All the spiritual power concentrated in a straight line and hit Naruto.

Ino fell to the ground by himself.

Naruto's consciousness was in a trance for a while, and after about five seconds, he returned to normal.

Feeling something, he looked at the system value, the magic value that had just been raised to twenty-six by Kakashi's illusion, now became twenty-seven.

"This..." Naruto was silent, watching the spirit leave the body and throw Ino motionless on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the secret biography of the mountain family was judged as illusion. Could it be that all the arts related to spirit belong to the category of illusion?

Then why didn't there be any changes when he was controlled by Ino before?

What conditions are missing?Opportunity?

Instead of touching Ino, Naruto made a shadow clone to find Sakura.

Ten minutes later, Sakura followed the shadow clone and arrived.

"Sakura, please persuade her that we are not suitable, so stop wasting time and energy on me." Naruto said.

With Sakura here, he didn't have to worry about anything happening to Ino, so he could leave with peace of mind.

Seeing Naruto's leaving back, Sakura remained silent.

"He's gone?" Ino asked.

Xiao Sakura nodded in favor, Ino opened his eyes, stood up from Xiao Sakura's arms, and patted off some dust on his body.

"Is it because I'm not attractive enough to attract you?" Ino said, "Or is Hinata better than me? That country bumpkin only has Hinata in his eyes, and he doesn't even look at me too much!"

"Ino, you are too serious." Sakura reminded.

Ino was stunned, and then realized that he really thought too much, Naruto didn't like her, and she still didn't like Naruto.

"Huh, you're right." Ino took a deep breath and rubbed the space between his brows; "I almost forgot, but I'm just angry. Is there anything I'm not as good as Hinata? I'm not as good-looking as her? Is my family background not as prominent as her? Or is it my figure? Not as good as her? Well, now that we are still young, we can’t see our figure, but when I grow up, I will definitely be better and more beautiful than her.”

Sakura didn't know how to respond, so she could only smile and nod in agreement.

Naruto ran home, got into the bathroom at the first time, took a cold shower, and washed away the smell of garbage piles on his body.

Hinata knew that Naruto was busy tonight and would be back late, so she just prepared the ingredients and was not in a hurry to cook the starter

With nothing to do, she cleaned the house and sat on the tatami mat, trying to understand Fei Leishen.

Naruto came back suddenly and went directly to the bathroom to take a shower, which surprised her, and she didn't know what happened.

It wasn't until Naruto asked her to take the pajamas that she realized that she found the pajamas from the closet and gave them to Naruto with her eyes closed.

Although he has already seen everything about Naruto through his white eyes, but the black and white is not very clear, and it doesn't count if he is unclear.

"What's the matter, Naruto?" Hinata said, this has never happened before, something must have happened.

"Oh, it's what I told you last time. I was stopped by her on the way back just now, and she said she wanted to talk to me."

What happened last time?Sakura?Hinata's heart moved, she secretly looked at Naruto, waiting for his next words.

"What's there to talk about, I ignored her and ran home directly, but the process was unlucky and fell into the garbage dump." Naruto poured a glass of warm water, gulped it down, sat on the tatami and sighed.

"Will Sakura give up?" Hinata whispered.

"I've already told Sakura, I hope she will listen to me." Naruto said, "I just don't know if it will work."

Hinata doesn't care whether Sakura will give up, what she cares about is Naruto's thoughts, as long as Naruto's egg has no seams, then no matter how many flies come, it will be useless.

Satisfied and fond of Naruto's performance, Hinata performed exceptionally tonight, and the cooking level has improved to a higher level, Naruto almost died of eating.

When talking about the issue of Fei Lei Shen, Hinata blushed a little, and said embarrassedly: "I have a little idea, I am too stupid, there are many things I don't understand, and it is not easy to ask other people, I can only check it myself Information, I hope to be able to understand by analogy.”

"You're not stupid, I'm the stupidest one." Naruto covered his face and cried with a smile; "You still have some clues, but the more I look at it, the more confused I become. I'm embarrassing my father."

"Actually, I don't understand very well." Hinata changed her tune again: "That, that..."

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost half past nine in the evening. Naruto sent Hinata back to Hyuga's house, and then came back to sleep, getting ready for the next day's training and practice.

Only by raising your spirit can you exercise desperately and crazily.

After the incident of the Otonin four stealing Jinchuriki a week ago, Konoha's current guard is very strict.

Although I don't know if Orochimaru will make other moves, I think he (she) won't seduce Sasuke anymore.

Of course, not only Sasuke, but even Naruto's own safety will be greatly guaranteed, which is very important.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Naruto washed his face, and his sleepiness disappeared. During the subsequent process of brushing his teeth, he thought about what happened yesterday.

The Yamanaka family's secret secret can help him increase the magic value. Based on this, can it be considered that all spiritual techniques can work?

In addition to the normal genjutsu, Naruto knew a technique that involved the spirit, or soul.


This is a mystery that has reached the level of s, and it is very powerful.

It can separate the spirit from the body, go out independently, can kill the enemy invisible, ignore the limitation of distance, and directly destroy the spirit of the target.

Because it is a spiritual body, it is invisible to the naked eye, so this is a bit like a low-profile version of the round tomb · border prison,

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