She was going to ask about this when Master was free.

Suddenly, there was a sound from the window, Sakura looked sideways, saw that it was Ino, so she didn't get up, and continued to concentrate on drawing the blueprint.

"That guy." Ino rubbed the back of his neck, which was still hurting, and said depressedly, "I hit so hard, I thought my neck was going to break."

"En?" Sakura was startled; "Naruto hit you? Didn't he?"

"It's because I cling to him and bite his ear, seeing that I can't get rid of me, that's why."

Knowing how much Sakura likes Naruto, Ino doesn't want her to be stuck between himself and Naruto, in a dilemma, so he simply puts the main responsibility on himself first, and downplays Naruto's problem.

Sakura immediately put down her pen, got up to get the medicine box, and asked Ming Ino where the pain was. She let Ino sleep on her lap, and immediately found a tiny bruise on the left side of the back of her neck.

Using medical ninjutsu and medicine at the same time, these two methods will make the bruise not serious and disappear quickly.

"Thank you." Sakura said.

If it wasn't for Ino's hug, Naruto would have seen the problem no matter how slow she was with her expression on the verge of crying.

Ino helped her through another difficult time.

On the other hand, she has been taking care of Ino, and there is nothing she can do to help Ino and give back to Ino.

Ino smiled and didn't say much on this topic, but took the initiative to ask what happened at that time, and what happened after that?

Sakura didn't hide anything, she revealed everything.

"This misunderstanding is very good." Ino's eyes lit up; "He regards the dream as his subconscious thought, so he won't suspect us, and then, we only need to deepen the relationship in the dream step by step, just like you As planned, under the subtle influence, he will definitely change his concept of you. Maybe in reality, he can restrain himself, but in the dream, as long as he is attracted to you in the dream, it means I've changed my mind somewhat."

"I think so too." Sakura said with a smile: "This dreaming plan is very useful, and it is very suitable for me. I can't confess to him, because I can only get rejected. Instead, he confesses to me, no, to me With a little heartbeat, want me, like me, as long as I like me a little, I can confess my heart."

Ino smiled, but couldn't help laughing.

It seems so humble to be in love with someone alone.

Sakura loves and loves Naruto [-]%, and on the other hand, she only hopes that Naruto will have a little liking for her.

"Although I don't want to hurt your confidence, but" Ino said hesitantly, "What if, I mean what if, in the end, Naruto didn't choose you, but still chose Hinata, what should I do?"

The smile on Sakura's face gradually disappeared, she lowered her head, her fingers trembling unconsciously.

"I don't like to leave a retreat for myself, because if I have a retreat, when I encounter setbacks and difficulties, I will want to retreat." Sakura said: "Naruto didn't choose me, I didn't think about this result, nor did I I will think about it, there is no need for the back road, I just need to keep approaching him, keep this in mind.”

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, and Sakura's tone gave Ino a bad premonition, she was afraid that Sakura would do something stupid if she failed in the competition.

He laughed twice, and deliberately said in a lighter tone; "Actually, people don't only have love and objects in life, but also have many other pursuits, such as money, strength, and status."

Sakura was noncommittal, after curing Ino, she got up and walked out of the bedroom to put the medicine box.

When she came back, she held two puddings in her hand, and threw one to Ino. She tore the other up, ate two bites, and continued to draw design drawings.

She made and assembled the flight suit, including this pair of ninja gloves. After having these experiences, Sakura believes that this time, she can do better.

Ino had nothing to do and couldn't continue the topic just now, so he ate his pudding, his eyes flicked here and there, and finally, for some reason, his eyes fixed on Sakura, who was sitting upright and upright in front of the writing desk.

Thinking of the scene at dusk yesterday, Ino's heart couldn't help but move.

"Sakura, are you free later? I want to go shopping for clothes, will you accompany me?"

"Buying clothes?" Xiao Ying was stunned, thinking of buying materials for making gloves, she nodded; "Okay, wait for me to draw a picture and make sure what I want to buy, then go, soon, give me another forty minutes."

Forty minutes, that's too much to say, taking into account the factors that will get stuck in the middle, in fact, Sakura played at a normal level, and it only took a little over [-] minutes to complete it.

According to what was agreed, Sakura sorted out her image, and then took out the money in the storage tank, but she still felt that it was not enough, so she asked her mother for some extra pocket money, and then went out with Ino.

Sakura purposefully went to the corresponding store to buy the materials needed to make gloves.

Ino was at the side as a staff officer, giving advice.

When she came out of the last store, Sakura was carrying a few bags in her hand, thinking that when the final product came out, Naruto wearing this pair of gloves would be of some help to Naruto, she smiled slightly.

"Ino, I'm done shopping, what clothes do you want to buy, I"

Voice stuck.

Ino, who was one step behind, felt strange, followed Sakura's gaze, and couldn't help being taken aback.

It's Hinata, she's back.

Hinata, who also saw Sakura and Ino, nodded politely, then took her sister Hanabi's hand and walked towards the other side of the street.

Followed by two members of the branch family, this is only on the surface, and there are many people who are secretly protecting.

"Really, I came back in just over a week, it's too soon." Ino muttered.

Sakura pursed her lips, and walked around without saying a word, heading in the opposite direction to Hinata.

On the other side, Hanabi pointed at Ino from a distance, and said in a low voice; "Sister, that woman, after you left, chased after you home to find Brother Naruto."

Hinata looked back at Sakura who had gone away, and nodded to show that she knew.

Her character determines that she will not fight with others, and Naruto is on her side, so she doesn't need to fight, she just needs to defend her position.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The fact that Hinata came back made Sakura feel heavy.

No matter how unwilling you are, you must admit that Hinata and Naruto are closer, and the advantage is much greater than her.

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