then this dual personality completely locks the way.

Like this, water drips through stone, Jingwei fills the sea, and slow work produces delicate and exquisite control. In the world of Quannin, only Sakura can apply it. It is difficult for other people to directly use this plan.

Injuriki can rely on the tail beast to simulate a dual personality, what is missing is chakra control, and is used to fighting with the amount of chakra to win. I really can't expect the tail beast to practice chakra control in order to save chakra.

"When I exploded, my strength was too strong, and my body was very fragile, especially my bones. From today on, I must insist on taking calcium tablets and supplementing calcium."

Naruto took out the calcium tablet he had been taking all along, and shared it with Sakura and Sasuke.

To learn Bamen Dunjia, if you don't have a good body, you will be the first to lose it, and other aspects can be saved, but this health cannot be saved.

In addition to calcium tablets, there are other vitamin tablets and supplements.

"Thank you." Sasuke said this lightly, turned and left.

Sakura didn't say thank you, she felt at ease when she used Naruto's and ate Naruto's, anyway, it will be a family in the future, and Naruto will be hers, what's wrong with eating some nutritional supplements.

A group of four stopped and stopped, not staying too much time along the way.

Jiraiya would occasionally disappear for a long time to investigate Tsunade's whereabouts.

Naruto and the other three were still exercising desperately from morning to night. Sakura wanted to take a break and find an excuse to ask Naruto to go to the street to play. In this atmosphere, she couldn't say anything.

In this way, another five days passed, and it was exactly half a month since the four of them left Konoha.

Jiraiya also found the correct news, took the three Narutos, and went straight to the destination, which is the short book street, where he found the big fat sheep Tsunade without much effort.

"What, Jiraiya?" Tsunade, who was drunk after drinking, glanced at the person who came, and muttered; "It's okay, you won't come to me, since you have found it, it means something that troubles you too .”

"Hahaha, as expected of Tsunade, that's right." Jiraiya laughed heartily, greeted Shizune, and sat directly opposite.

There were not enough seats for three more people, so Naruto later sat next to Jiraiya and asked Sakura and Sasuke to go to another table.

Sakura curled her lips and didn't move, she was not tired from standing, besides, from this position, she could see Naruto's profile clearly and up close, it was perfect.

Sasuke looked at Tsunade and Shizune thoughtfully.

"Don't talk about things that are too troublesome. I have nothing to do now, and I don't want to worry about anything." Tsunade said: "Understood? I don't want to have any more troubles."

"I know, but this matter must be yours." Zi Lai also said: "So far, there is no more suitable candidate than you."

"Tsk, it's becoming long-winded, you, annoying." Tsunade said, "What's the matter with these three brats, your new apprentice?"

"He is, these two are his companions, from the same class."

Gossiping, chatting about family affairs, it's boring to listen to.

Naruto saw that there were three plates of appetizers on the table, which smelled good, so he took a chicken foot and gnawed on it, followed by tofu and squid silk.

Muting looked at Naruto, then at Jiraiya, there was no sound.

"Well, sorry, two more tofu and squid tentacle."

"Yes, wait a moment, come right away."

The waiter quickly delivered what Naruto ordered, two servings of tofu and two servings of squid tentacle.

Naruto ate with a toothpick, listening to Jiraiya and Tsunade's non-conversational conversations, took a sneak peek at Tsunade's majesty, and fantasized about Hinata's capital in the future, but found that he was not much excited With anticipation, everything is so dull.

Soon, the topic collapsed. The reason was that Jilai also explained his intentions. The third generation sacrificed and wanted Tsunade to go back to succeed the fifth generation. Ended up, hurriedly chased out.

"Oh." Zilai also sighed; "As expected, it is really not easy to invite her back."

"As a Sannin, can't Jiraiya-sama succeed Hokage?" Sakura asked.

"I have other important things to do." Jilai also paused, glanced at Naruto out of the corner of his eye; "If I could, I wouldn't go all the way to find her."

Naruto knew that what Jiraiya said was probably related to the Akatsuki organization.

At first, it was just to recover Orochimaru, and then along the line of Oroshemaru, I accidentally discovered such a terrifying organization like Akatsuki, with many S-rank rebels.

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