Naruto was thoughtful.

Whether it is or not, you have to try it to know.

Naruto took a deep breath, put on his horse stance, entered the Nine-Tails mode with his left and right hands at the same time, and then blasted the six gates, using this increased power to crazily hammer himself.

After only a few punches, he was already injured, and the injury triggered the primary runaway, making his strength stronger.

Holding his breath, he hammered forty-two punches consecutively.

After seeing the multiplication sign after [-]% of the body value with his own eyes, the zero behind the multiplication sign changed to one, Naruto couldn't hold it anymore, he vomited a big mouthful of blood, and fell limply on the ground , can't start again.

The damage from exploding the six gates and the damage from hammering yourself, the two superimposed, resulting in more injuries, and it was Naruto's fault, as for others, ten lives would not be enough to die.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An hour passed.

Under the double healing of primary blood recovery in a stationary state and Nine-Tails Chakra, Naruto got up and cleaned up the blood on the ground, and then looked at the system interface.

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 5000

body; 5010

phantom; 5000"

The body value, fifty percent, after the multiplication sign, changed from zero to one.

What's the meaning?Does this mean multiplying the volume value by one?double?Equivalent to two fifty percent?

There are many doubts in my heart that cannot be answered, and there is nothing that cannot be solved with one punch. If there is, then another punch.

Naruto blasted the six doors again, only his right hand entered the Nine-Tails mode, using the same force, and aimed at exactly the same position, he punched down.

Amidst the muffled sound, Naruto's eyes shone brightly, and then he punched five more times to make sure that there was nothing wrong and that he was not hallucinating.

"This is, the body value is multiplied by one, doubled." Naruto secretly said: "The defense effect of the system value increase has two aspects, one is the percentage of injury-free, and the other is the percentage increases my own defense power, this is doubled My defense is the latter, it does not involve injury avoidance, it simply increases my defense."

It seems that [-]% of the injury-free is already capped, the upper limit, or the temporary upper limit, and it may not be impossible to improve in the future.

Now, the injury-free link has passed, and it has entered the stage of increasing its own defense.

Fifty percent defense, doubled to become [-]%, although it is not as heaven-defying as direct damage avoidance, but it is also very powerful.

I don't know where the limit is, if it can be improved without limit and superimposed, then

After the initial excitement, Naruto quickly calmed down, adjusted his mentality, and began to try one by one.

The right hand changed from a fist to a claw, and used the sharp nails to grab at his belly, controlling the strength and increasing it step by step until it was just enough to hurt himself.

The pain was like being pricked by a needle.

At the same time, Naruto, who did not take his eyes off the system interface, clearly saw the body value, the multiplication and one behind [-]%, and the percentage data in the brackets after that flickered slightly.

Naruto was in this category, he kept grabbing himself, and the percentage data flickered more and more frequently.

After persisting for nearly half an hour, suddenly, the percentage data changed from zero percent to one percent.

"I see, it doesn't have to be particularly high damage, as long as it can make me feel pain, it will all be counted." Naruto secretly said: "That is to say, it can be accumulated."

Breaking through the fifty mark is already so difficult, Naruto dare not imagine the sixty mark, the seventy mark, or even the one hundred mark.

He wondered if there was anything in the world that could hurt him by that time, maybe he had to find a way to get into the sun and use the sun's mighty power to break through the limit.

It's okay to dare to avoid injuries, only [-]% of the damage is avoided, and the improvement in the future is self-defense, and there is no bottleneck, and it can be improved through accumulation, which is much less stressful.

"En?" Naruto suddenly noticed something and looked intently.

I saw that the plus sign that disappeared before appeared again behind the skill, but there was no anti-injury, only provocation, shield, blood recovery, and rampage. These four skills have.

"Every time you upgrade a level, you get a skill point, and through the skill point, you can increase the skill level, is that right?" Naruto thought.

He was not in a hurry to use it, he wanted to save up and fill up the anti-injury points first. After all, anti-injury is an ability that cannot be eliminated at any time, but he doesn't know how many skill points are needed to upgrade the intermediate-level anti-injury.

Concentrating on these things, forgetting the time, Naruto didn't realize until his stomach growled that he hadn't eaten dinner yet.

Glancing at the watch, it was almost eleven o'clock.

I took out the sauced meat from the refrigerator, served it with ham, cooked a bowl of noodles casually, dealt with it, brushed my teeth and washed my face, and yawned.

Before going to sleep, separate more than a thousand shadow clones to practice strange power, chakra perception, including the part of the flying thunder god mark that Sakura taught today.

Doesn't Weili mean that it's over after learning it, just getting started and proficient, like using your arms and fingers, can these be the same?

The remaining ten shadow clones are still to study how to eliminate the fishy smell and taste of the ingredients, and finally leave one shadow clone lying on the bed as a stand-in.

Naruto himself, to be on the safe side, he didn't sleep in the house tonight, but sneaked to the roof, turned into a potted plant, and hid it in the most inconspicuous corner.

In this way, he relaxed his mind and fell asleep not long after.

On the other side, Sakura, who was not in a hurry to fall asleep, was still exercising.

Push-ups, the movements are extremely standard.

Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, green eyes stared at the timer in front of him.

When the time came, her whole body went limp, lying on the mat, not wanting to move, she took the notes that were within reach, and while recovering her strength, she did not forget to hurry up and study.

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