"Well, if you keep hinting like this, you won't really like Naruto, will you?" Sakura said suddenly.

"How is that possible." Ino was amused; "Just that country bumpkin Naruto, I'll drop my eyes on the ground, crush him, and I won't fall in love with him, don't worry."

"A bumpkin, a bumpkin, Naruto is not a bumpkin." Sakura pouted, she didn't want anyone to say bad things about Naruto.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sakura and Ino, two good sisters, were whispering in the boudoir.

At the same time, Naruto's house.

Hinata called to stay and had dinner together, cleaned the house, washed the clothes and dried them on the balcony, and was ready to go home.

Naruto sat at the dining table, pointed to the seat opposite, and motioned for Hinata to sit down. He had something to say.

After Hinata came over and sat down, Naruto coughed dryly and tapped his fingers on the table.

"I have something to confess to you." Naruto said: "I have some hesitation, and I think it might be better to conceal it. I will settle the matter myself, but after much deliberation, I still think it is better to confess."

A white lie is also a lie. Instead of waiting for Hinata to break through and learn about it from other sources, causing even greater misunderstandings and wild thoughts, it is better to say it yourself first.

"No, you don't have to force it, Naruto." Hinata twitched her fingers, stared at the table, and whispered; "I, believe you, no matter what you do, I am willing to believe you."

"Thank you." Naruto said, "I'm very happy that you trust me so much, but you can't hide it with peace of mind just because of your trust, so listen to me."

Hinata listened intently, and at the same time, she was also thinking about what Naruto was going to say, she looked so solemn.

"Actually, I only found out about it yesterday." Naruto said, "There is a girl who has always liked me since she was in the ninja school. If it wasn't for the test of courage last night, I wouldn't have known about it."

Sakura!Naruto knows that Sakura likes him?Hearing that Naruto was talking about this topic, Hinata's heart quietly raised it, and her already straight body became even more tense now.

"I rejected her face to face at noon. Although the process was a bit bumpy, she doesn't seem to give up yet, but please rest assured." Naruto said; "I will not give her any chance or thoughts, trust me."

Hinata nodded vigorously.

That's enough, Naruto can confess to her, that's enough.

To be honest, Sakura and Naruto are in the same class, and Hinata would be lying if she said that she has no pressure.

She is also afraid, afraid that Naruto will fall in love with Sakura, afraid that Sakura will snatch Naruto away.

But what can you do if you are afraid?The division of ninjas is determined by Hokage, and she can't interfere at all, so she can only go by day by day with anxiety, trying to be herself and improve herself.

In terms of eating, dressing, and daily life, Hinata is very careful to create the most comfortable environment for Naruto.

If it wasn't for the identity of the Hyuga clan that bound her, and if it wasn't for the very strict access control time, Hinata would have moved in directly with Naruto if she wanted to, and she would have taken care of Naruto's daily life from beginning to end.

"Then, Sakura, did you say anything?" Hinata said.

"Sakura?" Naruto was stunned, and thought for a while; "She didn't say anything, her attitude didn't change, she was very firm."

Hinata nodded, this was similar to what she thought, Sakura was not like the kind of girl who would shrink back and give up when encountering setbacks.

But it doesn't matter, Naruto said to reject her, then there is no need to worry about Sakura anymore.

All the burdens in her heart were unloaded at once, and Hinata only felt extremely relaxed.

After finishing what he wanted to say, Naruto sent Hinata back to Hinata's house. Before parting, Hinata mustered up the courage again, quickly kissed him on both cheeks, and then ran away in a hurry.

"Now I'm not afraid of misunderstanding." Naruto secretly said: "I ignore her over there, I don't see her, I avoid her, seeing that there is no hope, she will give up sooner or later, um."

Walking home slowly, I thought a lot along the way, and when I entered the house, I had completely figured out the problem.

The relationship with Hinata remains unchanged, try to have a good relationship with my sister-in-law, and then through my sister-in-law, strive to gain the approval of my future father-in-law.

As for Ino, ignoring it is the best choice, so I made it clear that I won't give you a chance, and keep looking at you with a cold face, don't believe me, don't be discouraged.

After thinking about this, Naruto took a long breath and glanced at the system.

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 39

body; 50

phantom; 19"

These days, he hit himself with spiral pills intermittently, and his endurance value reached the forty mark.

For this, Naruto is not worried at all. Learn about the spiral shuriken. The ordinary spiral shuriken is not enough. Then add the Nine-Tails Chakra. I believe it can be opened up to fifty points.

What worries Naruto is the magic value.

Red often goes out on missions, or is dating Asma, the Kurama Yakumo who has the terrifying illusion ability, and is under house arrest outside Konoha Village, the exact location is unknown.

Kakashi's chakra is notoriously low, and it's hard enough to maintain daily life. If he uses a few illusions, he will definitely be hospitalized.

Looking around for people who understand illusion, are good at illusion, and can stably make their magic value break through, they find that there is no suitable one.

"If it really doesn't work, I can only work hard on Kakashi." Naruto secretly said; "At worst, I will visit him in the hospital every day and give him a magazine."

Tonight is not suitable, Naruto set the alarm clock, ready to break through the [-]th mark of ninja value tomorrow.

"Good night." Naruto closed his eyes, and after a while, he greeted.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon it was midnight.

Four shadows flashed under the night and gathered on the roof.

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