Xiao Ying knew that what she said would definitely arouse Naruto's suspicion, how to eliminate the suspicion on herself so that Naruto would not be wary of herself?

the answer is

"Did you see it? It's Ino." Sakura said, "She told me not to tell you, but judging by the situation, it will be a matter of time before she gets known."

"Ino!!" Naruto was shocked; "Is it true? When she saw me, she made a bad face, and I said how did I offend her to make her hate me so much!"

"Really." Sakura said: "Girls are always duplicity. They say they hate it, but they really like it in their hearts."

Ino, I will trouble you to be a shield this time.

Naruto, wait for me for a while, and I will redouble my efforts to become the most suitable and worthy woman for you.

Sakura thought to herself, the hands hanging on her stomach clenched tightly.

Satoshi also clenched her fists and hammered the air.

Unaware of the change in Sakura's mind, Naruto encountered all kinds of ghosts along the way, all of which were props and some Konoha Chunin pretending to be.

Without too much delay, go to the finish line at full speed, which is the exit.

"Sakura!" Ino, who was waiting at the finish line, wondered if Sakura would seize the opportunity to steal Naruto's first kiss, and was startled when he saw Sakura being sent out on a stretcher by Naruto's shadow clone.

Shikamaru yawned, greeted Naruto, turned and left.

You can almost know the result at a glance. To prevent Ino from being used as a labor force again, it would be better to leave early.

Chapter 99 Good Sisters

I am thirsty and want to drink sugar cane juice.

Use this excuse to send Naruto away.

With Ino's support, Sakura hopped to the chair by the side of the road and sat down. After hesitating, she took the initiative to talk about what happened in the forest just now.

Hearing that Sakura had carried out the plan set by Shikamaru, Ino nodded in satisfaction, but looked at Sakura's right foot with some distress.

Then I heard from Sakura that she hugged Naruto successfully.

"Ah! Gone?" Ino said; "Just hugging? Didn't do anything else? What about the first kiss? Did you get Naruto's first kiss?"

Sakura shook her head, looked at Ino embarrassedly, and continued.

At this point, Ino was confused.

"Hehe." Ino sneered twice; "Goodbye."

"I'm sorry." Sakura lowered her head and apologized: "I had no other shield at the time, and if I wanted to hide it from him, you were the only one."

"As your only shield, do I have to feel a little honored?" Ino snorted coldly, raised his legs, and turned his face away, as if I was very angry and couldn't be coaxed; "Anyway, you have Naruto People don't care about me anymore."

"I'm sorry." Sakura folded her hands together and said with a smile: "Master Ino, it's my fault this time, help me get through this difficult time, and I will listen to you in everything from now on."

Ino secretly opened his eyes, seeing Sakura's deliberate flattering smile, he felt annoyed and amused.

"This is the last time." Ino emphasized; "How much trouble you have caused me. It is difficult to chase Sasuke, and you will be blamed for liking Naruto, my Sasuke!"

Sakura also felt very embarrassed, and slowly leaned over to hug Ino to comfort her.

Ino subconsciously wanted to push Sakura away, but also thought that Sakura's right foot was injured, and was afraid that the wound would be involved in the pushing process, which would hurt Sakura, so he just twisted it lightly twice, and didn't move anymore.

about ten minutes.

"The sugar cane juice is sold out, I ran to five stalls, all of them were like this." Naruto said, "Is strawberry juice and mango juice okay?"

It was just an excuse to think of anything, Sakura nodded, took two glasses of juice, and asked Ino to choose first, Ino didn't want it, Sakura just drank it by herself.

Naruto looked at Ino, thinking about what to say clearly.

Before he could say anything, Ino spoke first.

"You know everything?" Ino said; "I like your things."

"Uh, yes." Naruto nodded in acknowledgment.

"Stop talking about the extra nonsense." Ino said, "No matter what you say, I won't give up. You and Hinata being together or getting married will not prevent me from liking you, so don't try to make me give up. Give up, you know?"

"I think it would be better to say some things clearly." Naruto said; "Perhaps, it's just a misunderstanding. What you call liking is not really liking. It will be good for you and me to clear up the misunderstanding."

How could Naruto just let go like this, not to resolutely reject Ino, let her die, if Ino is really allowed to never marry for life, wouldn't it be a harm to others?

If you don't have the idea of ​​stepping on two boats, just disconnect cleanly, and the most serious damage is the disconnection.

Unclear, indecisive, and disgusting.

"I don't have anything to say to you. You have already rejected me. What else do you want to say? You reject me, but I like you. There is no contradiction." Ino said.

Don't care about him, let Naruto go first.

Not to mention Naruto, she was also puzzled, she didn't understand how Sakura would give up the handsome Sasuke, and liked Naruto who had no good qualities in him.

If she continued, she didn't know what to say, and she would cheat Sakura if she went through the gang.

"Calm down." Naruto said; "Look, liking is a matter between two people, it's not just wishful thinking. I don't want to delay you, and don't waste your time on me. Everyone, be rational."

"Whispering!" Ino said, "If I don't listen, I won't listen. Don't talk to me. I'm very sad now. If you say anything else, I'll go to the waterfall!"

Originally I wanted to say the sea, but thought that there is no sea near Konoha, only waterfalls, so I changed it temporarily.

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