Habits come naturally, and all she thinks about now is Naruto.

It took such a lot of effort to achieve such a remarkable effect. If she went to see Sasuke and was beaten back to her original shape, wouldn't she have to start all over again?


The three of them ate together like yesterday, and at dusk, Li Ying, who had regained her spirit, went out of her body again, and under Naruto's eagerly waiting, countless fists crazily smashed down.

"Sakura! Don't hold back, I can hold on, use your strength, use your strength! This is very important to me, please, use your strength!" Naruto said anxiously.

Seeing that the magic value is stuck at the [-]-point mark, and it is almost possible to break through, it is this that makes people crazy and scratches their hearts.

It is useless to rely on accumulation for the hurdle of the integer mark. It must be a short-term, continuous attack, and it must be several times the previous attack.

"It's already the maximum strength." Sakura didn't lie this time, she did ask Li Ying to use the maximum strength, but it seemed that it was not enough.

"This..." Naruto changed his face, subconsciously looking at Ino.

At noon, Ino said that she had mastered spiritual transformation. If Ino was allowed to do it, then

No, Naruto snuffed out the idea.

Since you don't plan to have anything to do with Ino, then don't get involved with her, let alone accept her favors and owe favors, otherwise you will continue to cut and mess up, which is extremely troublesome.

"Are you sure you're not trying to be brave?" Sakura said.

"No, I'm [-]% sure. I really need a mental blow, a stronger blow than before." Naruto said.

"If you let me know that you are lying to me and trying to be brave, I will never forgive you, forever." Sakura said.

After all, her spirit left her body, and she came to Naruto in an instant, and together with Sasaura, they punched Naruto's spirit with all their strength.

The body lost its spirit, fell down, and was hugged by Ino beside him.

In fact, compared to this, there is a more lethal attack method for external attacks, which is to directly enter the target's spirit and let it collapse from the inside.

This is a move to kill the enemy, of course Sakura would not use it on Naruto, even if Naruto said it was a move, don't let Sakura do it.

Sakura, Sakura, and the two joined forces to attack, causing damage beyond imagination. Naruto even felt that his spirit was about to be broken, but luckily he didn't.

The magic value of forty-nine directly cuts the damage to the spirit by [-]%, which is close to half, and also enhances the basic defense of the spirit by [-]%.

It is very rare for Sakura to be able to hurt Naruto. If she wants to kill Naruto, uh, she does not have the idea of ​​killing Naruto, enters Naruto's spirit, and uses the ultimate move in the true sense of spiritualization. It is difficult to do.

Ding, the magic number has broken through the fifty-point mark.

Naruto was refreshed, and instantly felt that the mental damage that could have caused him unbearable pain a moment ago had been reduced by a lot, and the percentage damage was not small.

"Okay." Naruto said.

Sakura, Sakura, immediately stopped and returned to the body together.

"Are you okay?" Sakura asked as soon as she opened her eyes.

"It's okay, not only okay, I'm very good now, very good." Naruto laughed.

Sakura worriedly stepped forward, and put her hand on Naruto's forehead. Chakra probed in to check Naruto's body. Using her self-acquired medical knowledge, she confirmed that Naruto was really fine.

Li Ying drilled half of her body and reached out to penetrate into Naruto's spirit. She couldn't go too deep, just tasted it.

It turned out that Naruto was healthy both mentally and physically.

"How could it be!" Sakura felt puzzled and unbelievable.

It's not that she longs for Naruto to be injured or has problems, but she simply feels shocked and incomprehensible.

Why is he safe and sound even though his spirit has been hit by such a heavy external force?

It's not scientific, it's not normal.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After agreeing to come back tomorrow, Sakura and Ino went home.

Naruto, who watched them go, closed the door and locked it, and then closed the window and drew the curtain, creating a dark atmosphere that he liked very much.

Looking at the system interface, it has now become

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 5000

body; 5000

phantom; 5000"

It feels a lot more complicated, Naruto has a big head, and looks at the skills again.

Primary provocation, primary shield, primary blood recovery, primary anti-injury, primary rampage, these five existing skills remain unchanged, no new additions, no upgrades.

"It's just breaking the bottleneck, breaking the upper limit?" Naruto thought to himself: "Is there no other change? What about the manual? Where can I read the manual?"

The system did not respond to Naruto's expectations, it was more like a program, it would only maintain its operation according to the rules, it had no intelligence, it would not pit Naruto, nor would it help Naruto.

Naruto scratched his cheek and observed carefully, after a while, he really saw the difference.

It has nothing to do with the value. The difference lies in the skills. After each skill, there is an extra plus sign.

Does this mean it can be upgraded?

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