"Brother Naruto, did you do something embarrassing? My sister passed out?" Huahuo whispered.

Needless to say, the eyes of the people around are no longer weird and can be described.

Naruto was sweating profusely, with black lines on his face, he smiled dryly and chatted with Hanabi, as if he had to leave.

As for the test of courage at twelve o'clock, to be honest, Naruto is really not interested. It would be interesting to ask him to pretend to be a ghost to scare people. It is boring to simply act as the party to be scared.

"Just turn around and go back." Naruto secretly said.

He jumped onto the roof, found a house where no one was home, and sat on it.

While looking at the night view of Konoha Village, on the fingertips, there are mini spiral pills, which add the change of the nature of Chakra, and Nine-Tails Chakra, which has five fingers on the right hand.

Then, lift up the clothes with the left hand and press the belly with the right hand.

After arriving at the time, his figure flickered, and he went to the venue of the test of courage.

Not seeing Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto looked around for a while, lined up to draw numbers, and got number [-].

"Thirteen and Fourteen are a group, go find Number Fourteen." The Chunin in charge said.

Naruto looked around and was troubled. With so many people, where could he find No. [-]?

"Who is Number Fourteen!"

There are not a few people who shout like this, so Naruto is not conspicuous.

"I am number fourteen."

In the bustling crowd, one hand was raised high.

Seeing this, Naruto pushed aside the people blocking the way and walked over.

"Huh? Sakura?" Naruto was taken aback.

"Naruto." Sakura laughed.

Chapter 97 Sakura: Hold Me

"Well, can I change my number?" Naruto asked.

"If you choose, you can't change it." The responsible Chunin said with a stern face: "This is a rule, don't waste time, if you find your other half, go in quickly, the others are still waiting."

"But" Naruto was in a dilemma.

First, he promised Hinata not to be alone with Sakura.

Secondly, what Sakura likes is Sasuke, it is best to be in the same group as Sasuke, even if Sasuke is not here, there is still a good girlfriend like Ino, no matter how you line up, you can't line up with him.

"But what is it, let's go." The responsible Zhongren said impatiently.

Naruto wanted to say something else, but Sakura took the initiative to grab Naruto and lead him into the forest.

"Sakura, wait until I think of a solution." Naruto said, "Don't rush to leave."

"Enough." Sakura said: "Today is Hokage's succession day, don't make trouble, it will cause trouble for others, Sasuke didn't come, I looked for it, but I couldn't find it."

"So, what about Ino?"

"Ino, she's probably with Shikamaru and Choji."

Naruto was speechless, realizing that his hand was still being held by Sakura, he tried to pull it back, but failed, Sakura's hand was surprisingly strong, when he was about to speak

"Are you afraid of ghosts?" Xiaoying suddenly asked, "Not far from here is the cemetery. I heard that at night, especially late at night, there are ghosts who linger in the world, unwilling to leave, and go to the pure land of the underworld."

"Ghost, that's all fake. Ghosts don't exist in the world." Naruto said; "It's mostly legends."

"Legends always have a certain basis." Sakura said; "It can't be groundless, for example."

At this point, Sakura stopped suddenly, and Naruto almost bumped into her.

"What's wrong?" Naruto felt a little nervous for no reason.

Sakura's shoulders shook, and she pointed to her feet with trembling hands; "Naru, Naruto! Help me take a look, I seem to have stepped on something!"

Naruto looked along, and could vaguely see a part of an arm, asking Sakura to lift his foot, he picked it up and threw it into the grass next to it.

"Yes, what is it?"

"It's nothing, just a branch." Naruto laughed and said, "Seeing how nervous you are, you are the one who is afraid of ghosts, right?"

"This time it's your turn to go ahead." Sakura didn't try to be brave, she pushed Naruto to go ahead, she took Naruto's arm and fell behind a little.

"You don't need to be so close." Naruto said, "Don't you feel hot?"

"Stop rambling, you think I want to hug you, I can't help it?" Sakura said, "My ups and downs of mood are more violent than yours, so I will push you three times and four times, and hit you."

"Khan, your temper is hot enough." Naruto said helplessly; "I don't know if Sasuke can bear it."

"Nonsense." Sakura said angrily; "Of course I wouldn't do that to Sasuke."

It's only for you, Sakura thought in her heart.

"How about we go back the same way?" Naruto said: "I always feel that there is something more terrifying waiting for us ahead."

"No, it's embarrassing like that, and people will say you're a coward." Sakura said: "One person will definitely be afraid, but if the two are together, it doesn't matter. Let's go."

There was no other way, Naruto could only bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

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