"Well, I came here directly, I haven't had breakfast yet, what do you have?" Sakura said, "Give me some."

"Is the bread okay?"

"I'd rather eat noodles."

"Okay, wait a minute." Naruto said; "Choji, what about you?"

Ding Ci patted the many snacks around him, saying that these are enough.

Naruto got up and went into the kitchen.

Sakura thought about it, suppressed the idea of ​​following up, and waited obediently.

Looking around the house, finally, this gaze landed on the notebook that Naruto had used before, and based on what he could see on this side, Sakura was thoughtful.

"Flying Thunder God?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Boil water to prepare noodles, while processing ingredients, such as barbecued pork, marinated eggs, dried bamboo shoots, lettuce, etc., while distractedly looking at the system interface.

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 49

body; 50

phantom; 45"

Not long after the magic value broke through the forty mark, it reached forty-five. The spiritual attack of the spirit transformation technique really lived up to its reputation.

Looking at it this way, if you do it a few more times, breaking through the fifty-point mark of the magic value is close at hand.

"I don't know what will happen if they break through the [-]-point mark? Directly acquire new skills? Upgrade existing skills? Raise the upper limit?" Thinking inwardly.

There was a soft sound, and Naruto came back to his senses, and looked intently, it turned out that the knife for cutting vegetables had accidentally cut onto his left hand.

Picking up the kitchen knife and looking at it, he found that the edge of the knife was not curled, so he nodded reassuringly and continued to process the side dishes.

It takes about half an hour, and the big pot that can be used as a helmet, a big pot, and a super large portion of miso char siew noodles that you can never eat outside are served on the table.

The noodles only account for one-fifth, the remaining three are meat, eggs, vegetables, and the last one is broth.

"Cough, if you don't pay attention, you will make too much." Naruto said awkwardly: "If you can't finish eating, put it in this bowl, and I will eat it at night."

"Thank you." The corner of Sakura's mouth twitched slightly, but she said with a smile, "It happens that I'm very hungry, so I started."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Sakura put her head down and started eating, the sound of sucking noodles was very clear, and the people who listened couldn't help but whet their appetites.

Naruto sat not far away, picked up the notes he had jotted down, and flipped through them.

Seeing this, I found that something was wrong.

How come there are so many annotations, and it doesn't seem to be written casually. Many things that I didn't understand at first, coupled with these annotations, suddenly became clear.

"Sakura, what is this?" Naruto looked at Sakura unexpectedly.

"Well, I have recently taken the time to study more, and I have gained a lot of experience. When I saw something that you didn't understand in your notes, I answered it casually. How about it? Can you understand it?" Sakura said.

Where has she studied it? These days, she has devoted all her attention to the spiritualization technique, and this Flying Thunder God was achieved half a month ago.

"Some can be understood, and some are still in the fog." Naruto said; "For example, here, from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, from flat to two points and one line, how is this done? Also, how can I sense it? coordinate?"

It’s fine if you don’t understand, if you understand, how can I teach you, Sakura thought to herself, but she didn’t show it on her face.

"These problems seem complicated, but they are even more complicated. Even for me, I have read a lot of books and learned by analogy. It is not as simple as you think." Xiao Ying was vague while eating noodles. Qingdao: "I can't explain to you for a while, and I have to spare time to exercise, practice, and find a suitable time, and I will give you counseling."

Naruto sized Sakura up and said hesitantly, "So, you've even mastered Flying Thunder God?"

Sakura thought for a while, then nodded imperceptibly.

Naruto was dumbfounded, and even more shocked.

He suspects that Sakura is the protagonist.

This civilian ninja without any bloodlines, why can he counterattack and surpass him and Sasuke again and again?

Just because you're smart?

Uh, well, knowledge changes destiny, being smart enough can indeed make the impossible possible, but

"Does Sasuke know?" Naruto asked, seeing Sakura shaking his head, he continued: "Then keep it a secret for now, if he doesn't show it, in fact, he has super self-esteem, so you should keep it at the same level as him, about the same level." , In this way, it will not only make him look at you with admiration, but also won't make the distance too far away."

"I don't need you to tell me about this." Sakura nodded.

Afterwards, after Sakura finished her breakfast, she rested for a while to digest, and Naruto asked her to use the Flying Thunder God to see it. She had never seen the Flying Thunder God before, and perhaps witnessed it with her own eyes, and she could gain something.

Sakura looked left and right, and chose the wall next to the window to depict the Flying Thunder God mark.

Everyone's marks are different, which requires the practitioner to comprehend and obtain it.

Sakura's mark is a petal of a cherry blossom, and there is a mantra composed of complex tadpoles, which is placed on this petal, which looks like Cupid's arrow, piercing through the heart.

It took Kosakura nearly four minutes just to paint this mark, constantly modifying and modifying, and the moment of contact with the second generation Togama and the fourth generation Minato, the mark can be marked, there is a world of difference.

Seeing this, Naruto knew that Sakura had only mastered it initially, and it was still a long way from being able to apply it in actual combat.

After drawing the mark, Sakura made a seal, closed her eyes to sense, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the mark, she turned out of the window, closed the window, and ran out for a long distance.

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