After Naruto finished chopping the last vegetables, Sakura started to act.

First use oil to saute the onion, ginger, and garlic until fragrant, then pour in the sauce made by Hinata, which she doesn't like but Naruto likes.

After a while, throw the meat strips in, stir-fry a few times, then add the potatoes cut into small pieces, with a spatula in one hand and a pan in the other, and stir-fry skillfully.

"When did Sakura learn to cook, I don't know." Ino said quietly; "I'm really envious, in the future, there will be a man who can eat delicious food cooked by Sakura every day. Now I want to treat that man who hasn't grown up be beaten to death."

"If you kill him, you'll kill him, let's see what I do." Naruto said angrily.

"Sakura is getting more and more beautiful and feminine. If I were a boy, I would live for Sakura, absolutely." Ino looked forward and said with emotion.

"Oh, that's a pity, you're a girl." Naruto said unceremoniously.

Now he especially wanted Ino to hate him, as long as he hated him, the problem would be solved.

But it's like you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

Likewise, you can never make someone who pretends to like you hate you.

No matter what Naruto does or says, Ino will never hate him, the starting point is for Sakura.

Seeing Naruto's intentions, Ino chuckled, looked at Sakura's position again, rolled her eyes, and suddenly opened her arms wide and rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto, who had always paid attention to her and guarded against her, would let her get away with it, so he dodged and dodged.

This kitchen is not big, two people standing side by side is very loose, three people will look crowded, and Ino deliberately narrowed the encirclement, if Naruto wants not to be hugged, he can only retreat according to the angle controlled by Ino.

There, he was concentrating on cooking and listening to the conversation between the two at the same time, looking at Sakura here from the corner of his eye.

Sakura is also worthy of being Ino's best friend, she has a similar heart, and soon understood Ino's intentions, and she is going to go further.

Just use this pot of cooking to overturn, buckle on her body, stain her clothes, and even get slightly burned, so that she can stay at Naruto's house and accept Naruto's care.

Here, there are too many opportunities for close contact.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Xiao Ying secretly thought, holding the hand of the frying pan, ready to go.

Just when Naruto was about to back up and bump into Sakura.

Just when Sakura was about to take this pot of food on herself.

Just when everything in the plan was about to come to fruition, Ino, who wanted to laugh but suppressed it, was looking forward to it with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Suddenly, Naruto was filled with golden light and disappeared in a flash.

In terms of speed, it was comparable to or even surpassed the complete Nine-Tails mode of the fourth generation of Raikage. In an instant, it jumped out of the encirclement, and even left the kitchen and appeared in the living room.

The speed was too fast, neither Ino nor Sakura expected it.

Ino rushed forward and hugged Sakura.

Sakura's hands were confiscated, and she was about to take the pan off, but Satoko, who reacted faster, controlled Sakura's left hand holding the pan, put the pan down, and let go.

In this way, the end of the two being scalded was avoided.

"Are you all right?" Naruto, who lifted Nine-Tails mode and poked his head in from the kitchen door, looked at the two women who fell to the ground.

Acting as a backing, and being suppressed by Ino, Sakura, who was a little bit pained, heard Naruto's voice and thought about the current situation, she quickly said: "Ino, next time you make trouble like this, I won't let you come, you They all promised not to do too much.”

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ino cooperated and said, "The person I've liked for so long is in front of me, but I can't control it for a while, and I want to hug him, is it understandable?"

Naruto raised his eyebrows, he wanted to say not to bring Ino next time, but Sakura said such a thing before him, this

Ino hurriedly stood up, and picked up Sakura again.

Sakura tidied up her appearance to make sure she didn't lose her composure. In front of Naruto, she glared at Ino pretending to be angry, and continued cooking.

Ino clasped his hands together, kept apologizing, and promised not to do it next time.

Naruto looked at Ino, and then at Sakura, thinking that when he went out to the living room, Ino would definitely follow him, and the situation of being alone with Ino like that was not worth beating to death.

"You, you don't know how to cook, and you can't help. Go out and wait outside. It's fine for Sakura and I to be in the kitchen." Naruto said.

"No, I promise to be obedient, let me stay too." Ino said pitifully.

Naruto's attitude remained unchanged, and Sakura also said, "Naruto is right, Ino, go out and wait."

"That's fine." Ino pretended not to be reconciled, stomped his feet, and left the kitchen.

Naruto then went into the kitchen, closed the door behind his back, and locked it, heaving a sigh of relief.

Staying with the ill-intentioned Ino, he is under a lot of pressure, and Sakura is the safest.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


It's not a spacious space, because the door is closed, the heat can't escape at once, and it becomes very hot.

Naruto was standing by the small window, preparing a drink, that is, freshly squeezed juice, while Sakura was frying it in front of the hot pot, sweating profusely from the heat.

"Naruto, stand still." Sakura said, keeping her left and right hands on the spatula and pan, she turned her head and rubbed on Naruto's back, using this method to wipe away the sweat that was about to flow into her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Naruto asked in surprise.

"Wipe your sweat, didn't you see that I'm hot?" Sakura said, "Why do you want me to close the door? It's so hot that Ino won't eat you. I just want to express my love for being chased by such a good-looking girl." ,you are not happy?"

"Should I be happy?" Naruto said: "Sakura, you are not helping Ino, you are cheating her, if you really want Ino, then help persuade her not to focus on me. "

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