In a blink of an eye, it was already dawn.

When Naruto brushed his teeth and washed his face, he looked at himself in the mirror, and solemnly warned: "Stop thinking about it here, Sakura likes Sasuke, in the future they will still be husband and wife, and they will be in-laws, so don't have delusions."

Slapping his face hard, thinking about Hinata, Naruto smiled and went out to the back mountain.

Today, Sakura, Ino came late, and Ino overslept.

Sakura is tired, both mentally and physically.

Li Ying controlled her body and was exercising all night. When Xiao Ying opened her eyes in the morning, her whole body was so sore that she was so hungry that she was dizzy.

But this is the hard work that must be done to become stronger. In order to not be helpless when Naruto needs it, and have the ability to help, she has to race against time to become stronger.

Therefore, it was already noon when the two girls arrived at Houshan.

"She doesn't need to perform the task?" Naruto whispered.

She refers to Ino. It seems that since they met until now, she has never seen what tasks Ino has to do. In the tenth class, I am afraid that Zhuludie will be useless.

"Yes." Sakura just remembered this, looked at Ino, and asked the reason.

"In order to be able to stay with you for one more day, I have given all the tasks to Shikamaru and Choji." Ino looked at Naruto shyly, but his eyes hinted at Sakura.

Naruto was speechless, Sakura was embarrassed, and they both lowered their heads at the same time.

Naruto looked at Sakura from the corner of his eye, thinking about the dream last night, his mood became a little complicated.

Sakura, who was also peeking at Naruto from the corner of her eye, couldn't help thinking, could that dream last night change Naruto's mind?

Don't expect too much, just a little bit.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After finishing the lunch, Naruto took the initiative to talk about the Yin seal.

"There's a lot of content, and some of them are beyond my knowledge. I still need to look up more information." Sakura said: "If Master has time, you can ask her."

Sakura is smart, eager to learn, and has a high level of knowledge, but it doesn't mean she knows everything.

The level of the Yin seal is S level, and this level includes its learning difficulty and auxiliary functions.

Creation and regeneration, the technique of Baihao, these two forbidden techniques all rely on the yin seal to exist, which also proves the importance of this technique from the side.

It involves Sakura's blind spot of knowledge, she still needs a few hundred ~ ten thousand small! Say, find the answer from the book.

As for finding Master Tsunade, that was the only way she would choose when she couldn't find a way by herself.

"Oh, that's it." Naruto understood, knowing that he had taken it for granted.

Because of the Flying Thunder God and Spiritualization Technique, these two examples made him think that Sakura's talent was omnipotent, and it would not be difficult to understand and learn the Yin Seal in one night.

Thinking about it carefully, Sakura's current achievements must be inseparable from hard work and hard work.

Yin seal is a matter of no shadow, so it can only be practiced first, before that

"This is for you." Naruto took out something from the ninja bag and handed it to Sakura.

"This is?" Sakura was stunned, looking at the pair of gloves she was holding in her hands, it was the first birthday gift she gave Naruto when she was still in the ninja school, and she made up her mind.

"It's too small, my hands can't get in." Naruto said, "You should wear it just right."

"But, this is a gift from me." Sakura refused and pushed it back to Naruto.

"So, I don't need it right now. Instead of leaving it to cover the dust, I might as well give it to you. This will be more effective." Naruto laughed; "You don't have gloves yet, right? Just wear this pair, which can increase your certainty to some extent." destructive power."

Sakura lowered her head, lightly clasped the pattern on the glove with her fingers, and thought about it.

"I don't want it. There is no reason to take back the gift that has already been sent. Is it too small? I will go back and change it to a larger size. If you have any other requirements, tell me and I will try my best to change it to the best .”

"If it's too hot, just open a few more holes. If you want to keep warm, I can thicken the cotton inside. If you think it's dirty, you can pay more attention to the appearance. It will definitely look better."

After Sakura finished speaking, Naruto slowly shook his head; "I don't need it."


After two seconds, Sakura seemed to have just recovered, her breath was suffocated, her heart seemed to be cut by a knife, her beautiful emerald green eyes froze.

Not far away, Ino, who saw something was wrong, ran over quickly, and threw himself on Naruto, hanging on him like a koala.

"Naruto! I can't help it anymore, I miss you so much, let me hug you!"

"Wow!" Naruto, who had never expected Ino to come out like this, was caught off guard, staggered and almost fell down.

Ino wrapped his hands and feet around Naruto, the key point was to cover Naruto's eyes.

At the same time, Sakura's eyes were moist and red, she turned her back, wiped away the tears that were about to burst out with the back of her hand, and took a deep breath.

It's okay, it's just a glove, it doesn't mean anything else, um, it's okay.

After finally adjusting her mood, Sakura turned around again and said with a smile, "Oh, I got sand in my eyes, it's so uncomfortable."

"Ah? What? There's sand in your eyes?" Naruto grabbed Ino's hands covering his eyes, trying to tear them away. The eyes couldn't see, they were so dark and awkward.

"It's just getting sand in, it's not a big deal." Ino smiled and said, "Compared to those, Naruto, don't you have any ideas after such a close contact?"

"Thinking, I'm not interested in you, get off my back quickly." Naruto said.

"It's too much." Ino said sadly; "Anyway, she's a beautiful girl."

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