Not to mention the employees need to pay salaries, how much money he has to lose, just the multiple shadow clone technique, which destroys and tempers the spirit, can make the spirit stronger and stronger.Note, ordinary people and normal people should not imitate

Anyway, the shadow avatar is often used in normal times, so it is better to use it to maintain the operation of the store and the company.

"The current turnover of the decompression workshop ranges from [-] to [-] million per day. Apart from the occasional local tyrants, the business is very stable."

"The photo studio is only used to take pictures of the shadow clones, and there is no other income. For the magazine, the daily turnover is almost the same as that of the decompression workshop after deducting the expenses."

Naruto looked up at the starry sky, silently calculating in his heart.

His net income this month is almost equivalent to one Asma.

Of course, accounts are not calculated in this way. No matter how good things are, they will always be tired, boring, and boring. When they are boring, they cannot be updated. This business will fail sooner or later.

How to attract customers, the focus is on a new word, to make customers feel new, not static.

"It's so annoying." Naruto said distressedly while pressing Huo Huan's head.

He is not the type to do business, and all he can think of is that men like beautiful women and women like handsome men. To dig out the business experience in his meager brain is almost more difficult than making a turtle fly.

In fact, that's basically the case. Don't you see the ancestor of Chakra, Kaguya Otsutsuki, under the temptation of the beautiful man, he couldn't help being dazed and stunned.

And like the third generation, Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Ebisu, the love of beauty runs through the existence of life, let alone.

Beautiful women and handsome men should be the most profitable things, Naruto thought to himself.

When they got home, Hinata had already prepared dinner and was waiting there, and the two of them ate face to face in silence.

Naruto is out of his mind, trying to make money while eating.

Hinata hesitated to speak, her little feet were put together, and she wriggled uncomfortably.

"What's the matter?" Naruto said: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't be embarrassed."

"Actually." Hinata said; "It's Huahuo. You sent them yesterday. She likes those toys very much. She wants to ask, can I come and play with you?"

"Hanabi?" Naruto said, "Anytime."

"Thank you." Hinata smiled and said, "Then I will bring her tomorrow, and she will come here."

After the meal, Hinata took away the luggage. Naruto had been away for more than half a month. He was going to wash the changed clothes and pants, but Naruto stopped him on the grounds that

"Sakura, have you washed it?" Hinata frowned slightly, feeling uncomfortable.

For Naruto, washing pants, sheets, socks, and shoes, including sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, and doing housework, in her opinion, is a very intimate act. Generally speaking, most of them are things that girlfriends and wives should do .

Sakura likes Naruto, so she is willing to do this for Naruto.

Why would Naruto accept it?Does Naruto like Sakura too?

Thinking of this, Hinata felt dizzy.

"En? Have you misunderstood something?" Seeing Hinata's paler face than before, and the appearance of looking like she was about to cry, Naruto thought of something, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will She and Sakura are just good friends, she likes Sasuke, the reason why she will help me wash clothes and pants is just a incidental thing when helping Sasuke."

Hinata was dumbfounded.

"If it makes you feel uncomfortable, well, I will pay attention to the distance with her." Naruto pondered; "Seventh class, Sasuke and I can't be separated, if Sakura, I probably won't be willing to give up being in the same class with Sasuke If there is an opportunity, go change it with someone else.”

Hinata came back to her senses and looked at Naruto with a strange expression on her face. She didn't seem to be lying, did she really not know Sakura's intentions?

"No need to be so troublesome." Seeing that Naruto was racking his brains to think of ways to reassure himself, Hinata thought for a while and said, "In the future, don't get along with Sakura alone, that's fine."

The class division is arranged by the third generation of Hokage, unless someone in that class is absent for some reason, otherwise, basically there will be no changes.

Hinata will not optimistically hope that she can be in the same class as Naruto, as long as Naruto agrees not to be alone with Sakura, then Sakura will not have a chance, that's fine.

"Okay." Naruto said: "I know, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Hinata heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this accurate answer.

After that, Naruto sent her home, when they were about to part.

She plucked up her courage, stood on tiptoe, lightly touched Naruto's cheek with her cherry lips, followed and ran into the house as if fleeing, breathing so fast that she almost suffocated.

"Yeah! Big sister is ashamed!" Huahuo poked out half of her face from behind the pillar, and smiled happily.

"Huahuo?" Hinata was stunned for a moment, her flushed face was immediately congested with blood, she rushed over to grab her sister, not daring to let her talk nonsense.

Naruto, who didn't know this, was surprised by Hinata's boldness, and walked back home with a smile.

At the same time, at home, Sakura in her own room, wearing a bowl scroll with the word "hard work" written on her head, buried her head on the desk, taking notes intently.

She got another five illusions from Kakashi-sensei.

Ordinary people pay attention to methods and methods in doing things, memorizing them by rote, just like learning mathematics, using various formulas created by predecessors.

And a school bully like Sakura would naturally not take the usual path, but would look directly at the essence through the surface of things, see the whole leopard from a glimpse, and know the whole thing from a small glimpse.

Sakura is not simply learning illusion, she wants to deduce the essence of illusion.

why?Why this step?So as to deepen the mastery and understanding of illusion, and walk out of your own way.

Time slipped away, Sakura felt sleepy, she yawned, glanced at the alarm clock, patted her face, and pulled herself together.

Continue to use illusion while discovering problems, recording problems, trying to solve problems, and modifying problems.

If you are really sleepy, just take two steps in the room, or do push-ups, sit-ups, and use these methods to refresh yourself.

Keep one thing in mind, there is not much time left for her, if she doesn't seize the opportunity as soon as possible to occupy a certain position in Naruto's heart, she will never be able to defeat Hinata and get Naruto.

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