Years of hard work, but no bloodline.

"Is blood first?" Naruto thought to himself, subconsciously touched his lower abdomen, and speaking of it, he inherited the best blood in the world.

"Sorry, I misunderstood." Naruto apologized, and took out a collection of photobooks originally prepared for Kakashi from the ninja bag: "This is a thank you for your help, please accept it."

"No, Kakashi-senpai asked us to help, it's just a little effort, it's not necessary." Anbu refused: "Then, we still have something to do, see you later."

Anbu Er nodded.

I didn't see how the two of them moved, they disappeared out of thin air, the instant body technique is so fast.

Naruto returned to the ward next door, where Kakashi was.

Acting like a baby here, the dancing shadow clones have long since disappeared.

Naruto kept the time within ten minutes. If it is too long, it will cause aesthetic fatigue like him, and you will not be interested in seeing any beautiful women. It is better to be appropriate and grasp this speed.

"How's the harvest?" Kakashi asked.

"En." Naruto glanced at the system values ​​that only he could see, with a smile on his face; "It was a great help, Mr. Kakashi, thank you."

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 42%

body; 50%

phantom; 33%"

Thanks to the blessings of the two Anbu just now, the magic value has risen three blocks in a row.

This value is more difficult to increase as you go to the back. Naturally, the speed will slow down.

Knowing that hot tofu cannot be eaten in a hurry, Naruto maintains a normal mind, as long as he can improve steadily, a little today, a little tomorrow, slowly, step by step, and don't stand still.

"It's good if I can help you." Kakashi said; "Are you coming tomorrow?"

"Of course." Naruto said: "This is very important to me. As long as there is room for improvement, I will stick to it."

"Oh, then I'll find a few more juniors." Kakashi said: "You try to come as early as possible, Anbu is busy with things, especially the need to be on guard. It's too late at night for patrolling, so it's hard to find time."

"Is it like this?" Naruto was stunned; "Then I'll change it to come in the morning."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The tight half month slipped away quietly.

In this short period of time, it can be said that many things have happened.

The first is a system change.

The magic value, due to frequent visits to Kakashi and the help of many Anbu, was able to upgrade to [-]%, and broke through the [-]th mark.

I have been looking for opportunities to secretly bombard myself with spiral pills, so that the accumulation of ninja points has reached [-]%, and I am stuck in front of the [-]-point mark, and I can break through at any time.

Chakra perception technique, the range expanded to a radius of more than [-] meters.

Naruto only needs to press two fingers on the ground, and he can clearly perceive all life and chakra within the range of five hundred meters.

Weak beings such as ants, cockroaches, bugs, powerful beings, accompanied by chakra, everything is clearly visible.

Of course, this is not allowed. As far as Naruto perceives Kakashi, the amount of chakra has dragged down all the top ninjas and lowered the lower limit, but compared to the real combat power, Kakashi is a top ninja Among them, the top few.

So this chakra perception technique is for reference only, not to be believed.

Weird power, successfully cultivated, but not as easy and freehand as Tsunade, currently it can only be released by fists.

There are at least [-] shadows to practice every day. If not, Naruto will really doubt whether he is a ninja.

The success of these two techniques more or less eased the depression of not being able to learn the technique of spiritualization.

Strange to say, every time Naruto is about to separate his spirit, he always feels a strong suction.

That suction firmly held his spirit, preventing him from leaving his body voluntarily.

Ask Sasuke, Sasuke is in the same situation, and ask Sakura, Sakura doesn't feel this way.

Reminiscent of what he and Sasuke have in common, Naruto suspects that it may be the Chakras of Asura and Indra. The Chakras of these two people are too powerful and extremely stable.

As we all know, Chakra is the power generated by the perfect fusion of spiritual energy and physical energy.

The art of spiritualization is to strip off the spiritual energy and separate it from the physical energy.

If Naruto and Sasuke are stronger than Asura and Indra, then it's okay to say, they have the final say on whether to divide or combine.

However, at least for now, they are not of the same order of magnitude.

The so-called success is also an Asura, and failure is also an Asura.

After guessing this, Naruto quickly told Sasuke to stop practicing spiritualization, and it would be a waste of time to continue, just learn the three of strange power, mutual multiplication detonation charm, and chakra perception.


Leaf door.

"Naruto, then I'm leaving." Hinata said: "You can't eat cold food, you must reheat it, especially the expired food."

"I know, don't worry, before I met you, I came here alone, and I know how to take care of myself." Naruto said with a smile: "You too, be careful all the way, pay attention to safety."

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