"I'm Uzumaki Naruto!" With both hands in front of his mouth, he said loudly, "I want to go to the bathroom!"

There was a sudden silence in the toilet, followed by wild jumps, not only the people in the men's room ran out, but even the women's room as well.

The villagers both hate and fear Naruto.

Hate him as a demon fox, taking away his family and relatives.

He was afraid that one day he would turn into a demon fox again, and he would be killed along with himself and the only remaining family members.

Ignoring the fearful and resentful eyes of these people, Naruto walked into the toilet, made sure that no one was left behind, and separated into two shadows, one staring at the door and the other at the window.

Immediately, he opened the eight doors of Dunjia in one breath, open, rest, life, injury, Du, Jing, these six doors, aroused the strength in the body at once.

This explosive power, although short-lived, is very powerful.

The air wave centered on Naruto and spread in all directions, and the water on the ground was displaced.

The two shadow clones standing not far away had to cover their eyes with their hands, and chakra spread all over the soles of their feet, absorbing the ground.

The doors of several toilet single rooms were rattling.

Naruto raised his right hand, clenched his five fingers into a fist, aimed at his stomach, followed by his left hand, bowed left and right, and smashed himself madly.

After hammering for about a dozen times, he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Naruto quickly controlled the Nine-Tails Chakra to catch all of them, and drank the rest except for a little to be used as a medium for psychic techniques.

Usually, he also pays attention to replenishing blood, nourishing qi, and nourishing qi and blood. This person's body has limited blood, and it cannot be wasted like chakra.

After getting the blood, Naruto immediately closed the Six Doors, and suddenly, a strong sense of weakness emerged.

My waist and knees are sore and weak, my limbs are weak, and my spirit is also very wilted. I really want to sit down and rest for a while.

But he was afraid that the blood would be wiped out, and he would have to do it again, so Naruto suppressed the idea of ​​resting, released the shadow clone, and ran out of the toilet to Ziraiya's place.

"Huh? So fast?" Ji Lai was also surprised, he thought he couldn't wait for Naruto in less than two hours, but he didn't expect

"Well, it went smoothly this time." Naruto laughed dryly, using the little blood in his hand to make seals, activate psychic techniques, and summon a toad as tall as two people.

It seemed that the toad was eating, and he didn't expect to be summoned out, with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, it's Toad Light, long time no see." Ji Laiya pondered for a while, then remembered this, and greeted with a smile.

There are many toads in Mt. Miaomu, and not all of them know each other. At least Naruto can't tell them apart. Thanks to Jiraiya, he used to go to Mt. Miaomu to practice.

Naruto stood aside without saying a word, watching Jiraiya chatting with the toad, everyone knew each other, and the psychic spell was lifted.

"It seems that you have mastered spiritism. Practice more and communicate with toads more often. They are not only in battle, but also in daily life and tasks. They are also very good partners." Zilai also said: "These You need to experience it yourself, so I won’t say more.”

"I know, I will work hard." Naruto said.

Satisfied with Naruto's attitude, Jiraiya looked at him, pondered for a moment, and said, "You know that there is a big fox in your body, so do you know what it is?"

Where did he know where to go, and no one told him, Naruto could only shake his head.

"Nine Tails, that's what people call it."

Jilai also sat cross-legged on the ground, and also called Naruto to sit down. He conducted a popular science on the issue of tailed beasts.

He also told Naruto that this power is a huge treasure that needs to be excavated, familiarized with, and controlled.

"Is that so?" Naruto pretended to be enlightened, and looked down at his lower abdomen; "I don't understand things that are too complicated, but I am good friends with the big fox, and this will not change. Is there any way? Let it out? It’s very uncomfortable to keep it locked in the iron gate.”

Jiraiya was also taken aback, and hurriedly said, "You must never have such an idea, you know? Once the tailed beast leaves Jinchuriki, that Jinchuriki will die, and even Tsunade can't save him."

Sealing the space, Naruto's consciousness asked, "Nine Lamas, is that so?"

"En." Kyuubi didn't raise his eyes, he was still lying on his stomach, he didn't see it speak, and the voice came out naturally; "The tailed beast and the jinchuriki are one, if the jinchuriki is killed, the tailed beast will die too, If the beast leaves Jinchuriki, or is pulled out of Jinchuriki's body, the tailed beast is fine, and Jinchuriki will die."

"Is there no way to get you out?" Naruto said.

"Why do you want me to go out? If I am here, you can have my power." Jiuwei said: "Without me, you will lose this power."

"I will gain power through my own efforts. If the prerequisite for gaining power is to sacrifice the freedom of a good friend, then I don't want it." Naruto said.

There is no falsehood in this statement, Naruto regards Kyuubi as a good friend and partner from the bottom of his heart.

The Tailed Beast, who has lived for an unknown number of years, has long been used to the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and is especially sensitive to emotions. People can see through it at a glance whether you are sincere or false.

Naruto wanted the support and strength of Nine-Tails, but if the starting point was this, then he would get nothing, and he would lose everything.

From the very beginning, he wanted to be friends with Kyuubi, and with Kyuubi's approval, power is just an add-on.

Kyuubi opened one eye and looked at Naruto who was also inside the iron gate.

Naruto looked at it calmly.

At this moment, he really had the idea of ​​letting Kyuubi go out, putting aside power and so on, just as a friend.

"I've lived here for a long time, I'm used to one place, and I'll be very uncomfortable if I change it suddenly." Jiuwei said, slowly changing from lying on his stomach to sitting, looking down at Naruto.

Suddenly, he raised his right hand, stretched it out in front of Naruto, clenched it into a fist, and kept this posture unchanged.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jilai didn't know what happened in the sealed space. He repeatedly told Naruto, and told him thousands of times.

"I see." Naruto said; "It won't be released."

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